

The Effect of Corn Straw Media on Quality of Eggplant Tomato and Sweet Pepper Seedlings

【作者】 张秀丽

【导师】 张晓明;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对茄果类蔬菜幼苗在秸秆型育苗基质上的适应性以及秸秆型育苗基质的实用性进行了研究。试验以沈茄1号、吉利10号、吉利大粉115为试材,对秸秆型育苗基质的理化特性,茄果类蔬菜幼苗在各种基质上的生长发育状态、理化指标、解剖结构,以及栽培后的产量、品质等进行了研究。试验共设6个处理:处理1-秸秆:园田土=2:8:处理2-秸秆:园田土=3:7:处理3-秸秆:园田土=4:6:处理4-秸秆:园田土=5:5;处理5-草炭:园田土=3:7;处理6-马粪:园田土=3:7。各处理均施入无机肥硫酸钾、磷酸二铵、尿素各0.5kg/m3、0.5kg/m3、1.0kg/m3。 就基质的理化特性而言,它影响着幼苗的长势变化。本试验秸秆型育苗基质容重变化范围在0.5-0.85g/cm3,总孔隙度变化范围在0.45-0.65之间,pH值的变化范围在6.0-7.5之间。基质中各种营养元素到后期均低于分苗前,其中茄子处理2对氮、钾元素的吸收量均最高分别为28.6%、45.5%;甜椒均以处理3的吸收量最高对氮、磷、钾元素的吸收分别为18.9%、33.3%、41.9%。N、P、K元素含量下降,植株根系吸收能力增强,植株长势较好;如果各种元素含量高,造成养分积累,植株长势就弱,抗性也低。有机质由于其来源较复杂,所以其变化规律性不强。 试验结果表明:三种蔬菜在各种比例的秸秆型育苗基质中适应性不同。从幼苗的生长发育来看,其中番茄与茄子在处理2(秸秆:园田土=3:7)上生长发育最好,其次为处理1(秸秆:园田土=2:8),而在处理3(秸秆:园田土=4:6)上表现较差;甜椒却在处理3上生长发育较好,其次为处理1和2,处理1和2之间差异不显著。茄果类幼苗在处理4(秸秆:园田土=5:5)上生长发育均较差,与草炭或马粪的育苗基质差异显著。 从解剖结构来看,在1mm2的视野内,茄子根中导管直径处理2为42.5μm,高于其它各处理,数量为439个,仅低于处理4;在160倍镜下测得处理2的皮层厚度为2.6cm,高于其它各处理。茄子茎的解剖结构从导管直径和导管数量综合指标上看,以处理2的茎发育较好。甜椒叶的解剖结构处理3的导管直径最高,为18.5μm,数量为46个,低于处理5和处理1;在160倍镜下测得处理3叶片厚度为2.0cm,栅栏组织/海绵组织比值为2.3:1,均为最高,栅栏组织/海绵组织比值高,光合能力强,同化作用也增强,产量高。 从壮苗指数上看,茄子和番茄以处理2最高,分别为0.225和0.115;甜椒以处理3最高其壮苗指数为0.460。 从光合特性上看,茄子处理2的光合速率为9.53μmolCO2m-2s-1,仅低于处理5(10.61μmolCO2m-2s-1),但处理5的蒸腾速率较高为2.26mmolm-2s-1,而处理2仅为1.71mmolm-2s-1,综合看处理2较好;番茄同样适合于处理2的基质上生长;而甜椒则以处理3的育苗基质较好,处理3的光合速率(5.31μmolCO2m-2s-1)仅次于处理5(6.31μmolCO2m-2s-1),胞间CO2浓度也仅次于处理5、6,但蒸腾速率(0.433 mmolm-2s-1)却远远低于处理5(0.985 mmolm-2s-1),水分利用率是处理5的吉林农业大学硕士学位论文秸秆型育苗基质对茄果类蔬菜秧苗素质的影响1倍以上,高于其它各处理。 从抗性指标上看,茄子处理2的可溶性糖上升迅速,到后期达到5 986“g/g,仅低于处理1。处理2的电导率为20%,低于其它各处理,处理2的抗性最高。 从产量上来看,茄子的总产量和单果重均以处理2最高分别为7844.20kg/667m,和0.113kg,且处理2的总产量高于处理5、6的12.3%、9.2%,单果重高于处理5、6的4.4%、12%。 从上述试验结果可以看出,未经腐熟的玉米秸秆可以作为育苗基质。其中茄子、番茄以配比比例为玉米桔秆:园田土=3:7的最合理;甜椒以配比比例为玉米桔秆:园田土:4:6的最合理。所以合理比例的玉米桔秆与园田土作为育苗基质可以替代传统的育苗基质马粪或草炭。它可以就地取材、降低成本。这种本土化、低成本、可再生、环保型的育苗基质有广泛的发展前景.

