

The Elementary Research for Walled Town Sites of Yuan Dynasty in Inner Mongolia

【作者】 张文平

【导师】 张久和;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 专门史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文系统搜集了内蒙古地区考古发现的元代城址及相关的考古和文献资料,在前人研究的基础上,运用历史学与考古学相结合的方法,对这些城址作了全面综合的梳理研究。首先,考察了它们的建置沿革,元代的内蒙古地区分属于中书省、陕西行省、甘肃行省和辽阳行省管辖,中书省和行省之下有路、府、州、县四级行政建制,各建规模不等的城邑。许多城址同时又是蒙古部落的投下领地,东部草原上有东道诸王在其封地内建立的城址。接着,对一些规模较大的、主要以路级政权所在地为主的城址,进行了布局概况和特点的介绍。这些路级城址虽为国家一级政权所在地,但城址布局主要体现了为贵族服务的功能,投下城址实际上成为诸王贵族的私属城邑。最后,分析了这些城址所反映出的政治、军事、经济和文化内涵。政治性和军事性是这些城址最主要的功用,一方面为中原汉地联络漠北诸王的枢纽,另一方面也是元朝抵御西北诸王叛乱的重要屏障。相伴的军事屯田,形成了内蒙古地区农业生产发展史上的一个高潮。城址所负载的对各种宗教兼容并蓄的文化精神,体现了大蒙古国的基本宗教政策。

【Abstract】 This thesis systematically collects relevant archaeological and textual evidence relating to walled town sites of Yuan Dynasty in Inner Mongolia. Built upon the foundation of the research of other scholars and a combination of archaeology and history, this thesis is a complete recoganization and reclassification of these sites. First, this thesis traces the development of the organizational system. During Yuan Dynasty,. modern Inner Mongolia was divided into the following administrative districts Zhongshu Province, Shanxi Branch Province, Gansu Branch Province and Liaoyang Branch Province. There were four administrative levels below the " Province" and " Branch Province", these are: Lu, Fu, Zhou, Xian. They all located to different dimensions’ walled towns. Several of these city sites were simultaneously administrative centers of different Mongolian tribes;and, in the eastern steppe there were eastern-all-kings who ruled from many walled towns at respective enfeoffments.In addition, this thesis also includes descriptions of the special aspects of the important "Lu" level administrative centers. Although these "Lu" level centers were national loci of administrative control, their most important function was the service of the highest social class, becoming the private cities of these at the highest social echelon. Lastly, this thesis analyzes the governmental, military, economical and cultural significance of these sites. Governmental and military affairs were the most important function of these cities. On the one hand they were pivotal hinge for Central Plains’ communication with the dukes of North Steppe. on the other they were important to the control of the dukes of the northwestern regions by the Yuan dynastic government. These sites were also important centers for "military farms", and these farms were one of the florescences to the historical development of agriculture in Inner Mongolia. These city sites were also important loci for the development of several religions during the Yuan Dynasty, incarnating the most basic religious policy of Great Mongolian Empire.

【关键词】 城址元代内蒙古地区
【Key words】 walled town sitesYuan DynastyInner Mongolia
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】K878
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】499

