

Enterprise Human Capital Property Research

【作者】 黄立

【导师】 刁明碧;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放20多年来,我国经济逐渐融入到世界经济中,尤其是我国加入了世贸组织后,我国的经济运行模式将逐渐与国际接轨,各企业将彻底面向市场,在同等条件下参与国际竞争。这种竞争主要体现为效率的竞争,归根结蒂是管理体制的竞争,人才的竞争。如果我国企业不改变目前效率低下、管理体制落后、对员工缺乏激励而导致人才大量流失、缺乏约束而导致腐败盛行的现象,则企业将在激烈的国际竞争中被淘汰。 在这种情况下,建立合理的企业激励约束机制就成为企业提高效率,管理高效,在激励的竞争中取胜的主要因素之一。我国企业目前存在的主要问题,就是效率问题。解决了企业激励约束机制问题,也就解决了企业的效率问题。研究如何建立一种合理的企业激励约束机制,具有十分重要的战略意义。目前国内外许多企业都在斥资进行研究,并提出了许多的观点。 本文充分运用了人力资源管理、管理学等理论知识,结合企业战略管理、投资学、经济学等学科知识,从传统的激励约束机制理论入手,对各激励约束机制进行了讨论,提出了人力资本的概念,阐明了人力资本与人力资源、物质资本等概念的区别;提出了人力资本产权的概念,最后在此基础上提出了建立一种全新的激励约束机制—企业人力资本产权机制。通过对人力资本产权理论的论述,阐明了企业人力资本产权机制是目前最行之有效的激励约束机制,指出了建立企业人力资本产权机制的意义,如何建立人力资本产权机制以及建立人力资本产权机制应注意的问题,最后对目前几种人力资本产权机制进行了探讨。 文章最后要求企业尽快建立人力资本产权机制,以期解决目前我国改革开放二十多年仍未解决的企业效率低下等老大难问题,并提出要求加大人力资本投入,为将来储备人才,迎接世界科技革命的挑战。

【Abstract】 With China’s reforming and open policy and joining in WTO, the economic systems will join in the international market and face the international competition thoroughly. This kind of competition focuses mainly on efficiency, management system and HR. If Chinese enterprises don’t improve the situation, they will lose this competition.To get the success, one of the most important things is to establish the encouragement and restriction system to improve the efficiency in management. To solve the problem in the system, the problem in efficiency will be resolved. Because of the importance of this system, many enterprises in the world are investing in the research and have got many contentions.With the theories of HR and management, and the acknowledges in enterprise strategy, investment and economics, this paper discussed the encouragement and restriction systems, raised a concept of human capital, and clarified the differences of human capital and HR, physical property. The paper also raised the concept of human capital property, and then advised to establish the new encouragement and restriction system- human capital property system, the most efficient system. The paper then pointed out its importance, how to establish it, and the key things which should be paid attention to. And also the paper discussed several current systems of human capital property system.At last the paper advised enterprises to establish the human capital property system soon, to put the axe in the helves during more than twenty years of reforming and open. The paper also advised to increase the invested capital to reserve capable persons and to meet the challenge of technological revolution in the world.

  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】225

