

A Thesis on Enantiosemy

【作者】 金小平

【导师】 道尔吉;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目前学界对“反训”的认识仍有较多分歧。我们分四个部分讨论“反训”问题。 一、反训研究述评。我们结合自己研究反训问题的心得,对反训研究各个时期的特点以及反训研究发展的方向做了简要的述评。 二、“反训”不是特殊的语言现象。我们分两个方面证明,从两个角度反证“反训”不是一种特殊的语言现象。(一)“反训”不是特殊的词汇现象。我们选取了在反训研究中比较有代表性,不能回避的反训词(类)做比较深入的辨析,并得出这些经典的“反训词”其实都不可信的结论。(二)“反训”不是一种特殊的训诂方式。我们透过“反训”的表面形式分析出“反训”是诸多训释现象的混杂,没有自己的特殊性。(三)理论上的反证。我们假设反训存在,但发现:1、语言文字中没有对反训现象的应用;2、反训不是能产的,没有类推性。在这三方面研究的基础上,我们认为“反训”不是一种特殊的语言现象,反训之说不能成立。 三、结合语言学理论来看反训问题。(一)从训诂学理论角度,我们认为,文字和语言是不同的系统,在研究反训问题时要摒弃文字字形对词义的影响;以动词反训为例,我们进一步指出,词义是抽象概括的,所谓的词义具体性与词义的概括性不是同一个层次的概念,应该区别对待词义与入词语素义,不应以入词语素来分解词义,并把这种意义看作是作为独立运用的词的词义。总结前学时贤对反训问题的研究和自己学习的心得,我们得出一些研究反训的具体方法。 在(二)“‘反训’与普通语言学理论”部分,我们结合普通语言学理论的一些基本概念、基本原理来进一步分析反训问题,它们包括1、语言与言语问题;2、价值问题:3、共时与历时问题:4、语言系统不同于文字系统的问题:5、不同语言是不同的系统:6、受语言系统的制约,词义演变具有理据性。以上分析,可以概括为两大问题:语言与言语问题,语言的系统性问题。结合语言理论分析,我们认为,应该区别作为语言单位的词和作为文字系统单位的字,不同语言不具有可类比性,词义是抽象概括的;不应把义位和义位变体混为一谈,词义是词义系统制约的结果,词的一个义位不可能同时兼有正反两个中心义位变体,一个词不可能同时具有正反两个义位,一个词的词义不可能向反向引申。从语言学理论角度来看,反训之说也不可信。 在第四部分,我们简要阐述了反训研究的现实意义。

【Abstract】 There are presently some divaricated opinions about "enantiosemy". This paper discusses "enantiosemy" in four parts.A commentary on "enantiosemy" study. With combined what ourselves has learned about it, we briefly comment the specialties of different periods and the developmental direction on "enantiosemy" studying."Enantiosemy" is not a special language phenomenon. We prove that "enantiosemy" is not a kind of special language phenomenon from two aspects and disproof it from two angles ."Enantiosemy" is not a special lexical phenomenon. We choose the ambivalent words which are representative and unavoidable in the studying, to have a relatively deep discriminations for them, and the result indicates that those so-called classical "ambivalent words" are actually all not believable."Enantiosemy" is not a special glossary way. Through the superficial form of enantiosemy,we analyze and conclude that "enantiosemy" has no its own particularity but anintermix of ancient notes.A theoretic disproof considers. We suppose that enantiosemy does exist,but the fact be found is:l) There are not applications of enantiosemy in our language; and 2) enantiosemy is not producible and it has no analogy as well. So we consider that enantiosemy is not a special language phenomenon and the theory of enantiosemy does not come into existence.Take a view to the "enantiosemy" combining with linguistic theory. From glossary theory we know that character and language are different system, so it is necessary to clear up the relationship of grapheme and acceptation of a word and avoid the influence from the former to the later; We take the "enantiosemy" of verbs for example and farther point out that acceptation is abstract and general, materiality and generalizability of an acceptation are not on the same level, therefore we should make a difference between acceptation and meaning of morpheme rather than decompose acceptation by morpheme and regard it as the meaning of a word which can be independently used. Some concrete methods on enantiosemy studying are taken out when we sum up the studying fruits on enantiosemy by scholars of both past and present and what ourselves have learned.In the part of" ’enantiosemy1 and general linguistic theory", we make a farther analyzing of enantiosemy problems combined with some basic conceptions and principles of general linguistic theory which concludes:1) about language and speech, 2) about value, 3) about the synchronic and the diachronic, 4) about language system is different from character, 5) about different languages have different systems, and 6) changes of acceptation of a word has its reasonable basis because of the restriction of linguistic system.It can be summed up into two from above: the problem of language and speech, and the problem of linguistic system. We should distinguished the word as a unit of language from the character as a unit of literal system, different languages have no analogs among them, acceptation of a word is abstract and general, we can not confuse sememe and variants of sememe, acceptation is the result from control of system of acceptation. A sememe of a word can not have two central variants of sememe which opposites against each other at the same time, and a word can not has two sememes which opposites against each other, namely a acceptation of a word can not been extended to its opposite. So the theory of enantiosemy is not believable from the angle of linguistic theory ,too.Realistic significance of enantiosemy studying is expounded briefly in part four.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】H13
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】578

