

Saul Bellow’s Understanding and Analysis of Modern Man’s Existential Dilemma--An Interpretation of Dangling Man and Herzog

【作者】 魏玉梅

【导师】 李翠云;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 外国语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 索尔·贝娄(1915—)被广泛赞誉为当代美国杰出的小说家。人类普遍的生存状况是贝娄一贯关注的主题。瑞典皇家学院称赞其作品中包含着对现代文化之富于人性的理解与精妙的阐释。这正是通过其作品中蕴涵的深刻思想与独特技巧而体现出来的。借助其作品及人物,贝娄分析了现代人在冷漠、机械的城市生活中所承受的精神压力,并试图洞察现代社会中人类生活的模式与意义。 本文通过分析贝娄的两部小说《晃来晃去的人》和《赫索格》,重点讨论了贝娄对寻求生存意义的现代人的困境的富于人性的理解与精妙的阐释。第一部分和第六部分为引言及结论部分。第二部分简要介绍了索尔·贝娄的生平、创作生涯及作品评论。第三部分概述了《晃来晃去的人》和《赫索格》并简要讨论了贝娄作品的典型人物—贝娄式主人公,以及两部作品中展示的典型主题。两部小说的相似之处在于它们都刻画了一个苦恼的、自省的、承受着来自于内心的矛盾及外在的压力的知识分子形象。两部小说在展现主人公精神痛苦时均运用了独特而恰当的手法。第四部分则侧重于贝娄主人公的精神痛苦以及他们寻求解救的努力。贝娄主人公的精神危机是由多种因素造成的,其中包括充满敌意的现实、异化感、边缘感、以及性格缺陷等。第五部分分析了贝娄在展现主人公内心世界时所运用的各种有力手段。《晃来晃去的人》中的日记体及《赫索格》中的内心书信形式则充分体现出贝娄在小说技巧方面的造诣。 通过对人物及其内心世界的细致描写与精妙阐释,贝娄充分展示了其对人类生存困境的独特而富于人性的理解以及对现代文化的密切关注。

【Abstract】 Saul Bellow (1915--), a Nobel Prize winner, is widelyrecognized as America’ s preeminent living novelist. The general human condition is always the focus of his work. Bellow was praised by the Swedish Academy for "the human understanding and subtle analysis of contemporary culture that are combined in his work" . What really counts is his ideas and artistry that are endowed in his novels, through which Bellow shows his humanistic concern to his characters. Bellow attempts to discover, through his fiction and his characters, the pattern and meaning of human life, the spiritual crisis that modern man suffers in an impersonal and mechanized urban world.By analyzing Bellow’ s two novels, Dangling Man and Herzog, this study focuses on Bellow’ s humanistic understanding and subtle analysis of modern man’ s existential dilemma. Part one is the general introduction and part six the conclusion. Part two offers a brief survey of Saul Bellow’ s life, career and some criticism on his work. Part three contains a brief summary of Bellow’ s Dangling Man and Herzog, followed by a general discussion of Bellow’ s major theme illustrated in his two novels. The two novels are similar to each other in that theyboth vividly portray a painfully introspective intellectual, who is confronted with both inner conflicts and hostile forces of the external world. Part four focuses on the Bellow’ s heroes’ spiritual agonies and their struggles to search for salvation. The protagonists’ spiritual crisis is caused by various factors, including the hostile reality, the sense of alienation and marginality, the flaws in character, etc. In part five, the author analyzes how Bellow employs various effective devices to illustrate his protagonists’ inner world. The devices of a journal form in Dangling Man and mental letters in Herzog fully demonstrate Bellow’ s fictional achievement. With a careful description and subtle analysis of the characters, Bellow demonstrates his particular and humanistic understanding of modern man’ s dilemma of existence, showing his serious concern over the human life and the contemporary culture.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I712
  • 【下载频次】626

