

The Research on Co-Ownership of Condominium

【作者】 图雅

【导师】 丁文英;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古大学 , 民商法学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑物区分所有权的观念发端于奴隶社会城市的兴起,但作为一项重要的不动产法律制度,却是随着经济的发展和社会的进步,在20世纪相继在各国确立。我国城市化进程加快,高层建筑随处可见,现实生活中因建筑物区分所有而发生的案件时有发生,但我国目前的法律、法规中却还找不到相关的建筑物区分所有权详细规定,这不能不说是一个很大的缺憾,因此正确认识和建立建筑物区分所有权法律制度,不仅有利于解决法律实务中出现的这类纠纷,还有助于完善我国的不动产所有权制度。本论文在阐述建筑物区分所有权基本理论的基础上,立足于对区分所有权中的共有权研究,认为建筑物区分所有权包括的三项内容即专有部分的专有所有权、共有部分的共有权及成员权中,共有权是建筑物区分所有权制度的核心,区分所有权人在取得专有权时即取得了共有权,共有权客体范围是除专有部分以外的建筑物其它部分及附属物,基地使用权是建筑物区分所有权中共有权的一个非常重要的部分,共有权的性质是“专有---混合共有”,建筑物区分所有权人根据专有部分的价值所占的比例确定共有部分的持份权,共同使用共有部分,根据该共有部分的持份比例享有共有部分的收益,分担费用,还应当建立共有权的保护制度,在共有权遭受损害时予以法律救济。文章结合了各区分所有权制度完备的国家和地区的法律规定及我国民法学者在物权法起草过程中对该制度的设计,分析和讨论了共有权的法律地位及权利范围,论证了共有权在建筑物区分所有权制度中的重要性及保护的迫切性。随着我国物权法的起草和颁布,建筑物区分所有权制度将被我们所认识和运用,只有把握住共有部分是建筑物区分所有权的制度特色及立法的中心,才有可能理l匝法律关系,切实保护区分所有权人的利益:

【Abstract】 The origin of the Condominium concept started in the slave society, accompanying with the city rise. However, it came to be an important real estate law and was established in succession in many countries in 20 centuries with the development of economy and the advance of society. Since the urbanization process is accelerating in our country, we can see the high-rise buildings everywhere, and the cases of Condominium in our realistic living often occur. But we have to say it is a pity because we still can not find the related legal provisions in our current laws and regulations. Accuratelyunderstanding and establishing the Condominium legal system is not only benefit of solving the problem in real life, but also benefit of perfecting real-estate ownership system in our country. Basing on the fundamental Condominium theory, the author gives priority to the co-ownership of Condominium and puts forward that co-ownership is a core of Condominium among such three elements as exclusive right, co-ownership and membership right. Obligees will take the co-ownership when they have the exclusive right.Except for the exclusive part, the object extent of co-ownership is all the other parts of the building and its fixtures. Right to the use of land is a very important part of co-ownership, the nature of co-ownership is "exclusion-mixed co-ownership". According to the proportion of the value compared with exclusive and co-ownership part, obligees use the co-ownership part in common, have and hold income, share the expenses. In order to give remedy at law, protective system should be established. The author analyzes the legal status of co-ownership and its right extent concerning other nations and districts legal provision and the draft of the civil law in our country, expounds the importance of co-ownership in Condominium and the urgency of protection. With drafting and promulgating of the Law of Things, the Condominium legal system will be known and applied. As long as we recognize that the co-ownership part is the characteristic portion in Condominium and the heart of the legislation, we can straighten out the legal relationship and protect obligees’ interest effectively.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 内蒙古大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】D923.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】305

