

Cpc’s Theory and Policy about Chinese Bourgeoisie During the War of Liberation

【作者】 李蓉研

【导师】 鲜于浩;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国共产党关于资产阶级的理论虽然在四十年代初已经形成,但解放战争时期国际与国内的形势都发生了巨大的变化,中共的力量迅速壮大,新民主主义的政治与经济政策日臻完善并得到切实实施。中共的工作重心由农村转向了城市,与资产阶级的联系日益增多,并逐渐以执政党的身份,把资产阶级纳入自己的领导范围内。中共关于资产阶级的理论与政策在实践中也就必然会得到进一步的丰富与发展。 本文拟尽可能完整地梳理解放战争时期中共关于资产阶级的理论与政策,特别是这一时期具有特色的理论与思想,如广大发展资本主义的思想;关于自由资产阶级的理论;关于打倒官僚资产阶级与没收官僚资本的思想和方针政策;限制、利用资本主义的思想等,并结合时代背景加以理解与分析。这一时期中共对资产阶级的政策总体来说是非常成功的。中共充分认识到民族资产阶级的重要作用,正确地分析了民族资产阶级在政治、经济上的特点,对其采取了团结、联合同时辅以斗争的政策,使民族资产阶级最终倒向了共产党,在解放战争与建国初期国民经济的恢复与发展中做出了很大的贡献。而对官僚资本企业的成功没收,使国营经济得以迅速建立与发展。另一方面,到解放战争后期,当取得压倒性优势时,中共对资产阶级的理论也随之发生了变化,提出中国内部的主要矛盾是无产阶级和资产阶级之间的矛盾。由于解决城市解放初期所面临的巨大经济困难,必须要充分调动民族资产阶级生产的积极性。这种理论上的变化,在当时并没有影响到联合资产阶级的政策。但这一理论在建国后的进一步发展,却促使中国匆匆忙忙地消灭了资本主义,过渡到了社会主义。

【Abstract】 Though the CPC’s (the Communist Party of China) theory about the bourgeoisie had established in the initial 1940s,the international and domestic situation changed a lot during the War of liberation. The CPC’s power enhanced rapidly, and the politics and economy of new democracy accomplished gradually and carried out really. The CPC’s working gravity had turned from the county to the city; so, there were more and more connections with the bourgeoisie. Moreover, as the governing party, the CPC gradually put the bourgeoisie under her leadership. Therefore, the theory and policy about the bourgeoisie must have been flourished and developed by practicing.This article tries to arrange the CPC’s theories and the policies about the bourgeoisie during the War of liberation, especially those characteristic theories and thoughts, for example, the view of "wide development of capitalism "; the theory of liberalist bourgeoisie; the view and the policy about how to bring down the bureaucratic bourgeoisie and confiscate the bureaucratic capitals; the idea ofrestricting and exploiting bourgeoisie, and etc. --To analyze and understandthem with the background of the era. Totally, the CPC’s policy over the bourgeoisie in this period was very successful. For the CPC recognized deeply the importance of the national bourgeoisie. She analyzed the political and economic characteristics of the national bourgeoisie correctly, then, put in the policy of uniting, associating and struggling together. In the result, the bourgeoisie declined to the CPC. Moreover, they made a great deal of devotion to the recovery and development of the national economy during the War of liberation and the initial days of the country. By the successfully confiscation of bureaucratic companies, the state-run economy constructed and developed rapidly. On the other hand, going with the gain of the overwhelming advantage in the upper days of the War of liberation, she changed her theory about the bourgeoisie, and pointed out that the essential domestic contradiction was between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. Because it was necessary to call up the national bourgeois’s productive activities to solve the big economic difficulties in the initial period of the liberation of cities, this theoretical change didn’t affect the policy of associating. But, the theoreticalimprovement after the country established caused her wrapping up the bourgeoisie in a hurry and floating to socialism.

  • 【分类号】D232
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】206

