

Primary Study on Natural Ecosystem Health’s Assessment of Hilly and Gully Area of Loess Plateau in Inner Mongolia

【作者】 黄和平

【导师】 杨劼;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 占国土面积6.54%的黄土高原(62.38万km~2)作为中华民族五千年文明的发祥地,在历史上曾经森林繁茂、山清水秀,但随着人类活动的日益加强和对植被的不断破坏,导致水土流失和风沙危害日趋严重,该区已成为世界上水土流失最严重的地区,也是我国生态环境最脆弱的地区之一。黄土丘陵沟壑区主要分布在我国黄河的中游和黄土高原的北部地区,包括晋陕蒙接壤区、晋西陕北区、陇东陕北区和陇中宁南地区,面积约22.74万km~2,是黄土高原水土流失的主要来源区。内蒙古黄土丘陵沟壑区系指阴山山脉以南、黄土高原向北延伸至内蒙古自治区境内、鄂尔多斯高原东缘的黄土丘陵地区,主要包括皇甫川流域的两大支流,即纳林川、长川,以及浑河流域的大部分和清水川、饽牛川流域的上游部分,处于晋、陕、蒙接壤区。 本文采用自然指标体系评价法,运用层次分析法、模糊数学等理论,结合巢式等级理论,从生态系统活力、组织结构、系统服务功能和土壤健康等方面,以内蒙古黄土丘陵沟壑区为研究对象,分别选择阿贵庙自然保护区作为原生植被区、五分地沟试验区作为人工恢复治理区、宁格尔塔阳泉沟作为退化未治理区等三个样区,对其自然生态系统健康状况进行分析和评价,并对其健康恢复途径进行了初步探讨,提出了适合于该区域的生态系统健康评价指标体系和权重体系,建立了适合于该区域的生态系统健康评价指数评价模型和指标分级标准,研究结果表明: (l)从理论和方法上,结合内蒙古黄土丘陵沟壑区特别是所选定的三个样区的实际情况,本文所给出的评价指标体系、权重体系、评价模型及指标分级标准是实事求是的,也是合理和科学的,主要表现在:①在前人工作的基础上,借鉴国内外相关研究成果,结合生态学、保护生物学、水土保持学及土壤学等理论,从自然生态学角度提出了比较完整的生态系统健康评价指标体系;②在广泛咨询专家的基础上,结合巢式等级理论,对每一等级上的各个指标都赋予其相应的权重值,并逐层归一化,提出了比较合理的权重体系;③利用先进的层次分析法理论,结合模糊数学理论,对评价指标进行无量纲化处理,并逐层整合,避免采用简单的“算术平均”或“几何平均”等评价方法,建立了比较科学的生态系统健康评价模型及评价指标分级标准。因此,从自然生态学角度,本文建立的指标体系及评价模型完全可以用于指导该区域系统尺度上的生态系统健康评价。 (2)在生态系统活力方面,人工治理区的活力健康指数虽然远高于退化未治理区,其指数约是退化未治理区的两倍,但与原生植被区比较而言,仍有较大的差距,只有原生植被区的三分之一左右,处于IV级,即一般病态水平,而退化未治理区仍处于V级,即疾病状态,在四大功能指标中均是最低的指标之一。 (3)在生态系统组织结构方面,人工治理区的健康指数低于原生植被区而高于退化未治理区,处于.n级,即健康水平,而退化未治理区则仍处于 IV级,即一般病态水平,在四大功能指标中均是最高的一个指标。 (4)在生态系统服务功能方面,人工治理区的活力健康指数虽然远高于退化未治理区,其指数是退化未治理区的三倍多,但与原生植被区比较而言,仍有相当大的差距,只有原生植被区的五分之一强一点,仍处于IV级,即一般病态水平,而退化未治理区仍处于V级,即疾病状态,在四大功能指标中均是最低的一个指标。 (5)在土壤健康方面,人工治理区的健康指数高于退化未治理区而低于原生植被区,处于m级,即中度健康水平,而退化未治理区仍处于IV级,即一般病态水平。 (6)从总体来看,人工治理区的生态系统健康综合指数仍低于原生植被区而高于退化未治理区,处于m级,即中度健康水平,而退化未治理区仍处于IV级,即一般病态水平。而且它们的贡献值大小顺序均是:组织结构>土壤健康>活力>服务功能。 (7)根据对三个样区的四大功能指标的分析研究及总体评价结果,结合研究区的实际情况,本文对该区域的生态系统健康恢复及植被重建的措施与途径提出了如下几点建议:①需进一步调整农、林、牧产业结构和植被类型组成,增加和提高适应当地的乔、灌、草植物种特别是灌木树种的数量和质量,进而提高生态系统的活力或生产力,改善当地的生态环境;②在植被格局上以原生植被区的基本稳定的植被格局为指导,在群落类型的搭配、植物生活型谱组成的配置比例、水分生态类群组成的配置比例上,特别是在分层生物量和分层覆盖度上进一步优化其配置比例,以发挥其最大效益的水土保持功能:③尽量减轻人类干扰和破坏,进一步退耕还林还草,改进耕作方式,推行免耕制度,以从源头上减缓侵蚀动力,增加土壤固着性,促进土壤(苔鲜)结皮的形成和植物群落的进展演替,从而最大限度地减小水土流失,提高生态系统服务功能;’④在农林牧业生产活动中,应大力提倡施用农家肥,提高土壤有机质含量,促进腐殖质层的形成、土壤水分的稳定,及微生物的发育和繁殖,加速土壤健康的恢复:⑤充分研究和掌握各植物种的生物学和生态学特性,以原生植被区为对照,按照“适地适树,适地适草”的

