

Discussion and Apply about Tunnel Controlled Blasting Technoligy

【作者】 申佃友

【导师】 李志业; 赵广超;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 建筑与土木工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对岩石隧道开挖过程中的爆破作业,阐述其关键技术,并结合罗盘基高速公路隧道和鱼嘴二号铁路隧道实际情况,针对不同的地层特征和两隧道近距离施工对爆破参数的影响及光爆效果进行了论述和分析。 文中通过对岩石爆破原理的阐述,得出炸药用量的计算方法。阐述了光面爆破、预裂爆破的作用原理,及参数设计,以及光面爆破效果影响的各种因素分析。 文中对光面爆破技术运用于隧道爆破施工的设计原则、爆破参数进行详细的阐述。并结合隧道的光面爆破参数与爆破网路的设计,阐述隧道工程爆破的施工工艺。根据工程地质条件、开挖断面、开挖方法、掘进循环进尺、钻眼机具和爆破器材等进行爆破设计,合理确定炮眼布置、数目、深度、角度、装药量和装药结构、起爆方法、起爆顺序、循环作业等。以便应用于工程实践。 隧道爆破成败的关键技术是掏槽技术,掏槽的成功与否直接影响爆破效果。采用直眼掏槽和中空直眼掏槽等多种掏槽方法,可以克服斜眼掏槽的夹制作用,以及炮眼利用率低的现象。渝怀铁路鱼嘴二号单线铁路隧道,采用垂直楔形掏槽方案;罗盘基高速公路隧道,采用一字形龟裂掏槽方案,均取得了较好的工程效果,实现了全断面一次光面爆破开挖成型。 控制爆破法施工已有了几十年的经验,但超欠挖和对围岩扰动仍是一个长期困扰隧道施工的问题,本文阐述了周边眼的控制爆破—光面爆破和预裂爆破以及减轻地振动的控制爆破技术。结合鱼嘴2号隧道、罗盘基隧道的爆破施工,灵活运用光面控制爆破技术和爆破网路的控制技术,较好的解决了超欠挖、围岩扰动以及隧道并列近间距作业的爆破干扰。

【Abstract】 This paper aims at the rock tunnel diging by the blasting homework process, expatiating its key technique, combining combination different from fish mouth No.2 Railroad tunnel actually circumstance, aiming at geologic strata in tunnel characteristic and two tunnel close quarter constructions explode the result to influence and lights that blow up the parameters.Raised the principle to the rock blasting, the calculation method of amount of explosive is obtained. Explain plain noodles blasting, split the function principle blasting hi advance, the parameter is designed, medicine amount computing technology and plain noodles blaste various kinds of factors that result influence analyse.The design principle of explosive construction in tunnel and the blasting parameter are explained in detail in this paper. Combining the smoth blasting parameter and the design of blasting networking in tunnel, the explosive construction process in tunnel is describled. According to project geological condition, excavate section, excavate method , tunnel circulation footage , get into eyes machines and blasting apparatus ,etc. blasting! is designed, confirm porthole assign, figure, depth , angle, powder charge amount, powder charge structure, detonating method, detonating order, circulation homework, etc. rationally., in order to apply to practise in project.The cuthole construction is the key technology to the explosive construction in tunnel, which has an direct effect on explosive, cutting method not many kinds of not frank not empty, can overcome the restricted effects there aren’t strabismus the cuttings, phenomenon of and the porthole of low utilization ratio. Yuhuai Railway Yuzui 2 No. single track railway tunnel, adopt vertical Tenneco cutting scheme; Luopanji highway tunnel, adopt one shape full of cracks cutting scheme, make better project result, realize the whole section first plain noodles blow up and excavate shaping.Though the controlled blasting construction have developed in decades years, but the overbreak and underbreak generated ground disturbance is still a long-term problem confusing tunnel construction, it explain by control of eyes not peripheral for this reason it blasting - blasting and not splitting not blasting and not lightenning plain noodles in advance blasting technology of control of vibration. Combine Yuzui 2 No. tunnel, Luopanji highway tunnel blaste and construct, among different kinds of country rock, through test and adjust constantly, flexible to use plain noodles is it blaste technology and control technology to blaste networking to control, better settlement is it is it dig to owe to exceed, country rock perturbation and tunnel stand side by side nearly interval homework blasting and interfering.

【关键词】 隧道爆破设计施工控制
【Key words】 TunnelBlastingDesignConstructionControl
  • 【分类号】U455
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】971

