

Studies on the Application Effects of Special Fermented Soybean Supplementation in Porkets and Piglets

【作者】 陈文静

【导师】 章世元;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 动物营养与饲料科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 根据母猪胎次、产仔期、泌乳力相似的原则,选择经产第三、四胎母猪、产仔期接近,窝产仔数14头以上哺乳期杜枫姜猪8窝,6窝试验,2窝对照,共120头。对照组饲喂基础日粮(该种猪场配方):试验组分三组,分别为新型低抗原零寡糖特殊发酵大豆蛋白产品10%、17.5%、35%的三个梯度。试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组日粮用低抗原特殊发酵豆粕,替代基础日粮中的普通豆粕。试验Ⅲ组完全替代基础日粮中的普通豆粕。各组日粮能量、蛋白质相近,且赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、钙和有效磷等含量接近。通过饲养试验、消化试验较系统的分析极低抗原特殊处理豆粕对乳仔猪生产性能、腹泻率、消化率的影响,20天时随机从各组各选择两头进行胃篓手术,并每隔10天采集胃液样品以测定其pH值。试验20、30、40天时,早晨8:00空腹前腔静脉采血,50天时2:00、8:00、14:00、20:00四时段采血,离心取血清以测定血液生化指标。屠宰后采集胃部和小肠空肠段样品并固定,经适当处理后制成普通石蜡切片及超薄切片,通过组织学和电子显微技术,再结合显微测量方法进一步说明新型特殊发酵大豆蛋白产品对仔猪消化道组织发育的影响以便对其仔猪早期消化系统的生长发育规律进行详细研究。研究结果表明: 1.通过组织学及电子显微技术观察,饲喂新型发酵豆粕的特殊处理饲粮,仔猪胃和小肠均发育良好。小肠绒毛呈指状,上皮绒毛光滑,形态正常,肠壁肌层变厚,肠绒毛高度、隐窝深度与对照组相比差异显著(P<0.05),酶原细胞明显增多。而饲喂普通豆粕饲粮的小肠上皮绒毛形态变化比较大,受到的破坏较为严重。小肠绒毛上端细胞明显脱落。试验组胃黏膜厚度明显高于对照组,胃绒毛明显,胃小凹光滑清晰。 2.补饲不同处理豆粕,各组乳仔猪随着生长日龄推移,胃内容物pH值均呈 降低趋势,试验各组由于补饲添加乳酸及乳酸菌的特殊处理零抗原大豆 蛋白,pH值较对照组呈明显的降低(P<0.05)。3.血液生化指标中各试验组血清尿素氮浓度、血清白蛋白含量、血清总蛋白 浓度、血糖浓度、谷丙转氨酶活性随着仔猪生长明显变化,呈现升高趋势。 而碱性磷酸酶活性随着仔猪的生长而下降。4.各阶段,试验m组较对照组对仔猪日增重效果明显(P<0.05),平均日采食较对照组增长了197.98%.料肉比降低0.11,饲料报酬影响显著(P<0.05),各极低抗原的特殊发酵豆粕组均不同程度降低了仔猪的腹泻率,提高了仔猪的成活率。各试验组日粮粗蛋白、粗脂肪、灰分、钙、磷消化率较对照组差异显著(P<0.05)。

【Abstract】 The study was conducted to determine the effects free antigen soybean protein. Secelect eight dens piglets of JiangQuHai type breed(Duroc FengJing JangQuH ai),six dens experiment and two contrests.120 in totals, study included feeding and metabolism experiments. Criteria used were performance, nutrient retention, tibia quality and blood criteria.The treatment diets were fed in a factorial arrangement of three levels of crude phytase(10%, 17.5%, 35%),protain and anergy of all diets were similarjn 20th,30th,40th day, we get blood from anterior vena caia of piglet without diet.In 20th day ,we seclet 8 piglets fost fistula in gaster to get gastric juice..after the experiment ,slaughter all of the 8 piglets to make histologic section and electron micrograph..to study the pigs upgrowth of the alimentary canal .the results are as follows.:(1)Observe By histology and photomicrograph technique, breeding by new type fermented soybean, stomach and small intestine of the porkets and piglets are well upgrowthing , villus becomes finger shape, configuration is smooth and in gear, intestinal muscle is thicker and intestinal villus is higher and intestinal recess is deeper than control group(2)supplementary raise different processed soybean, pH of endogenetic substance in stomach of all the piglets is become more and more decreaseed (3)Of all the blood performance diarrhea, concentration of BUN,ALB content, concentration of TP, concentration of blood sugar, activity of GPT are increasing with the growth ,while activity of AKP is decreased daily gain of The 3 group is more efficient than control group(P<0.05),daily foraging is increase 197.98 percent ,pay of the feedstuff influence is evidently, diarrhea rate is decline in evidence. Diets of Digestive rate on crudeprotein, crude fat, ashes, Ca, P are discrepancy in prominence(P<0.05)

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】S828.5
  • 【被引频次】25
  • 【下载频次】742

