

Study on Investment and Risk Management in Railway Construction Project

【作者】 易庆良

【导师】 蒲云;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 铁路建设项目属于国家基础性设施,目前我国铁路作为经济发展的“瓶颈”制约虽然有所缓解,但仍不能适应经济发展对铁路运输增长的需求。如何做好铁路建设项目的投资控制,提高投资的社会经济效益,成为铁路建设项目投资工作的重点,也成为全社会关注的热点之一。 建设项目投资的有效控制是项目建设管理的重要组成部分,投资控制就是为尽可能好地实现建设项目既定的投资目标而进行的一系列工作,其基本要求是使投资目标不被突破,或在已不可避免的情况下,使投资目标突破的幅度尽可能小。由于建设项目投资大、工期长,从其规划、设计、建设到竣工后投入使用,整个过程都存在着各种各样的风险,采用经济和法律手段合理分配风险和有效调控风险,逐步建立符合中国特色的项目风险管理制度体系,已成为事关建设市场运行机制改革成败的重要因素,加强建设项目风险管理势在必行。 本文运用系统分析方法与理论,分析了中国铁路建设中存在的问题,铁路建设项目的特点、投资状况、风险管理,探讨了研究中国铁路建设项目投资及其风险管理的理论和方法;并结合铁路建设的实际项目,运用定性与定量相结合的方法,提出该项目的投资管理与风险管理的对策与措施。最后结合具体的工程建设实践,就该项目的经验与教训进行分析和论证,提出了针对中国铁路建设项目特点的有效管理方法与措施。

【Abstract】 The railway construction project belongs to the national basic facility. At present, the bottle limitation of railway during economy development relieves, but it still can not adapt to the increasing railway transportation requirement, so how to control the investment of railway construction project and improve the economy utility becomes the emphasis of investment job in railway construction project, and it is also one of the problems concerned by all the society.The effective control of construction project investment is the important constitution part of the project construction and management, and its basic requirement is that the break through breadth of the investment object is as possible as small. Because of the large investment, long work limitation, and all kinds of risk from planning, designing, construction to surcease for utilization, it is important for the construction market running mechanism reform to use economical and legal measures for allocating, adjusting, and controlling risk. It is necessary for strengthening the risk management of construction project.The system analysis method and theory are used for analyzing the existing problem in the railway construction, the characteristics, investment situation, risk management of railway construction project, and discussing the theory and method of studying railway construction project investment and its risk management. The author also puts forward the countermeasure and measure for investment and risk management. At the end of the article, the effective management method and measures combined with the specific works construction practice are put forward.

【关键词】 铁路建设项目投资风险管理
【Key words】 railway construction projectinvestmentriskmanagement
  • 【分类号】F532
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】622

