

The Construction Technology of the Pier in Water of the Bridges No.1,2 and 3 Over River Mingyue of the Railway from Dazhou to Wanzhou

【作者】 李勤良

【导师】 赵人达; 朱崇道;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 达(县)万(州)铁路是我国“九五”计划的重点工程。它的建成对重庆、四川及陕南的改革开放,促进川东及三峡库区工农业生产的发展,加速西南地区社会经济进步,扶助老区人民脱贫致富均有十分重要的意义。 明月江属山区河流,达万铁路八跨明月江,其中明月江1、2、3号大桥桥位处水深、砂厚,枯水期短,工期较紧,空心墩高的施工难度最为艰巨,也是全线工期控制工程之一。在开挖基坑时,若施工措施不当,很容易产生流砂现象。在工程开工前,施工单位对桥梁施工技术难点作了分析研究,将明月江1、2、3号大桥水中墩作为重点工程,并将水下砂层的处理及空心高墩施工技术作为QC技术攻关的重点项目。 面对诸多困难施工单位不等不靠,主动出击,克服地质条件差、雨季影响大等诸多不利因素,弘扬铁路职工艰苦奋斗、勇闯难关的开路先锋精神,合理组织,精心安排,强化现场管理,使大桥施工顺利进行,保证了各项工程如期完工,并于2002年通过铁道部正式验收,让四川、重庆家乡父老百年梦圆新世纪。 明月江1、2、3号大桥水中墩施工,涉及深水大桥压浆治砂施工技术,水下钻孔桩施工技术及空心高墩翻板爬模施工技术等内容,施工技术较以往有所提高。作者对类似工程的设计及施工组织安排提出建议,认为一个好的设计方案不仅仅要满足结构设计要求,更要施工可行、经济合理;工程施工前一定要做好详细周全的施工调查,要探明地质地形情况,制定合理可行的施工方案;提前预见问题、发现问题、解决问题,将问题消灭在萌芽状态,避免造成损失,这是确保工期、质量、效益的关键。 本文结合作者自己的亲身实践,论述了达万线明月江1、2、3号大桥水中墩施工过程、施工技术、施工方案、设计变更以及出现的问题,并阐述了自己的体会、认识和教训,对今后类似工程的设计、施工有一定的参考价值,值得总结与推广应用。

【Abstract】 The Da-Wan Railway is the key engineering of the national 9th-Five-Year Project. The building-up of the railway will promote the reform and opening of Chongqing, Sichuan and South Shanxi, is of great advantage to the industry and agriculture of East Sichuan and the zone around the Sanxia Reservoir. It will accelerate the social economy of Southwest China and help the people at old revolution area get rich.The Mingyue River is located in mountainous area. There are eight bridges over the Mingyue River on the Da-Wan Railway. As far as the No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 bridges of all eight bridges, the piers are high and hollow, the sand layers of their foundations are thick, and the water is deep. The low water period and the time limit for the three projects are short. The constructions are difficult. Due to the above reasons, the three bridges are the control projects of overall the railway. If the construction method is not suitable, the excavation of foundation would easily induce the shifting sand. Before the construction of the three bridges, the construction technology is investigated by the construction units. The No. 1, No.2, No.3 bridges are regarded as the key of the engineering. The treatment of underwater sand layer and the construction technique of hollow high pier are regarded as the key of the QC Project.Facing to many difficulties, the construction units are active to overcome the disadvantage factors, such as bad geologic condition and rainy period. The open-way pioneer spirit is developed, which is fighting our way and conquering bravely the difficulties. Organizing with reason, arranging with care and strengthening the management on site ensure the construction successfully, and ensure that the projects are finished in time. The projects have been checked and accepted by the Ministry of Railways in 2002. The 100-year dream of people in Sichuan and Chongqing has been realized in new century.Some construction techniques are developed in the pier construction of the No. 1, No. 2, No.3 bridges over the Mingyue River, for example, mud-jacking for the shifting sand for the bridge in deep water and turning over stripping form with climbing formwork for the hollow high pier. Some suggestions are presented in this thesis. A good design proposal is not only to satisfy structure function, but also to be convenient for construction and economy. Before the construction, the construction method should be investigated in detail, the geologiccondition should be explored, the construction proposal should be determined with reason, the possible problems should be foreseen, found out, and solved in advance to avoid losses. This is the key to guarantee quality and benefit of the project in the limited time period.According to the author’ s personal engineering practice, the construction program, construction technique, construction proposal, design change and some problems of the pier in water of the No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 bridges over the Mingyue River on the Da-Wan Railway are introduced in this thesis. The understanding and lesson from the projects are discussed. They can be as the reference to similar engineering design and construction in future and should be summarized and put in wide use.

  • 【分类号】U445
  • 【下载频次】174

