

Reflections on Officer’s Standard and Its Remedies

【作者】 乔福龙

【导师】 刘欣;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 发展社会主义民主政治,推进社会主义政治文明建设,必须破除官本位。官本位是中国古代官僚政治、落后的小农经济以及封建等级思想观念的产物,是专制政治制度的表现,是生产力不发达的反映。在社会主义条件下,官本位意识、官本位行为与我国社会主义初级阶段的不发达状态相联系,成为我国政治社会生活中的必然现象,实质上是不成熟的政治、经济、文化和制度的综合反映,官本位是与无产阶级政党的性质和社会主义政治文明建设的根本宗旨相背离。我国政治生活中的官本位,玷污了党和国家的形象,对我国的社会主义事业造成了严重的危害。 官本位是历史和现实因素相互作用的产物。我国政治体制改革发展缓慢,高度集权的政治体制的弊端没有完全消除,权力依旧在社会生活中发挥着巨大作用,社会主义市场经济体制还不完善,缺乏独立社会团体和组织平衡公共权力,封建主义影响大,民众的民主意识差,社会主义法制建设不健全,等等,为官本位提供了生存和滋生的土壤。因此,对官本位的根治,必须从经济、政治、文化、教育等多方面努力做到综合治理。行政管理职能转换到位,减少行政管理层次,权力受到有效的制约与监督,加强依法治国、大力实行依法治权、治官,加强公务员的思想政治教育,提高全民的民主政治意识,发展生产力创造人民当家作主的物质技术基础,加快市场经济的发展。总之,社会主义政治文明、精神文明、物质文明建设的全面发展必将最终根除官本位,不断弘扬民本位,使社会主义政治文明步入全面、健康、发展的阶段。

【Abstract】 To develop socialist democracy and political civilization, we are supposed to abolish the system of the officer’s standard. As a result of the feudal class perspective of the outdated bureaucracy and the backward petty-peasantry economy, it represents the autocratic political system and reflects underdeveloped productivity. Under the socialist conditions, the officer’s standard awareness and its outward behaviors have been associated with the underdevelopment of the primary stage of the socialism in our country, thus becoming the inevitable phenomena in China’s political and social lives. However, it reveals the immature nature of China’s politics, economy, culture and regulations as a whole. Accordingly, the officer’s standard is to deviate from the nature of the proletariat political party and the construction pf the socialist political civilization. It has stained the images to the Party and the country, causing the serious damages to the socialist cause of our country.The officer’s standard is the result of the interaction between the historical and realistic factors. Due to the slow progress of our country’s political system reform and the remainder left by the drawbacks of the old centralization, power is still playing a great role in social life, and the socialistmarket-oriented economy is far from satisfactory. Consequently, there exists a lack of independent public organization and public power balance, and feudal influence, national unawareness, imperfect socialist legal system, to name a few. All these have spurred the increase of the officer’s standard. Therefore, to offer the remedies for it, we must make great efforts to accomplish the comprehensive administration from such aspects as in economy, politics, culture and education. First, the administrative management is to change and to put in place, reducing the administrative structure. Second, we need an effective restriction and supervision of power, strengthening the management of the country according to law, managing the officers in a more effective manner. Third, we should strengthen the ideological and political education of the civil servants improving the national awareness of democratic politics. Fourth, we ought to develop the productivity and create the technological foundation of material on which the people can master their own affairs, quickening the development of market-oriented economy. In a word, socialist political civilization, ethical progress, and all-round material progress wll finally eliminate officer’s standard , carrying forward the people’s standard constantly, thus making the socialist political civilization step into the stages of overall and healthy development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D630.9
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】834

