

The Preparation and Characterization of Iron Oxide, Iron Nitrogen Oxide Thin Films

【作者】 崔国栋

【导师】 杨川;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 材料学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着科学技术的高速发展,Fe-O、Fe-N薄膜由于其良好的性能,已在各个方面得到了广泛的开发与应用。利用二极溅射的方法在不同衬底上沉积了Fe-O、Fe-N-O薄膜,并对沉积的薄膜在空气的环境下进行了热处理。通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、光电子能谱(XPS)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)等现代实验手段分析了热处理前后薄膜形貌、成分和结构特征的变化。应用UV755B型紫外可见分光光度仪和SZ82型四探针测试仪分析了热处理前后薄膜透射率和电阻率的变化。分析结果表明N元素的存在对Fe-O薄膜的性能和结构有一定的影响。热处理前薄膜的主要成分为FeO和少量的Fe16N2,为纳米晶薄膜,颗粒大小在50nm左右,在生长上存在择优取向。热处理后薄膜的主要成分为Fe2O3、Fe3O4,颗粒大小在100nm左右,择优取向消失。热处理前后薄膜均对紫外线有较大的吸收;热处理后,薄膜在可见光范围内的透射率明显增加;随着热处理温度的升高,薄膜的导电性明显下降。利用试验测得的参数,理论上分析了薄膜的反射率R、吸收率A以及光学常数k和相对磁导率μr。分析结果表明,当薄膜厚度达到一定值时,薄膜的反射率R不再随薄膜厚度的变化而改变,薄膜对不同波长的光均具有较强的吸收。薄膜腐蚀试验的结果表明,薄膜对自然环境具有很高的耐蚀性能,适合在自然环境的条件下长时间使用,热处理后的薄膜还具有一定的抗强酸腐蚀的性能。用称重法测量了薄膜的厚度d,建立了薄膜厚度计算的理论模型,比较并分析了理论值与实测值之间的差别,理论上证明了薄膜的厚度不但与沉积时间和电流有关,还和薄膜的结构和结合状态密切相关。

【Abstract】 Recently, with the progress of science and technology, Fe-O and Fe-N thin films have been developed and applied to many fields because of their excellent properties. The Fe-O and Fe-N-O thin films were two-pole sputtered on different substrates. The thin films were treated with different temperature under air environment. The surface morphology, composition and structure character of the Fe-O and Fe-N-O thin films were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The transmittance (T) and resistance of Fe-N-O films were studied by the UV755B ultraviolet-visible spectrometer and SZ82 four-point probe method. The results show that nitrogen in films has influence the optical property and structure of the Fe-N-O film. Before heat treatment, the main phases of Fe-N-O films were FeO and a little Fe16N2. The orientation of the deposited films was found by the results of TEM. The films were nanocrystalline, having crystal size of 50nm or less. But after heat treatment, the main phases were Fe2O3 and Fe3O4, having crystal size of 100nm or more, the orientation of the deposited films was disappeared. The results have proved the Fe-O and Fe-N-O films can absorb ultraviolet rays. The transmittance and resistance of the films have been increased when the heat treatment temperature increased. The reflectivity (R), absorption (A), the optical constants extinction coefficient (k) and the permeability ( r) were analyzed theoretically. The analytical results show that the R is a constant when the thickness of film is thicker. The films can also absorb all kinds of different wavelength rays. The results of corrosion test showed the films have the highest corrosion resistance against NaCl solution than any other iron materials. So it can be used to for along time under nature environment. But the films can also corrosion resistance against strong sour after heat treatment. The thickness of the films was measuredby the weight gain method. The thickness of the films was analyzed theoretically.We have proved that the thickness of the films depends on sputtering time,current, the films structure and binding.

  • 【分类号】TB383
  • 【下载频次】119

