

【作者】 陈长红

【导师】 徐家昌;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 余华是先锋派最具代表性的作家之一,也是评论界最重视的作家之一。余华的创作,尤其是先锋小说创作,具有鲜明的创作个性。他的作品既重视技术层面的实验与探索,又凝聚着鲜明的精神特质。余华的小说风格历经了传统写实、先锋实验、再回归传统三阶段的演进。在以往的研究中,研究者往往单纯的重视余华的先锋创作或者其后期的传统写实,很少谈及作家先锋与传统的关系,以及作家早期传统与后期写实的关联。本论文试图从余华的创作形态和创作观念的演变论述余华小说的思想主旨和艺术个性。 论文着重从三方面论述余华的小说创作: 一、余华创作形态的演变 本章着重论述作家创作风格嬗变的深层心理因素及独有审美意蕴。分析作家各阶段的创作风格及其主题特色,探讨作家先锋写作与早期传统写实风格迥异的内在关联、早期传统写实与后期传统写实风格相似的内在不同,指出:余华的创作是一个寻找真实概念的过程。作家对真实的寻找历经了三个阶段,在现实中寻找真实,在心灵中寻找真实,在存在中寻找真实。作家风格的演变源于作家真实观念的变迁。作家内心与现实关系的改变是影响作家创作风格发生变化的最直接因素。 二、余华小说创作的几个关键词 本章以苦难、死亡、人物的弱势处境为余华小说创作的几个关键词。论述苦难意识的表现形态及其产生根源。分析作家与现实的紧张关系,以及由此导致中期抒写暴力与死亡主题的原因。并提出了暴力主题从属于死亡抒写的观点。指出作家死亡抒写的实质源于人类共有的死亡恐惧意识。从精神分析学角度对作家热衷死亡抒写的倾向作了深层心理分析。论文还指出了余华小说人物之于命运的弱势处境,并对弱势处境中的人物类型进行了总结与论述。 三、余华小说叙事中的艺术特征 本章分别从余华小说的时间运用、叙事方式及语言特色三方面,论述余华小说的一些特征。指出时间是余华小说结构的重要因素,余华对时间的关注也是源于死亡恐惧意识;细节构成是余华小说叙事的重要手段,余华小说的意象常通过叙述细节的反复形成,小说细节的反复还有着暗示情节方向及推动情感发展的作用;不确定性则是余华先锋叙事的重要表现方式,模糊语言表意及非习惯式表述方式是余华达成语言不确定性的两种主要途径。

【Abstract】 Yuhua is one of the most representative avant-garde writers. People pay much attention on his works . The writer’s overall writing process is a process of aesthetic vicissitude of negating the negation. But most of the studies seldom treats both Yuhua’s pioneering style and his traditional style, or the internal connection between the writer’s early pioneering writing and the writer’s traditional realism, and the similarity and differences of the writing style between the writer’s early traditional realism and the late traditional realism . The paper tries to show people Yuhua’s distinct significances by the change both of the writer’s spirit and his writing style.The paper treats Yuhua’s writing from three aspects.The first part of the paper focuses on the change of the style. The paper discusses the psychology cause of his style change and points out the relationship of his early writing and medium-term writing and the difference between both his early and late traditional writing. It also points out that Yuhua’s writing is actually a process of seeking truth through the reality. The change of his writing is caused by the change of his opinion of the truth. The writer’s attitudes toward the reality have varied time to time, which directly influenced Yuhua’s writing.The second part is about several important factors in Yuhua’s works. Firstly, the paper treats how Yuhua’s suffering consciousness comes into being and how to manifests. Secondly, the tension brought the writer’s medium-term works much depiction of death and violence. The paper brings forward a new issue that the death is a more important theme than others and probes into the sources of the death from depth psychology. Finally, the weak makes up Yuhua’s fiction world, which the paper has come to a conclusion and sorted.The third part analyzes Yuhua’s artistic form of his novels by the structure, narrative and language. Time is one of the manners that Yuhua’s restructured his novels. It is an important narrative for him to pay much attention on details. The definitude and the comprehensiveness of his narrative language is also his novels’ distinct characteristic.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1473

