

Grain Filling and Quality Formation Study on Waxy Maize

【作者】 王从亮

【导师】 陆卫平;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在扬州大学江苏省作物栽培重点实验室试验研究了15个糯玉米杂交品种间子粒灌浆与品质形成的差异及高、中、低密肥对糯玉米子粒灌浆与品质形成的影响。结论如下: 1.糯玉米鲜穗产量、子粒产量在不同处理间均存在着极显著差异,鲜穗重与鲜穗产量相关最为密切,百粒重、穗实粒数、出子率与子粒产量相关最为密切。密肥处理通过影响鲜穗重而影响鲜穗产量及通过影响穗实粒数、百粒重、亩穗数和出子率而影响子粒产量。鲜穗产量与子粒产量的高低顺序不同处理间表现一致,呈显著正相关。 果穗鲜重随花后天数的增长表现为单峰型曲线,不同品种鲜穗重峰值与鲜穗产量正相关。子粒鲜重随花后天数的增长表现为后期缓慢下降的S型曲线,不同品种的子粒鲜重峰值与子粒产量相关密切。果穗与子粒干重随花后天数的增重动态可以用Richards方程y=K/(1+Ae-Bx)1/N拟合,影响果穗重的Richards方程参数是起始生长势、最大增重速率、增重中期的增重速率和持续的时间,影响子粒重的Richards方程参数是到达最大灌浆速率的时间、活跃生长期、灌浆中期的持续时间和灌浆速率。果穗含水率与子粒含水率均随花后天数的增加呈直线下降的趋势,果穗含水率与子粒含水率下降速率与鲜穗产量相关不密切。密肥处理是通过影响最大灌浆速率、活跃生长期、主要灌浆期的灌浆速率和持续的时间而影响子粒产量。密肥可以调节子粒含水率的下降速率,但与产量关系不密切。子粒体积随花后天数的增加而不断增加,不同品种间子粒体积与百粒重量呈正相关,密肥扬州大学硕士学位论文处理对其影响较小。 2.鲜穗品评分在本试验不同处理间均有显著差异,品种试验品评分的高低依次决定于外观品质、糯性、皮薄厚、色泽、气味、柔嫩性、风味。密肥试验品评 f分的高低依次决定于外观品质、糯性、皮薄厚、色泽、风味、柔嫩性、气味。品种和密肥均是影响品尝品质的主要因素。品评分的高低顺序与鲜穗产量的高低顺序不一致,可以分为品评分高鲜穗产量高、品评分高鲜穗产量低、品评分低鲜穗产量高、品评分低鲜穗产量低4种类型。 3.子粒淀粉含量随花后天数的增加呈S型曲线,可以用RIChardS方程y=幻(1十Ae-sx)’用拟合,起始增长势、活跃增长期、中期的增长速率是影响品种间子粒淀粉积累的主要因素,子粒淀粉含量增加进入快速增长期要比子粒重增加进入快速增重期相对滞后2一3天。密肥处理是通过影响最大增重速率、活跃生长期、中期的持续时间和增重速率而影响子粒淀粉含量。 子粒可溶性糖含量随花后天数下降的变化呈“快一慢一快一慢”的规律变化,成熟期降至最低值,品种间在鲜食期与成熟期均存在显著差异,施肥量可以显著提高鲜食期子粒可溶性糖含量,而密度对其无显著影响。 子粒蛋白质含量随花后增长的变化动态符合方程Y=axebx的关系,不同处理间变化规律一致。决定不同品种间成熟期子粒蛋白质含量高低的主要参数为b值,施肥量是通过影响a值的大小而影响子粒蛋白质含量,与b值的相关不密切。而密度对其无显著影响。

【Abstract】 The differences of grain filling and quality formation among 15 waxy maize varieties and that effected by high, middle, low density and fertilizer were studied on the experiment field of Crop Cultivation Physiology Key Laboratory of Jiangsu Province, Yangzhou University. The main results were as follows:1. There were significant differences of fresh ear yield and grain yield among different treatments. The component that affected fresh ear yield most was the fresh ear weight. The main components that affected grain yield were 100-grain-weight, grain number per ear and fresh grain weight per fresh ear weight. The fresh ear yield was mainly determined by the fresh ear weight in different density and fertilizer. The grain yield was mainly determined by the grain number per ear, 100-grain-weight, ear number per mu in different density and fertilizer. The fresh ear yield was positive relation to the grain yield.The dynamic changing of fresh ear weight and fresh grain weight after silking was one-peak-curve. The biggest fresh ear weight was positive relation to the fresh ear weight in different treatments. The dynamic changing of ear weight and grain weight after silking could be simulated by Richards equation well. The parameters of R0. Gmax, V2, T2 were mainly determined the fresh ear weight and TmaxG, D, V2, T2 were the mainly determined the grain weight of varieties. The grain yield was main determined by Gmax, D, V2, and T2 in different density and fertilizer treatments. The water content of fresh ear and grain were straightly decreased with the days after silking and decreaserates had no correlations with fresh ear weight. The grain volumes were increased with the day after silking. There were positive relation between the grain volume and 100-grain-weight in different varieties. The density and fertilizer had little effects on the grain volumes.2. There were significant differences of the ear taste values in different treatments. The sequence of taste components was ear appearances, waxy, skin, color, smell, delicates and ear flavor in different varieties experiment and ear appearances, waxy, skin, color, ear flavor, delicates and smell in different density and fertilizer experiment. The relation of ear taste values and fresh ear yield in different treatments could be divided into four types: high taste values and high fresh ear yield, high taste values and low fresh ear yield, low taste values and high fresh ear yield, low taste values and low fresh ear yield.3. The Richards equation could be used to match the grain starch content changes in different treatments. The parameters of R0, D, V2 were main determined the grain starch content in different varieties. The grain starch content was main determined by Gmax, D, T2 and V2 in different density and fertilizer experiment. The grain starchcontent was 2-3 days later than the grain weight to T2 stage.The dynamic decrease of grain sugar content after silking was "fast-low-fast-low"curve. There were significant differences in different varieties. The fresh ear grain sugar content could be increased obviously by fertilizer and there were no significant differences of grain sugar content in different density levels.The dynamic changing of grain protein content with days after silking could be simulated by Y=a X ebx equation. The grain protein content were mainly determined by parameter b in different varieties, by parameter a values in different fertilizer level. There was no significant effect of density on the grain protein content.

【关键词】 糯玉米产量果穗增重子粒灌浆品质形成
【Key words】 Waxy maizeYieldEar growthGrain fillingQuality formation
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】S513
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】204

