

On the Landscape Poetry of the Late Tang Dynasty

【作者】 高国庆

【导师】 高建新;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 山水诗在我国历史悠久,源远流长。早在《诗经》中就有许多关于山水景物描写的诗句。但是,这些诗歌并不是真正意义上的山水诗。这些山水景物只在诗中起“比”、“兴”的作用,直到南朝谢灵运的出现,才标志着山水诗的真正诞生。山水诗自产生之日起,经过二百多年的发展,到盛唐时达到了顶峰,形成了一个创作流派——“山水田园诗派”。而山水诗发展到晚唐,从内容和艺术风格方面都表现出与初、盛、中唐截然不同的特点。晚唐山水诗所涉及的内容主要有:渗入了咏史、怀古的意味;充满了佛学意蕴;以抒写凄清淡泊情怀为主。从艺术方面讲,晚唐山水诗主要表现在以下几个方面:在形式上以律、绝为主而少古体,内容上呈现出内敛性,艺术风格上充满了萧瑟、衰飒的特点。作为山水诗中的重要组成部分,笔者认为晚唐山水诗在诗歌发展史上具有承前启后的重要地位,我们应给予晚唐山水诗正确的评价。

【Abstract】 The landscape poetry had a long history in our country and there were lots of verses in the book of songs describing landscape. But these songs were not landscape poetry in real meaning, because these Landscape was only functioned as metaphor and innitiation in the verses. It was not until Xieling-yun emerged in southern Dynasty that did mark the birth of landscape poetry. Since the birth of landscape poetry ,it had been developed for more than two hundred years. And reach the summit in flourishing age of Tang Dynasty and finally a creative school, landscape and pastoral poetry school, was come into being . But when landscape poetry advanced by late Tang Dynasty .it displayed some features utterly different with poetry of early and middle Tang Dynasty in respect of its content and artistic style . The content of landscape poetry in late Tang Dynasty is that it permeated with implication that singing of historical personages or events and meditating on the past; filled with Buddhism connotation; expressing bleak and indifferent feeling and thought primarily. In artistic respect it displayed such features as below: written with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes primarily and free old style poetry less in form; apparently reserved in content; filled with bleak and declined character in artistic style .The writer contend that the landscape poetry of late Tang Dynasty served as a link between past and future had played an important role in history of poetry being an important sector of landscape poetry. So we must set a proper value on poetry in late Tang Dynasty

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】464

