

Realtime Research of Communication of Heterogeneous Data in Transport Automation System

【作者】 赵顺玲

【导师】 谭永东;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在不断变化的环境中,要求新型的行车自动化系统不仅具有在线扩展、在线维护和容错等在线特性,还需要具有两个基本特性——实时性和可靠性。 我国行车自动化系统中采用的传统体系结构(如:集中式体系结构和客户/服务器体系结构)和传统的通信模式(如:Polling型和请求/应答型),这对于数据流传输的实时性存在着很大的阻碍,需要从体系结构和通信模型方面做出改进。本文分别从系统的体系结构、通信模式和集成模式上进行分析,比较结果表明:采用自律分散系统ADS(Autonomous Decentralized System)结构、P/S通信模式和数据域DF的系统集成可使行车自动化系统保持良好的自律性和在线特性,也为进一步研究行车自动化系统的实时性和可靠性提供了最基本的保证。 文章重点分析了行车自动化系统中存在的不同通信属性的数据流,并将数据流划分为实时性要求较高的事件数据流、周期数据流和可靠性要求较高的报文数据流,进而提出了确保异质属性数据不会相互干扰的系统模型,来保证数据传输的实时性。在推荐的模型中,最基本的特点就是将信息系统和控制系统的数据域分别划分为实时数据域(realtime datafield)、周期数据域(cyclic datafield)和可靠数据域(reliable datafield)。在这种结构中,不同通信属性的数据在网关中选择了指定的通信方法后,则只向指定的目的数据域中进行发送。这种通信方法避免了不同通信属性数据之间的干扰,从而提高了实时数据传输的实时性。 在行车自动化系统实时性能改进的分析中,使用排队论理论对传统行车自动化系统结构和提出的两种改进结构进行了分析。结果表明:改进的系统结构相对于传统的系统结构来说,在实时性能方面都有很大的改进。

【Abstract】 Under intense competitive condition, new transport automation system is required to have the online properties, such as on-line expansion, on-line maintenance and fault tolerance, but also required to have two basic properties of real time and reliability.The traditional centralized systematic architecture(such as centralized systematic architecture and client/server systematic architecture) and traditional communication pattern(such as polling and request/reply ) of transport automation system in our country has great obstruction for the real time property of data , so we need to make improvement from two aspects - systematic architecture and communication pattern. This paper analysises respectively from systematic architecture, communication pattern and integrated pattern.The result shows: systematic architecture should adopt the Autonomous Decentralized System(ADS);communication pattern should adopt Publish/Subscribe communication pattern; integrated model should adopt the concept of data field(DF) to realize autonomous system integration. All these selections make transport automation system keep good autonomy and on-line property, and also make the guarantee for the research of real time and reliability of the transport automation system.This paper has analysed the data of different communication property which flow in transport automation system and divided the data into three types,that is, incident data, period data and reliability data, and then have put forward a systematic model to ensure that data of different communication property will not disturb mutually. This system model also guarantee the real time of data transmission. In the proposed model, the most basic characteristic is that the DF of information system and DF of control system respectively divided into three types, that is, realtime datafield , cyclic datafield and reliable datafield . In this kind of model, data of differdnt communication is chosen the communication method in gateway and is sent only to designated purpose data field. This kind of communication method has avoided different communication property data fromdisturb mutully, so, it has raised the real time property of the data.To analysis of the performance improvement of real time of transport automation system,we use queueing theory for the analysis of the traditional transport automation system and the proposed system. The result shows: compare with traditional transport automation system,the proposed system has great improvement in real time property.

  • 【分类号】U284.48
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】103

