

【作者】 申明秀

【导师】 徐德明;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从贾平凹创作的美学追求入手,分析他小说的传统底蕴、现代内涵及其关系,进而探求他的写作境界与意义,勾勒一个较真实的贾平凹小说的美学世界。 贾平凹的创作的美学追求来源于他的诗人本性与多方面的感悟。霍去病墓侧的石雕卧虎使贾平凹体证到东方的味、中华民族的味、商州的味与贾平凹自己的味:拙厚、古朴、旷远。贾平凹收藏的大大小小的汉罐使他认识到什么是真正的大气,从而摆脱早期创作的阴柔风格所透出的小家子气,立志写出大气磅礴、大境界的作品。川端康成则给了贾平凹最直接的启示,就是“追逐全世界的先进的趋向而浪花飞扬,河床却坚实地建凿在本民族的土地上”。贾平凹明白自己跟川端康成有很多相似之处,走川端康成之路,一定能达到艺术的大境界、文学的高峰。 贾平凹小说的传统底蕴首先表现在他小说的语言、行文、结构、风格等外在形式上。贾平凹语言深具魅力且有鲜明的民族味,他善于活用、化用文言词汇、语气,不仅词汇更丰富,句式也显示出多样性,二者的结合,使作品能多角度、多层面地叙事状物,显示了传统叙事语言的灵动和工巧。贾平凹对文言和民间语言的借鉴其实不能仅仅放在技法层面上来认识,它实际上是作家对传统审美情趣、思维方式的认同,它是以作家在艺术气质上与传统的相通为基础,经过多年的修炼、涵养而成的。贾平凹小说不讲究结构的精巧,而以散漫、拙厚、古朴显得大气。这些总体构成了贾平凹小说“拙”与“朴”的行文风格。其次是意象,这一中国传统的文学表现方式,在贾平凹的小说中有生动的体现。他的意象世界纷繁复杂又自成系统,是一个完整、自足的意象群落。在贾平凹的意象世界罩,寄予着他对人生、宇宙的思考,有对美的讴歌,也有对丑的揭示;有对传统的反思,也有对现代性的探求。最后,贾平凹小说的传统底蕴还充分显示在他小说中的儒、道、释文化成分和对民俗的叙写中。贾平凹接受和展现的是儒家文化中美的一面,随着人生阅历的丰富、体验的加深,贾平凹渐渐不满足于单纯、热情的肯定、赞美,而转向对沉积在国民性中的传统文化的负面的冷峻的揭示与思考。而无论是做人还是作文,贾平凹都充溢着浓郁的道、释气息,给人们留下了深刻的印象。钟情于对包蕴了许多鲜活的传统文化的民俗描写,也是贾平凹小说的一大特色。 贾平凹小说的现代内涵主要体现在三个方面。一是对存在意义的叩问。这可从存在主义的视角去把握贾平凹这一方面的探索,以他的《废都》为例去具体解读。二是关注人性与大自然。对现代人性的挖掘与表达是贾平凹创作的焦点。以他的《废都》为界,他表现人性的小说可分为前后两期,前期重在展现中国传统的人性美,重在立,以《浮躁》为代表;而后期重在揭示人性的缺陷、丑陋,重在破,以《废都》、《病相报告》为代表。贾平凹的创作一贯体现对大自然的强烈关注,在他的小说中,大自然往往是与人融为一体的,是从大自然的高度去关心人,这以《怀念狼》为代表。三是与神对话。贾平凹小说中写了许多神秘的东西,这是贾平凹有意从另一个视角去观照人生、社会,以期拓宽作品的意蕴空间。 传统与现代性的尖锐对立是中国文学现代化的主要特征,而或固守传统,或简单复制西方都是没有出路的。如何在作品中实现传统与现代性的真正融合,诱惑并煎熬着中国作家,贾平凹以他的善悟,他的勤奋,他的永不满足,在这方面卓有成效,使他的作品渐渐显出大气象来。

【Abstract】 This dissertation starts with the aesthetics pursue of Jia PingWa, to analyse the traditional base and modern intension of his novel and its relation, and then to pursue his writing meaning and writing extent reached, to try hard to outline a actual Jia PingWa.Jia’s aesthetics pursue is source of his poet innate quality and his various sense more. The stone carving tiger beside Huo QuBing’s grave makes Jia PingWa certify the taste of east, the taste of our nation and the taste of herself. Those Chinese jars that he collect make him know what’s genuine greatness, and get rid of his mean at his early creation stage because of his gentle style, and he is determined to write great works .Chuan Duan Kang Cheng have given Jia the most direct hint, it is " chase world-wide advanced trend, riverbed build solidly on the land of this nation ". Jia clear that follow Kang’s road he can reach the peak of literature and the big extent reached of art surely. Jia’s novel’s traditional base show first in form such as style, writing style, structure and the language . The glamour of Jis’s language is infinite and have bright national taste.He is good at work to use the vocabulary of classical Chinese and the tone of classical Chinese.This has shown the spirit and skilfuloftraditional narrative literature.In fact Jia references for classic Chinese and nongover- nmental language not only on skill but also on identification for traditional sesthetic good taste and thought way. Jia’s novel do not strive for exquisite of structure .It is undisciplined, ancient and simple, and On the style of writing style his novel also show clumsy and simple . Secondly imagery of the literature expression way of this Chinese tradition has lively embodiment in Jia’s novel. In his imagery world there are his thought for life and universe, beauty and ugly, review for tradition, pursue for modernness . Finally,his novel’s traditional base still show fully in " Ru Dao Shi "culture and folk custom. What Jia first accept and display is that beautiful side of "Rujia".Along with life experience deepenness, Jia does not satisfy gradually to affirm and praise simply, and he starts to reveal and think deeply about negative of tradition cultue. No matter behaving or writing a composition Jia PingWa is overflowing strong "Dao Shi "scent, and have left deep impression to people.He is also in love for describe folk custom that has a lot of fresh traditional cultures .The modern intension of Jia’s novel has three aspects. The first is to ask for the meaning of existing. This can be grasped from the West assuranseliterature, and with his "Fei Du" for example. The second is to pay attention to human nature and nature.Jia Ping Wa is best to express modern humanity,and it is also the focus that he creates. With his "Fei Du" for circle, his novel of displaying humanity can divide into two issue.In early stage he displays the beauty of humanity of Chinese tradition.lt takes" impetuous " as representative; Then he reveals the ugly of humanity, and it takes " abandon ", " disease appearance report " for representative. The strong solicitude for nature is Jia’s consistent style of creation .In his novel, nature often melts with person.He is care for person from nature,and this takes" thinking of wolf" as representative.The third is to talk with god. Jia PingWa has written a lot of mysterious things in his novel.This don’t try to please the public .In fact,he want to observe life and society from another visual angle, in order to widen connotation space of works.The sharp oppose of tradition and modernness is major feature of Chinese modern literature, and or to tenaciously defend tradition, or to simply reconstructed the West has no way out. How to mix tradition with modernness together really in work entices and suffers Chinese writers.it is his good sense, his hard, his never satisfy that make he is fruitful in this respect, his works show gradually greater and he have walked at last into home of great writers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】13
  • 【下载频次】1460

