

Studies on Karyotype & G-banded Patterns and C-banded Patterns of Xiaoshan Chickens,Beijing Fatty Chickens and Langshan Chickens

【作者】 徐琪

【导师】 陈国宏; 张学余;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 分别采用外周血淋巴细胞培养法、胰酶处理法、氢氧化钡处理法对3个地方鸡种(萧山鸡、北京油鸡和狼山鸡)的核型及G带和C带进行分析,研究结果表明: ① 外周血淋巴细胞培养法适用于禽类染色体的制备,这为禽类染色体的制备提供了又一途径。 ② 3个地方鸡种的核型基本相同,染色体数目均为2n=78,有10对大型染色体和29对微小染色体;染色体的形态也基本一致,仅在No.4染色体上出现一些差别,北京油鸡No.4染色体为st型,而萧山鸡和狼山鸡为sm型。 ③ 3个地方鸡种的G带带纹表现出较明显的差异,萧山鸡可分为34个区,159条带;北京油鸡和可狼山鸡分为33个区,151条带。 ④ 3个地方鸡种的许多微小染色体都显示深染C带,所有W染色体整条深染,这进一步证实了C带技术可用于禽类性别鉴定。 ⑤ 狼山鸡No.1染色体相对长度水平与屠宰性状、产蛋性状存在较大的关联,当No.1染色体相对长度水平为4(22.00%<RL≤23.00%)时,腿肌重、胸肌重往往表现较低;当No.1染色体相对长度水平为3(21.00%<RL≤22.00%)时,总产蛋量、开产蛋重往往表现较低,说明家鸡的No.1染色体的相对长度可用于辅助育种。 ⑥ 核型似近系数和进化距离在禽类中同样适用,8个地方鸡种(另收集了仙居鸡,鹿苑鸡,泰和鸡,寿光鸡和旧院黑鸡的资料)的聚类结果与品种的历史起源、产地分布基本一致。 ⑦ 将家鸡染色体核型和G带与鹌鹑相比较,发现家鸡和鹌鹑染色体数目均为Zn=78,但染色体的形态存在较大差异,主要表现在No.1、No.4、No.6、No.8和Z染色体上;G带分析结果显示,家鸡和鹤鹑的G带差异主要反映在No.1和No.2染色体,这可能是由于臂间倒位所致。

【Abstract】 Karyotype analysis was carried out on Chinese native chickens (i.e. Xiaoshan chickens, Beijing fatty chickens and Langshan chickens) using the peripheral lymphocyte culture technique, G-banded patterns were obtained with trypsin and Giemsa, and C-banded patterns were treated with barium hydroxide and Giemsa. The results were as followed.(1) The peripheral lymphocyte culture technique was suitable for avian chromosome preparing, which offered a feasible approach of avian chromosome preparation.(2) The karyotypes of three Chinese native chickens were similar to each other. All three species had a diploid number of 78, with 10 pairs of macrochromosomes including the sex-chromosome and 29 pairs of microchromosomes. However, the type of No.4 chromosome was not completely identical among three species.(3) Analysis of G-banded patterns for macrochromosomes of the three species indicated that the banded patterns were quite different. The macrochromosomes of Xiaoshan chickens were divided into 34 zones and 159 bands; while both Beijing fatty chickens and Langshan chickens were 33 zones and 151 bands.(4) The C-banded patterns were observed on many microchromosomes and W chromosome was totally dark-stained, which proved furtherly that C-banded technique could be used in avian sex indemnification.(5) Significant correlation between karyotypic characteristics (relative length of No.1chromosome) and some performance traits in Langshan chickens were also found, which implied that the karyotypic characteristics could be used as an important criteria to assisted breeding.(6) Karyotype resemblance-near coefficient was adoptable in avian. After collected the same date about the other five native chickens(Xianju chickens, Luyuan chickens, Shouguang chickens, Silkies and Jiuyuan Black chickens), the eight Chinese native chickens were clustered 3 colonies according to their resemblance-near coefficient, which was approximately uniform to original areas and distribution.(7) Comparison on karyotype and G-banded patterns between the domestic fowl and quail showed that they had a diploid number of 78, but their positions of centromere of macrochromosomes were different from each other. Analysis of G-banded patterns for macrochromosomes of them indicated that there was great difference between No.1 and No.2 chromosome, which could be explained by pericentric inversions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】S831.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】128

