

The Design and Development of Embedded Navigation and Orientation GIS

【作者】 韩鹏

【导师】 李成忠;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS)是一种为了获取、存储、检索、分析和显示空间定位数据而建立的计算机化的数据库管理系统。是20世纪60年代开始迅速发展起来的地理学研究技术,是多种学科交叉的产物,地理信息系统处理、管理的对象是多种地理空间实体数据及其关系,包括空间定位数据、图形数据、遥感图象数据、属性数据等,用于分析和处理在一定地理区域内分布的各种现象和过程,解决复杂的规划、决策和管理问题。 随着计算机的高速发展,CPU、内存和存储设备不再制约GIS功能的表现,使得GIS无论在理论上还是在实际应用中也随着计算机的发展不断地进步;随着计算机向微小、便携、适用方向的发展和相关嵌入式设备(如PDA)的出现,嵌入式GIS成了当前GIS发展的一个热门和重要研究方向之一。 嵌入式GIS是一个新兴的应用领域,它是GIS与新兴嵌入式硬件相结合的一个产物,是原有GIS领域的分支与延伸、补充与发展。嵌入式GIS与PDA结合实现在移动环境下的地图的实时显示有很好的应用前景。本文首先介绍了GIS、GPS、嵌入式系统的基本知识,接着详细分析了GIS的各项关键技术,如地理数据的存储和组织,空间查询与分析,电子地图的输出等等,并在此基础上对基于PDA的嵌入式导航定位地理信息系统进行了分析设计,最后利用Embedded Visual C++3.0和eSuperMap1.1实现了一个基于GPS/GIS集成的导航定位系统eTrack。

【Abstract】 Geographic Information System (GIS), one research technology in geography that develops rapidly from 1960, is one kind of database management system to acquire, search, analyze and display the spatial location data. GIS is involved with several subjects and what it deals with and manages are geographical-spatial data and the relations between them, such as spatial orientation data, graphics data and attribute data. GIS is used to analyze and deal with multifarious phenomenon and processes in one geographic area and help to resolve complete problems in programming, decision-making and management.Along with the rapid development of the computer, CPU, EMS memory and storage devices don’t restrict the function of GIS anymore, which urges GIS to progress not only in theory but also in actual applications and also along with evolution of computer towards minisize, portability and applicability and the emergence of embedded devices, such as PDA, embedded GIS (eGIS) becomes one of the hot and important research directions in the development of GIS today.Embedded GIS is a new application yield of GIS and is one outcome of the combination of GIS and embedded devices. It is the embranchment, extension, supplement and development of GIS. The combination of embedded GIS and PDA to realize the real-time display of maps in the motive environment has a good application foreground. In this thesis, the author firstly introduces basic knowledge of GIS, GPS and embedded system, then analyzes pivotal technologies in GIS, such as the organization and storage of spatial data, spatial query and analysis and the output of electric maps and then analyzes and designs one embedded navigation and orientation GIS-eTrack used in PDA, and at last, realizes it using Embedded Visual C++3.0 and eSuperMapl.l.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】494

