

【作者】 杨健

【导师】 姚文放;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 文艺学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 我们把从批评主体出发,以批评主体为重,重视其在批评活动中的主观感受,强调其在批评过程中的主动性、创造性以及讲究批评表达的独特性、艺术性的批评方法称之为主观批评。主观批评的最高要义不在寻求客观永恒的文学真理,而在体现批评家的主观感悟、情绪状态及面对批评对象的创造能力,它积极寻求个人化、文学化的理解和表达,批评文章往往具有丰富的形象和充沛的情感。本文旨在对主观批评的特点、标准、功能、思维方式等方面进行理论上的阐释,对两种典型的主观批评类型进行述评,并对主观批评的不足进行了详细分析,在其基础上对主观批评的未来走向作了初步的展望。 第一部分,主观批评的发展及研究现状。对主观批评的历史发展做了简要梳理,并从中西两方面对主观批评理论的研究现状进行介绍和评价,指出对主观批评的研究尚缺乏系统,不够深入。 第二部分,主观批评的特点。这是全文的重点,从表达批评家的主观印象和经验感受、注重批评的创造性、讲究批评的艺术性、突出批评的情感性等四个方面进行了详细的论述,意图通过对批评特点的分析对主观批评做本体上的界定。 第三部分,主观批评的标准和功能。着重论述了主观批评标准的个人性和相对性,批评功能的鉴赏性和表现性。 第四部分,主观批评的思维方式。分析了主观批评的思维特点,认为主观批评从思维主体方面来看倾向于有我思维,从思维路线方面来看倾向于直觉思维,从思维对象方面来看倾向于具象思维。 第五部分,主观批评的主要形态。重点分析介绍了两种典型的主观批评类型——中国古典文论的品评批评和西方十九世纪的印象批评,并对它们对待主观与客观、感性与理性关系的异同进行了比较。 第六部分,主观批评的评价。重点论述了主观批评的不足,认为偏执一端的观念会造成对文学批评的伤害。要将批评中的主观因素和客观因素结合起来,才能达到批评的最高境界。

【Abstract】 Subjective criticism is a type of critical method that critic is the center of criticism. It recognizes critic’s subjective experience, and it emphasizes critic’s initiative and creativity in the course of criticism. Furthermore, its expression is full of artistry. The highest purpose of subjective criticism is not in seeking of objective and permanent truth of literature, but in pursuing of personal comprehension and expression. The critical articles often take on various images and flush sentiment. This paper expounds the characteristics, criteria, functions, thinking modes and main types of subjective criticism, and introduces two main types of subjective criticism. Finally, the paper analyzes the weaknesses of subjective criticism, and presents the expectations of its future.The first part: the evolution of subjective criticism and contemporary studies. After a brief review of the history of subjective criticism, this part analyzes contemporary studies in China and the Western world.The second part: the characteristics of subjective criticism. It is the most important part of the thesis in which four characteristics of subjective criticism are expounded.The third part: the criteria and the functions of subjective criticism. This part discusses the individuation and relativity of critical criteria, and stresses the appreciation and expression of critical functions.The fourth part: the thinking modes of subjective criticism. There are three kinds of thinking modes in subjective criticism. They are "youwo" thinking, intuitional thinking and visual thinking.The fifth part: the main types of subjective criticism. This part mainly presents two types of subjective criticism: "pinping" criticism and impressional criticism. Moreover, a comparison is made between them.The sixth part: the evaluation of subjective criticism. There are many weaknesses in subjective criticism. The thesis points out that one-side thinking will endanger the development of literature criticism. Criticism should combine the objective and the subjective aspects of critical course.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I06
  • 【下载频次】138

