

Research on Decision Technic for GIS-Aided Station Locating in High-Speed Maglev Railway

【作者】 齐颖

【导师】 王齐荣;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 高速磁悬浮铁路是21世纪的新型中长途旅客运输方式,其技术先进性令人关注,而车站分布则是其线路规划中的一个重要组成部分。车站是高速磁浮铁路系统面向旅客提供服务的窗口和自身营运的生产基地,车站站址选择是车站分布中的重要问题,是磁浮系统实现技术经济合理性和良好社会效益的保证。 GIS由最初的制图平台起步,现在已经发展成为应用于几乎所有基于空间位置信息的工程、研究和管理领域中的一门技术。车站选址涉及到对设站城镇的政治、经济、自然环境、人文环境等多方面的考虑,要用到的信息包含各种基于空间位置的图形图像、统计数据、文字材料、规划要求等等,有效地组织管理和使用这些数据正是GIS的长处。实现高速磁浮铁路车站选址GIS辅助决策方法的探索和研究具有理论和实际意义,必将推动基于GIS的交通问题研究和高速磁悬浮铁路线路规划设计技术发展。 论文在借鉴常规铁路车站选址已有经验的基础上,针对高速磁浮铁路的特殊性,提出了适合其发挥技术经济优势车站选址方法,并在GIS的平台上进行二次开发,予以实现。 本论文的主要工作包括: 1.研究高速磁悬浮与常规铁路在车站选址问题的共性和高速磁浮的特殊性,深入分析影响高速磁悬浮铁路车站站址选择的主要因素。 2.借鉴常规铁路解决问题的经验和方法,结合GIS的空间分析功能和解决问题的优势,提出了GIS辅助高速磁浮铁路车站选址决策的方法思路。 3.在以上方法思路的指导下,选用GIS平台MapInfo进行资料获取和数据组织,并且用二次开发语言MapBasic对原有GIS功能做了新的功能模块设计和实现。 4.给出了一个实际案例进行分析说明,验证方法的可行性。

【Abstract】 As the new passenger transportation facility during medium and long distance of 21st Century, high-speed maglev railway’s advanced technique is the focus of us all. The problem of station distributing is the main thesis during the programming and designing stage of the line. Stations are windows to provide service to guests and base of itself to operate for the high-speed maglev system. Locating of stations as an important part of station distributing, can ensure the technical and economical rationality and nice social benefit to realization.Started from the supporting tools for cartography at the beginning, now Geographic Information System (GIS) has developed to be a method applied in almost all engineering, research and management, where spatial information is available. To solve the problem of stations locating, many aspects must to be considered, such as the politics, economy, natural conditions and civilization atmosphere. The information to be used include graph and image, statistic data, character recodes, programming request etc. How to organize, manage and use them effectually is the strongpoint of GIS. The research and study of the way to realize GIS-aided station location choice for high-speed maglev railway has theory and practice signification, which can improve the development of the GIS-based research on transportation and programming and designing technique of high-speed maglev railway. Using the experience of station locating on conventional railway for reference, in this paper, the method to choose the stations’ location that can bring its advantage on technical-economical into play is put forward, considering the particularity of high-speed maglev railway. More over, the method is put in practice by reprogramming on the GIS environment.The following research work has been carried out in this paper:1. The commonness between high-speed maglev railway and the conventional railway on station locating and the particularity of the later is studied. The main factors influencing the decision of station point of high-speed maglev railway are analyzed deeply.2. Take the experience of conventional railway in solving this problem forreference, considering the function of spatial analyze and advantage in solving problems of GIS, the idea and method of GIS-aided station locating on high-speed maglev system is brought forwards.3. With the direction of the idea above, Maplnfo Professional 7.02 is chosen as the GIS work condition to obtain and organize information, Mapbasic language is used to reprogram to add new function module to the GIS system.4. An example case is given to show the feasibility of the idea put forward.

  • 【分类号】U237
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】423

