

Strategic Status and Solution to Staff Training for Modern Construction Enterprise

【作者】 陈保京

【导师】 胡培;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 二十一世纪经济全球化发展的新形势,使企业面临着更加残酷激烈的国际化市场竞争的挑战,要在竞争中求得生存和发展,企业就必须坚持以人为本,注重人力资源的开发,把员工的学习培训作为企业建设发展中的一个战略性问题,予以高度重视。进行企业员工培训战略地位的研究、对当前企业员工培训存在问题的分析和企业员工培训机制的创新、培训措施的实施,这既是企业现实生存的需要,也是企业长远发展的必然要求。 本论文以中铁十四局集团有限公司员工培训为视角,对当前我国国有大型建筑企业的员工素质进行了深入分析,就建筑业如何面对加入WTO、全球经济一体化的挑战和机遇,把员工培训在企业可持续发展、打造企业核心竞争力、提高员工素质、减少企业管理成本、塑造企业形象中的作用进行了比较深刻地阐述。 本文通过对国外企业员工培训的阐述与比较,系统分析了我国建筑企业员工培训的现状、主要问题、差距及其成因,同时也为建筑业员工培训的发展指明了方向。 本文以人力资源管理和组织行为学的理论为基础,坚持理论联系实际,重点就中铁十四局员工培训及培训绩效的评价、培训绩效评价的基本方法、培训流程、存在问题及对策等提出了新的设计构架模型及其实现的途径和方法。从而对大型建筑企业员工培训在已有实践的基础上进行了新的积极探索。为中铁十四局及与其同类的大型建筑施工企业在参与全球化的市场竞争中,加强员工培训、提高员工素质,全面提升企业的核心竞争力,提供了一套理论与实际相结合、具有重要参考价值的员工培训体系。 本课题研究结果对中铁十四局集团有限公司的员工培训具有直接指导作用;对其他国有大型建筑施工企业的员工培训也有一定借鉴参考价值。

【Abstract】 The modern enterprise is facing the challenge of more and more keen competition in global market under the situation of economy globalization development. To develop and survive in the competition the enterprise must put the priority on the strategy of talent-based and of the exploiture of human resource, and emphasize the training and improvement of the staff in the process of the enterprise development and construction. The research of strategic status of staff training, analysis of the problem lying in the training, the innovation and execution of training policy is not only the need for enterprise survival but also the necessary requirement of the long-term development.On the view of staff training of China Railway Shisiju Group Corporation this article probes into the staff quality of the large-scale stated梠wned construction enterprise, how to face the opportunity and challenge of China entering WTO and economy globalization, how to forge the competition core in the enterprise, the improvement of staff quality, reducing the management cost and how to sculpture the image of the enterprise .Through the comparison with foreign staff training and illumination the article systemically analyses the status quo, the main problem, the gap and the reason of staff training. Also, this article guides the direction for the staff training development in the construction industry.Combining the theory with the practice, this article based on thehuman resource and organizing-acting science presents the new design structural model,the method and realization solution for assessment on training , basic method of the assessment, training procedure, the problem and solution, so as to make the active discovery in staff training on the basis of the fact and practice for CRSSG and his counterparts. It also provides the complete set of training system and gives valuable reference for improving the training and quality of the staff and enhancing the competition core of the enterprise. The research will give the direct guidance to the training of CRSSG. It also provides certain reference to staff training of other large-scale state-owned construction enterprises.

  • 【分类号】G726
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】631

