

The Reconstruction of Lanxin Railway from Liushuquan to Shisanjianfang

【作者】 韦朝

【导师】 易思蓉; 刘朝晖;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 铁道工程, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对“兰新铁路柳树泉至十三间房段改造”项目可行性开展研究。研究工作主要包括: 调查收集既有铁路沿线和影响区域内主要社会经济特征等情况,分析它在路网中的地位和作用等信息,研究其现状和未来发展趋势,选择科学合理的方法对本段铁路近、远期客货运量和流向作出预测。 收集整理既有铁路的技术条件、运营特征,分析影响其长远发展的主要因素。结合运量预测和国家地区发展规划,提出项目建设的必要性并确定合理的建设标准。 针对既有铁路存在的薄弱环节,分别就兰新线通过风口地段的铁路防风、小半径曲线改造提出改建方案。通过方案比选确定推荐方案。 通过对推荐方案的经济评价,为项目决策的提供经济依据。 本次研究表明:本段线路改造后可节省旅客列车较多的走行时间,与现状相比,上、下行可分别节省运行时分34.2min、33.7min,有很好的社会效益。同时可以彻底解决大风灾害对本段铁路运输安全畅通的危害。 本次研究成果已运用到“兰新铁路柳树泉至十三间房段防风提速改造工程”中,该工程已在2003年底竣工。运用实践表明本次研究结论基本准确。

【Abstract】 Taking the actual engineering project of the reconstruction of LanXin railway from Liushuquan to Shisanjianfang as an example, this thesis aim at studying on the basic procedure and approaches along with the problems that should be paid special attention to in the process of reconstructing existing railway for higher speed.For successfully fulfilling this task, firstly a correct forecast of railway passenger and freight traffic volume with its direction in the near or far future need to be made out by scientific and proper methods. In the course of making a suitable prediction, information concerned the existing railroad such as the main social and economic characters along or within the affect area of the railway, the status and function of the line in the national railway network etc. must be collected, and based on these information a research should be carried out to make clear the current situation and figure out the developing tendency. Secondly technical conditions and operating characteristics should be gathered and processed, the principal factors that affect its long-term development also be analyzed. Then combining traffic volume predicting results with the national and regional developing program, reasonable construct standards are put forward. Finally in according to weak points in current railway, come forth reconstruct scheme.On the basis of an actual engineering example in railway reconstruction for increasing the train speeds, this thesis introduced the main forepart designing procedure of reconstructing of an existing railroad. This can be referenced by those engineers who deal with similar project and have a certain practicality to them.

  • 【分类号】U218
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】89

