

Study on the Strategy of Preventing Talented People’ s Turnover Management Among Corporations

【作者】 刘泓江

【导师】 刘朝明;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 雇员流失是现代组织中的一个十分普遍的现象,其在现代组织人力资源管理中的影响越来越重要,已经成为关系到一些组织经营成败的关键因素。企业雇员的流动是社会和企业人力资源配置的重要形式之一,通过雇员的流动,企业可以调整人员构成比例,优化群体结构,保持企业活力。今天的世界经济,由于受到国际化和全球化的影响,市场受到很大的冲击,处于一种更大的波动之中。而这种市场的大波动,必然带来企业雇用的不稳定性。雇员的自愿流动和被迫流动都呈上升趋势。在当今世界里,由于通讯和信息交流的越来越便利,雇员对于自己的工作收入、工作条件、职业生涯机会的认识变得非常容易。雇员向企业外的流动是一种重要的流动形式,对企业发展的影响已经越来越大。由于我们缺乏发展市场经济的经验和管理能力,或者对这一现象的准备不足,越来越高的雇员流失已经在损害着一些企业的正常发展。 本论文以研究企业如何防止雇员流失为主线,针对企业人才流失的现状,找出问题关键所在,提出了从人本主义角度出发防止雇员流失的企业文化策略、薪酬策略和组织策略。通过对帕克公司的案例分析,综合运用这三个策略,真正有利于解决人力资源管理中如何留住人才的难题。成功企业都是在成功留住自己所需要的人才的基础上发展壮大的。能聚人者以一当十,能留人者以一当百。树立正确的人才观念,正确看待和面对雇员流失,找出问题所在采取积极的措施企业就必然取得成功。

【Abstract】 Talented people’ turnover is a very general phenomenon among corporations at modern times, which influence on modern organization’s Human Resources Management(HRM).lt is more and more important and has already become the key factor of organization’s success or failure. The flow of enterprise’s employees is one of the important forms of the society and enterprise HR distribution. Through employees’ flow, enterprises can adjust personnel’s composition and optimize the structure of company and keep enterprise’s vigor. Nowadays, because of the internationalization and globalization, the market is impacted dramatically and indulges in greater fluctuation. While the great fluctuation of the market must bring the unstableness of enterprises’ employ. Both employees’ voluntary flow and forcing to flow are all on the rise. Today, because the communication and information interchange are more and more convenient, employees can know their own job income and the condition of work and career chance easily. Employee’s outflow of enterprises is a kind of important form, the influence of which has been already greater and greater. Because we lack experiences of developing market economy and managerial ability or the preparation for this phenomenon is insufficient, higher and higher employee turnover has already damaged normal development of some enterprises.This thesis studies enterprises how to prevent employee’s turnover. Directly against the current situation of enterprise’s brain drain, the author find out the key point of the question and has put forward the corporation culture tactics, salary tactics and organization tactics which can prevent from employee’s turnover. By analyzing the case of Park Company, the thesis utilizes the above tactics synthetically to retain staff and help to solve the problem of HRM. All of the successful enterprises develop on the basis of succeeding in keeping talents needed. Establishing correct talent idea, treating and facing employee turnover correctly, finding out questions and taking positive measure, the enterprises will achieve success.

  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】263

