

Research and Applications of the Remote Monitoring Control System

【作者】 周健良

【导师】 谭献海;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在安全监控、生产过程监控、住宅小区监控等领域,远程监控系统已经被广泛应用,远程监控系统以其远距离监控的独特优势逐渐赢得了广大客户的青睐。随着控制技术和通信技术的蓬勃发展以及微处理器性能的极大提高,远程监控系统的应用模式有了新的改变,其应用前景及应用范围将越来越广泛,对其进行深入的应用研究很有必要,并将带来巨大的社会效益和经济效益。本文课题以重庆市上界高速公路监控系统为背景,构建了一个基于C/S结构的远程监控系统。 文章首先从远程监控系统的监控方式分析入手,提出了系统的总体方案。接着在研究面向对象的基本概念和统一建模语言(UML)的基础上,应用面向对象思想,采用UML软件建模工具对高速公路监控系统软件进行需求分析与总体设计,建立了远程监控系统的通用类库,设计了系统的数据库,重点分析设计了其中的路段通信模块,论述了系统平台的选择和路段通信模块的实现方案等,展示了该套远程监控系统的软件实现过程。最后深入研究了实现过程中使用的多线程编程技术和开发中遇到的难点问题及其解决方法。 本课题的研究与设计综合了网络技术、计算机控制技术、面向对象设计方法、数据库设计、多线程编程等技术。通过对高速公路监控系统的分析设计及实现,用实例说明了将UML应用于远程监控系统分析设计中的可行性及其方法。研究了集中式和分布式两种监控方式的融合及其在远程监控系统中的应用,并就系统实现过程中碰到的多线程同步等难点问题,深入地探讨了多线程编程技术及其解决方法,这些都具有良好的通用性和工程推广使用意义。

【Abstract】 Remote Monitoring & Control System (RMCS) has been widely used in the area of Security Monitoring, manufacture process Monitoring and community Monitoring. More and more users are interested in RMCS because of its remote. With the flourishing developments of control and communication technologies as well as the speedy enhancement of the microprocessor’s capability, RMCS ’s application mode has been changed. RMCS shall have extensive application outlook and application range and tremendous social and economic. On the basis of the Shangjie Highway RMCS in Chongqing, this thesis designs a RMCS that based on C/S architecture.This paper starts with analysis of RMCS ’s monitoring way and shows the designing scenario. After introducing the basic theories of OOP(Object Oriented Programming) and UML(Unified Modeling Language), the Shangjie Highway RMCS by use of Object Oriented technology is analyzed and designed, using UML as a tool. The RMCS ’s general class library and database are also designed and then the design of communication system is emphasized. The realization of the Shangjie Highway RMCS software is showed, as is instanced by the realization of communication system. Final, multithreading programming technology and some difficult problems confronted are discussed in detail, and the solutions are given.The research and design of this subject synthesizes multifold technologies, such as network, control, OOP, data base design, multithreading etc. We verify the feasibility and practicability through the design and implement of a Shangjie Highway RMCS. The integration of centralized system and distributed monitoring and control system is developed and implemented. An in-depth study of Multithreading programming technology is made by discussing and solving the difficult problems confronted in Multithreading programming. Having good flexibility and high reliability, the whole system is worth to popularize.

  • 【分类号】TP277
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】627