【Abstract】 Loess Plateau is the birthplace of 5000 years’ civilization of Chinese nationality, which occupies 623.8 thousand square kilometers, 6.54% of the country’s area, and used to be full of forestry and picturesque scenery. However, with the people’s increasing disturbing and active strength on the vegetation, the region’s water and soil erosion, wind and sand harm are more and more serious. Loess Plateau has become one of the worst serious water and soil erosion regions of the world, and is also one of the most frangible eco-environmental regions of China. The hilly and gully area of Loess Plateau, which distributes in the middle of Yellow River and the north of Loess Plateau, is the main resource of water and soil erosion from Loess Plateau. It occupies 227.4 thousand square kilometers, and involves border-on region of Jin-Shan-Meng, region of west of Jin and north of Shan, region of east of Long and north of Shan, and region of middle of Long and south of Ning. The hilly and gully area of Loess Plateau in Inner Mongolia is a part of hilly and gully area of Loess Plateau, which locates in south of Yinshan range, the part of Inner Mongolia prolonged by Loess Plateau, east of Ordos Plateau. It locates in the border-on region of Jin-Shan-Meng which involves two branches of Huangfuchuan basin which are Nalinchuan river and Changchuan river, most of Hunhe river and the upriver of Qingshuichuan river and Boniuchuan river.Assessment method of natural index system was used in this paper, the theories of analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy mathematics were applied, and combined with the theory of net-hierarchy. Three sample areas of original vegetation (Aguimiao natural conservation), degenerated vegetation (Yangquangou) and reconstructed vegetation (Wufendigou) of the hilly and gully area of Loess Plateau in Inner Mongolia were chosen to be studied from the aspects of ecosystem health vigor, organization structure, system service function and soil health. Through the study on the health situation of natural ecosystem compared with the original island vegetation, Aguimiao Natural Conservation, 7 kilometers distance from the south-west of Huangfuchuan basin, the ecosystem health assessing index system and the weight system which adapted to this region were put forward, and the ecosystem health index assessing model and the index level standards wereestablished. The restoration routes of the ecosystem health were also discussed in the end. The results showed that:(1) From the theory and method, combined with the facts of hilly and gully area of Loess Plateau in Inner Mongolia, especially the three selected sample areas, the assessment index system, weight system, assessment model and index level standards put forward by this paper were practical .and realistic, and they were also reasonable and scientific. The reasons were: (1) On the foundation of the works of prehuman, consulted the related research results in and out of country, combined with the theories of Ecology, Conserve-biology, Soil-and-water Conserve and Agrology, the intact assessment index system of ecosystem health was put forward from the point of view of natural ecology; (2)On the foundation of extensive consultation to lots of specialists, combined with the theory of net-hierarchy, through endowing with weight value on each indicator of each level and returning one layer by layer, the reasonable weight system was put forward; (3)Through applying the advanced theory of analytic hierarchy process, combined with the theory of fuzzy mathematics, non-dimension dealing with the assessment index, and conforming layer by layer, avoiding the simple assessment methods of "arithmetic average" and "geometry average", the scientific assessment model of ecosystem health and the assessment index level standards were established. In a word, from the view of natural ecology, the index system and assessment model established by this paper could be fully applied in the assessment of ecosystem health of this region on the scale of system.(2) On the ecosystem vigor, the h

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】X820
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】393

