

Study on Genetic Coadaptability of Structure Loci between Tan Sheep and Small-Tailed Han Sheep

【作者】 杜垒

【导师】 常洪;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 动物遗传育种与繁殖, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究是以中心产区典型群简单随机抽样法在小尾寒羊的中心产区—山东省济宁市梁山县和滩羊的中心产区—宁夏回族自治区盐池县分别抽取了具有独立血统的60只小尾寒羊和73只滩羊,测量其各自体尺指标并记录各自的外部形态学特征,统计其表型频率。同时,在实验室采用水平板凝胶电泳法对控制其血液酶和非酶蛋白质的16个结构基因座上的变异进行检测,计算各个多型座位的等位基因频率,分析总体频率样本估计值的可靠性和精确度,再进行其群体遗传共适应性的研究,并检测了分布于6条不同染色休上的7个“微卫星”DNA位点的多型。结果表明: 1.通过从两个绵羊群体的外部形态学特征、体尺测量指标进行研究,发现对于不同品种,在不同年龄阶段。其不同性别羊体尺存在一定的差异;同时二者都在极个别稀有变异的形态学特征上存在着估计值可靠性低的情况,但总的调查结果基本上与《中国羊品种志》上的调查结果相符。 2.通过对16个编码血液酶和非酶蛋白质的结构基因座进行检测发现,小尾寒羊在10个座位上存在多型现象,其各座位的优势基因分别为x-p-、DiaF、Ary-Es-、LapA、ALpB-、CatB、Hb-βB、MEF、GcS、TfE;而滩羊在11个座位上存在多型现象,其各座位的优势基因分别为Lya、X-p+、DiaF、Ary-Es+、LapB、AlpB-、CatB、Hb-βx、MEF、GcS、TfE。小尾寒羊基因多态性比例为81.25%,滩羊为84.375%。3.从16个结构基因座位中选取3个最适合遗传共适应研究的座位,同时,并引用以 前孙伟等(2001年)所用的实验羊群体一湖羊和同羊的资料进行研究。在对遗传 平衡性进行检测时发现,四个绵羊品种中,湖羊和同羊除在Hb。p座位上处于极不 平衡状态〔P<0.01),其他两个座位都处于遗传平衡状态。而小尾寒羊和滩羊这3 个座位都处于遗传平衡状态(P>0.05)。4.针对四个绵羊群体的3个多型座位两两组合进行统计,结果发现,在小尾寒羊群 体中,组合型Hb一p一ME处于极强的连锁不平衡状态(P<0.01),其他两种组合型 都处于连锁平衡状态;滩羊在这三个组合型中都处于连锁平衡状态(P>0.05);湖 羊和同羊除在Cat一ME组合型上处于遗传平衡状态,其他两个组合型都处于极强的 遗传不平衡状态。5.通过对小尾寒羊、滩羊、湖羊、同羊四群体这3个座位上的遗传共适应性系数进 行的经典聚类分析,结果发现,湖羊和同羊的亲缘程度近,聚为一类;小尾寒羊 和滩羊亲缘关系较近,聚为一类,最后再相互聚为一类。6.通过从遗传共适应系数、外部形态学特征和生态学特征三个方面,对四个绵羊群 体各自的这三个方面的20项指标进行经典聚类分析:小尾寒羊与同羊聚为一类, .IJ:与滩羊聚为一类,最后同湖羊聚为一类。7.在搜集了国内外16个绵羊品种的资料之后,运用了模糊性模式判别揭示这两个绵 羊群体的血统类别及相互系统地位。滩羊和小尾寒羊就血统而言都归属于“蒙古 羊”集团,这基本上符合各个品种的育成过程。

【Abstract】 Using simple random sampling in typical colony method,60 Small-Tailed Han Sheep and 73 Tan Sheep were sampled respectively in their central area of habitat Liang Shan county, Jin Ning city of Shan Dong Province and Yan Chi county of NingXia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region.Every individuals had respective frequencies of appearance characters.Then on experiment ,starch gel electropherisis was used to detect the variations of 16 blood enzyme and other protein structural loci, computing the gene frequencies on every polymer locus and going to the research on genetic co-adaptability.At the same time, it also detected the polymorphism of "microsatellite" DNA site which distributed on 6 different chorosomes. The results were as follows:1. Through researching on the genetic markers, such as the appearance characte the body measurements of the two populations, we found that there has some difference of different sex between different breeds in different age; At the same time, the low reliability of estimated values existed in the rare appearance character of the two populations. However, the general investigated results corresponds with the results of Sheep and Goat Breeds in China .2. Among the 16 detected blood enzyme and other protein structural loci, Small-Tailed Han Sheep had 10 polymorphism loci, the every dominant gene were X-p? Dia?Ary-Es?Lap?AlpB?Cat?Hb?ME?Gc?Tf? However, Tan Sheep had 11 polymorphism loci, the every dominant gene were Ly?X-p+ Dia?Ary-Es? LapB? AlpB? Cat8 ?Hb?MEF? Gc?Tf? The propotion of genetic polymorphism of Small-Tailed Han Sheep was 81.25%, but that of Tan Sheep was 84.375%.3. The 3 best suitable loci were selected from 16 structural loci to carry out thegenetic coadatatility research. Then, adding the Hu sheep and Tong sheep’s information which were used by Sun wei formerly. Through detecting the genetic equilibrium. We can find : On Hb , Hu sheep and Tong sheep were in the most disequilibrium state (P<0.01) ,on the other two loci they were in equilibrium state (P>.05) . However, Small-Tailed Han Sheep and Tan Sheep were in equilibrium state on the 3 loci (P>0.05) .4. Counting the every two loci of 3 combinations of the four sheep populations. The results were as follows: As to Small-Tailed Han Sheep, Hb- P -Me was in the most disequilibrium state (P<0.01 ) , the two other were in linkage equilibrium state (P>.05) . However, Tan Sheep were in linkage equlibrium on the 3 combination. Hu sheep and Tong sheep, the two combinations were in the most disequilibrium except the linkage equlibrium of Cat-ME.5. Using the classical Cluster to analysize the genetic coadaptability data on the 3 loci of Small-Tailed Han Sheep?Tan Sheep?Hu Sheep and Tan Sheep, its result were as follows: Hu Sheep was closer to Tong Sheep in their phylogenetic relationship, so they combine to a cluster. Small-Tailed Han Sheep and Tan Sheep combine to a cluster. At last, the four sheep were combined to a general cluster.6. Using classical cluster to analysize the 20 indexes of the four sheep through the genetic coadaptability coefficient?appearance character and ecological character. The results were as follows: At first, Small-Tailed Han Sheep was combined with Tong sheep as a cluster. Then, they combine with Tan Sheep as another cluster. At last, Hu Sheep was combined to them.7. After collecting the data of native and foreign sheep populations, the discriminant for fussy pattern was used to disclose the two sheep’s systemic status and discriminant of extraction. Tan Sheep and Small-Tailed Han Sheep are thought to belong to "Mongolia sheep" group, it correspond with the historical records exactly.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】S826
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】85

