

On the Thinking of the Current Popular Culture’ Logicalness

【作者】 白晶

【导师】 贾贵生;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 马克思理论与思想政治教育, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 大众文化作为中国市场经济条件下必然产生的文化现象,已深深契入了我国当代社会制度形态和人们的日常生活,因此,分析当代中国大众文化的合理性并给予客观的评价,有着积极的现实意义。 当代中国大众文化是指以大众传媒为手段、按市场经济规律去运作的、旨在使普通大众获得感性愉悦的日常文化形态。它是社会经济、科学技术及其相关的社会结构发展到一定阶段的必然产物。它有商业性、日常生活性、社会大众性、娱乐消遣性和技术性等基本特性。当代中国大众文化合理性的主要表现是:它丰富和发展了人性;它是现代社会一种精神安慰文化;它促使文化真正回归大众,提高了大众的生活质量;它在中国文化多元化进程中发挥了重要的作用。如同任何事物一样,大众文化也存在着自身的局限性,它只能在时代提供的可能性中发展。 文化产业在当代中国的发展直接表现为大众文化的发展,当代中国大众文化在未来发展中将会朝着人文化、国际化、民族化方向发展。作为当代中国文化系统的重要组成部分,大众文化存在的现实性、合理性是无法否认的,我们必须尊重社会大众的文化选择和文化需求,致力于发展健康向上的中国大众文化,对其发展中存在的种种问题进行调节和控制。

【Abstract】 As a logical cultural phenomenon under the condition of market-economiy, the popular culture had not only been brought into the social conformation but also mess’s daily lives. Therefor, to analysis the logicalness of the current popular culture and give it a objective estimate has active and realistic sense 0So-called the current popular culture, is a certain of cultural conformation that runs by popular medias and market-economy system and it can pleasure common people .It was a logical result that social economy, technology and institution had evolved certain phrase, and took on some characters such as commercial, daily, popular, amused and technical, etc.The logicalness of the current popular culrure’s being is that, tirstly, it has progressed and developed humanity; secondly, it was a kind of culture with the fouction of comfort; thirdly, it speeded the prosess of making culture come back to mess and increased mess’s cultural expenses and finally improved the qualities of people’s daily lives; forthly, it had acted a very important character in Chinese multi-angling culture.Of course, as the other things, the current popular culture was also of its own limitions. It was only developing on the conditions of possibility of answering time.In China, the developing of cultural industry are mainly represented by evolution of the current popular culture. The current popular culture will develop along the way of humanization, nationalization and internationalization in furure. Since the current popular culture has become a very important part in Chinese cultural system, we can not deny its realisticness and logicalness, and we must value mess’s cultural choices and their cultural request, devote to develop advancing and herlthy popular culture, control and regular all kinds of possible faults and problems in the current popular culture’s evolution.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】G122
  • 【下载频次】348

