

Outline History of the Soviet Union’s Aiding Constructionof the Baotou Iron and Steel Industry Base

【作者】 邱成岭

【导师】 许占君;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪50—60年代,中国在建设“156项工程”过程中,引进苏联和东欧等社会主义国家的成套设备和技术资料数量、聘请外国专家数量和所取得的结果也许堪称是史无前例的,对中国社会主义建设产生了巨大和深远的影响。但是,从技术引进史角度,对苏联援建中国大型工程项目方面的研究却极为薄弱。本文以包头钢铁基地为案例,想在这方面作一初步尝试。“156项工程”之一的包头钢铁基地建设,从选择厂址,勘察地质,搜集设计基础资料,进行设计,供应成套设备,指导施工、安装和生产等方面,都得到了苏联的技术援助。基于当时特定的历史条件,这项冶金技术的引进是较为成功的。作者在考证有关档案、当事人撰写的回忆录等资料的基础上,侧重描述与中国工人并肩劳动的苏联专家所发挥的作用,综述苏联在包头钢铁基地建设中的角色,初步展示冶金技术向中国转移的过程。

【Abstract】 During the 1950s ,as building its "156 projects" ,China has imported from the Soviet Union and some other eastern European socialist countries a large number of equipments and technology, and engaged many foreign experts, which has produced Unprecedented achievements, and also has an enormous and profound influence to the socialist construction of China.However, research on the topic of Soviet’s aiding construction of China’s large projects is far from enough.Taking the construction of the Baotou Iron and Steel Industry Base as an example, this paper means to give a new light to the problem. The Baotou Iron and Steel Industry Base-one project of the "156" was aided technically by the Soviet Union in many aspects from the location of the plant, to the prospecting of the geology, from the collecting of the original materials to the directing of construction. Considering the given historical conditions, the importing of such a metallurgical technology relatively counts successful.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F426.31
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】192

