

Study on the Construction Item Management of Yu-Huai Railway Undertaken by China Railway Erju Corporation

【作者】 李全军

【导师】 黄登仕;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从当今社会应用日益广泛的项目管理出发,结合铁路工程建设的特点,就中铁二局渝怀铁路工程指挥部在渝怀(重庆至怀化)铁路10、30标段工程项目中对工程进度、质量、安全、成本管理进行了阐述,并分析其存在的问题,提出解决办法。 文章首先介绍了中铁二局渝怀铁路工程指挥部承担的渝怀铁路10、30标段工程项目的工程概况,并说明了选择此项目的原因。 接下来介绍了组织机构的设置,该局指挥部沿袭了公司传统的三级管理模式,虽本着“因事设岗、精干高效”的原则,但因管理层次较多,削弱了现场管理力度,同时两标段跨度600多公里,增加了管理难度。文中分析了其管理模式的弊端,并建议采用两级管理(即:局指挥部直接管到项目队,取消分公司的项目经理部)。 本文从第三章开始介绍和阐述了现场如何进行进度、质量、安全、成本管理。进度管理方面,采用横道图和网络计划方法,找出标段的控制工程和重点工程的关键工序,确定了“以长大隧道为龙头,其余工程整体推进,尽快形成规模化施工,均衡生产”的总体施工方案,并有针对性的提出了人、财、物、技术等方面的保障措施,确保进度目标的实现。质量管理方面,重点阐述了现场实施全面质量管理,明确质量目标,建立质量保证体系,以及为实现质量目标而采取的一系列措施。安全生产管理主要论述了如何围绕既定的安全生产目标以安全生产保证体系为依托,采取切实有效的安全生产措施消除各类不安全生产因素,确保施工生产的安全,以促进施工进度。成本管理主要阐述了目标责任成本的实施,通过明确利润、成本中心、目标责任成本分析,编制目标责任成本预算书,以此指导施工生产,并通过考核实行奖罚以促进成本管理,提高企业的效益。

【Abstract】 This essay, viewing project management widely applied presently, with consideration of characteristics of railway project construction, has described the project progress, quality, safety and cost managements in regard to the 10th&30th section of Yuhuai (Chongqing-Huaihua) Railway undertaken by Command of China Railway Erju Corporation, and analyzed the existing issues as well provided the resolutions.First of all, introductions has been made for project briefs with regard to the 10th&30th section of Yuhuai Railway undertaken by Command of China Railway Erju Corporation and the reason for selecting this project has been given.The next point is regarding the organization structure. The project has been adopted with traditional management mode of three levels. Though the base principal is following "Posts are set up for subjects so as to be compact and efficient", the site managing effect is weakened due to too many levels of management. Moreover, the long distance of more than 600 km increases the difficulty to management. Shortcomings of its management mode is analyzed in the article, and suggestions of two-level management has made, i. e. the Bureau Command has direct leadership over the project team, with elimination of the project manager department in the branch corporation.The third chapter introduces and describes how to carry out managements over the project progress, quality, safety and costs at site. With respect to the progress, transverse line graphs and network schedule are adopted to find out the key procedures of critical and important projects in the sections. General construction plans are confirmed as "Heading by long and large tunnels, integrally other projects are pushing ahead, to have the constructions in large scale and equilibrium". Respectively, security measures such as in labor, . finance, materials and techniques etc. are taken to ensure the realization of the project progress. Concerning the quality management, emphasis has been given to all round quality management at site, to make clear the quality target, and establish the quality ensuring system as well as to adopt a number of measures to realize the quality targets. Regarding safety production management, the main statementsare-made in how to follow the setup targets of safety production, with support from the quality ensuring system, to adopt effective safety measures in productions to eliminate various unsafe factors so to ensure both the safety production and project progress. In cost management, execution of the target responsible cost is mainly discussed. By making profit target clear, analyzing cost core and target responsible costs, budget sheets of target responsible costs are compiled for using as a guide in production, and bonus or punishment in respect to checking results are adopted in cost management to enhance benefits and profits.

【关键词】 铁路施工项目管理
【Key words】 railwayconstructionproject management
  • 【分类号】F532
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】415

