

Research in Intermediary Business Development of the Heilongjiang Branch of China Construction Bank

【作者】 王晗

【导师】 史本山;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中间业务是现代商业银行主要的利润增长点,因而成为近年来发展最快的金融业务,目前仍然保持着高速增长的能力,但任何一种产品都有其生命周期,因而必须重视利用金融创新并以金融创新为基础来拓展中间业务,才能实现其可持续发展。 中国加入WTO,对中国的整个经济来讲,既是一个机遇又是一种挑战,随着中国金融市场的逐步对外开放,外资银行将逐渐进入,中国国有商业银行将会面临前所未有的冲击。中间业务作为国际银行业发展的潮流,必然会成为外资银行首要的竞争目标。因为中间业务在我国是一块尚未被全面深入开发的领域,对外资银行而言,及早介入风险较小的中间业务领域会有巨大的获利潜力。因此,外资银行会选择中间业务作为进入中国市场的突破口。 本文主要以商业银行中间业务理论为基础,通过对国内外主要商业银行中间业务的发展情况进行比较分析,总结归纳其中间业务拓展的先进方法,充分认识利用金融创新来发展中间业务和加强对中间业务经营管理的重要性和紧迫性。得出充分利用金融创新并以金融创新为依托来拓展中间业务,加强对中间业务的经营与管理是实现商业银行中间业务可持续发展的关键的结论。并通过对中国建设银行黑龙江分行近几年中间业务的经营情况和产品结构的统计与分析,以及与国内外主要商业银行进行对比分析,发现其所存在的优势和不足,结合其实际情况,主要针对中间业务的缺陷,提出黑龙江建行只有提高对金融创新的战略地位的认识,加大金融创新在中间业务领域的应用,扩大对金融创新的投入等一系列以金融创新为基础的中间业务改革对策,这样建行黑龙江分行才能提高中间业务的竞争力,才能充分发掘中间业务的发展潜力,才能保持中间业务的可持续发展。同时,这将会为国内各商业银行中间业务的发展提供一个新的思路。

【Abstract】 As the main profit increasing point, the intermediary business became the fastest growing financial business, and still keeps the fastest speed of growing. However, for each product has its life cycle, the achievement of the continue development of intermediary business must lay on the basis of financial innovation.To Chinese economy, China’ s WTO entry brings not only opportunities but also challenges. With the open of hers financial market, foreign banks will come in step by step and threat strongly to the development of Chinese nationalistic commercial bank. As the popular trend of the development international financial business, the intermediary business must become the chain object of the foreign banks competing for, while it is an area of not fully and deeply exploit in financial business, foreign banks could earn huge potential profits with little risks if they could take part in this area early. So the foreign banks must select the intermediary business of basing of basing on financial innovation as the breakthrough point in competing with Chinese nationalistic commercial bank.This thesis has provided the theories of the intermediary business of commercial bank, presented the currently developing situation and trend of domestic and international commercial banks and looked forward the prospects of them. By way of statistical analyze operational situation and the product structure, compared it with the main commercial banks at home and abroad, this thesis discovered its advantages and weaknesses of the intermediary business of theHeilongjiang branch of China Construction Bank (CCB). Moreover, this thesis abstracted the scientific theories and advanced ways of the intermediary business and concluded that the development of the intermediary business based on the financial innovation was the key way to realize the continue development of intermediary business. What’ s more, according to its present situation and its chief shortcomings, this thesis made some suggestions, i. e. improving the recognize the strategic situation of financial innovation, reinforcing the application in the area of financial innovation in the intermediary business, enlarging the input in financial innovation and realizing the continue development of the intermediary business acts to advanced its competence, tap the latent power and realize the continue development of the intermediary business of Heilongjiang branch of CCB. As the same time, these suggestions could provided a new thinking for the development of the intermediary business of domestic commercial banks.

  • 【分类号】F832.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】244

