

A DFR Data Based Expert System for Traction Substation Fault Analysis

【作者】 郭锴

【导师】 李群湛;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 高速重载的电力牵引是铁路现代化的发展方向,对供电可靠性和安全性的要求越来越高,牵引供电系统的维修时间也大幅缩短。所以,建立一个能够帮助值班人员理解录波信息、判断故障元件并校验保护和断路器动作行为的故障分析专家系统就具有明显的理论意义和实践意义。 本文在分析和总结现有的牵引变电所及电网故障诊断系统的方案设计及实现方法的优缺点的基础上,首先阐述了故障录波数据在变电所故障分析和诊断中的重要性,接着介绍了与本故障分析系统配套使用的变电所微机故障录波装置的工作原理及其录波文件的结构,并与IEEE的标准COMTRADE文件格式做了对照。然后对本故障分析专家系统进行了详细的功能分析、总体方案设计和各分析功能的算法设计,指出故障分析专家系统由故障信息预处理子系统和专家系统内核两部分组成,前者负责图形化的波形分析和故障参数计算和有效故障信息的提取,而后者负责故障设备诊断和保护、开关动作行为的评价。其中,在专家系统内核的设计中采用了典型的产生式专家系统的结构:以推理机为中心,以电气设备库、故障信息库组成的数据库和电流突变事件鉴别、继电保护原理规则库、保护—断路器配置库组成的规则库为基础,以解释模块和人机接口为辅助组成部分,分别对数据库中的电气设备和规则库中的故障推理规则采用对象和产生式规则的表示方法,在故障推理中应用了过程式的推理机和以故障数据为驱动的正向推理方法。最后,举例说明了变电所数据库及规则库的建立方法,并利用面向对象编程技术实现了基于故障录波数据的变电所故障分析专家系统的部分功能。

【Abstract】 Modem railway is characterized by its trend of high speed and heavy duty, which demands more emphases on the reliability and security of traction power supply system and less MTTR on the event of fault. Therefore, it’s theoretically sound and practically feasible to develop an expert system for traction substation fault analysis serving as an aid to operator in understanding the information conveyed by fault waveform, diagnosing faulted electrical equipments and assessing the behavior of protective relays and circuit breakers.On the basis of having a good knowledge of works previously donned by others in this field, it is illustrated in the first place that the role played by DFR (Digital Fault Recorder) Data in carrying out fault analysis should be attached enough importance. Then, the DFR system as well as its file format is introduced in comparison with COMTRADE file format from IEEE. The detailed function analysis, top level design and implementation algorism of the ES is proposed, which consists of fault information preprocessing subsystem and expert system kernel. The former is responsible for the graphic waveform analysis, faulted parameter and effective fault information extraction, and the latter for the diagnosis of faulted equipments and verifying the behavior of protective relays and circuit breakers. The expert system kernel takes the form of a typical Production Expert System: inference engine as the central part, electrical equipment database, fault information database, current jump event identification rule base, protective relaying scheme rule base and relay-CB configuration rule base as basis part, explanation module and human-machine interfacing module as assistant part. The equipments in electrical equipment database are described by means of objects, where the rules described by means of Production Rules. The procedural inference engine and the fault data driven foreword reasoning are employed. Finally, the building of tractionsubstation-related knowledge, including electrical equipment data, protective relaying scheme rule and relay-CB configuration rule, is showed in a case study, and the program of DFR data based ES for traction substation fault analysis is developed using object-oriented programming technology.

  • 【分类号】TM76
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】382