【Abstract】 The adaptability of the seedling of vegetations to stover substrates and the practicality of stover substrates were studied in this paper. Shenqie No.1, Jili No. 10, Jilindafen 115 as experimental materials, the physical & chemical characters of the substrate and the development, physical & chemical indexes and anatomic structures of the vegetations growing in stover substrate , as well as the yield and quality of their fruits, were studied. This experiment was divided into 6 treatments: No.l is ’stover : soil = 2:8’; No.2 ’stover : soil = 3 : 7’; No.3 ’stover : soil = 4:6’; No.4 ’stover : soil = 5:5’; No.5 ’turf: soil = 3:7’; No.6 ’horse dung : soil = 3:7’. K2SO4 (0.5 kg/m3), NH4H2PO4 (0.5 kg/m3) and urea (1.0 kg/m3) were delivered in each treatment.The physical & chemical characters of the substrate affected the growth of seedlings. In this experiment, the fluctuation of Bulk density was between 0.50g/m3 and 0.85g/m3, that of porosity between 0.45 and 0.65, and that of pH between 6.0 and 7.5. In each treatment, the content of nutrient elements in the later period was less than that in the early period. In the No.2 treatment of eggplants, the assimilations of N and K reached to the highest points as 28.6% and 45.5%. In the No.3 treatment of sweets pepper, the assimilations of N, P and K reached to the highest points as 18.9%, 33.3% and 41.9%. When the contents of N, P and K went down, the assimilating ability would rise and their growth would be better; if that contents were too high and the nutrient elements were over-accumulated, the growth of them would be worse and their resistances were low too. Because of the source complexity of substrates, the law was not obvious.The results showed that the adaptabilities of the three kinds of vegetations were changing according to the differences of substrates. In the period of seedlings, tomatoes and eggplants grew best in the No.2 treatment; sweet peppers grew best in the No.3 treatment. But in the No.4 treatment, all the above ones grew badly; and compared with the substrates with turf or horse dung, the differences were obvious.In the aspect of anatomic structures, in 1mm2 field of vision, eggplants’ vessel diameters of stems and their vessel number were 439 that was just less than that in treatment 4; magnified by 160 times, the cortex thickness reached to the highest value as 2.6cm in treatment 2. Comprehensively, eggplant stems developed best in treatment 2. In treatmet 3, the vessel diameters of sweet peppers leaves reached to the highestvalue as 18.5 u m and their number was 46 that was just less than that in treatment 5 and 1;In the aspect of the strength indexes of seedlings, eggplants and tomatoes reached to the highest value as 0.225 and 0.115 in treatment 2; sweet peppers reached to the highest value as 0.460 in treatment 3.In aspect of photosynthetic characters, the photosynthetic rate of eggplant in treatment 2 was 9.53 u mol CO2.m-2.s-1, which was only lower than treatment 5 (10.61 u mol CO2.m-2.s-1); the transpiration rate of treatment 5 was comparatively high as 2.26mmol-m-2.s-1, but that of treatment 2 was just 1.71mmol.m-2.s-1. Comprehensively, treatment 2 was better than the others, and tomatoes were fit for growing in treatment 2 as the same; but sweet peppers were growing better in treatment 3 than in the others. The photosynthetic rate of treatment 3 (5.31u mol CO2.m-2.s-1) was just lower than that of treatment 5 (63.1 u mol CO2.m-2.s-1); the intercellular CO2 concentration of treatment 3 was just lower than that of treatment 5 and 6; but the transpiration rate of treatment 3 (0.433 mmol.m-2.s-1) was much lower than that of treatment 5 (0.985 mmol.m-2.s-1); water utilization ratio of treatment 3 was more than one time as high as that of treatment 5.In the aspect of resistance, eggplants reached to the highest point in the No.2 treatment.In the aspect of yield, the total yield and the mean weight of berries of eggplants reached to the highest points as 7844.20 kg/667 m2 and 0.113 kg.From the above results, it is practical to use i

【关键词】 玉米秸秆育苗基质秧苗素质产量
【Key words】 corn strawbreeding mediaseedling qualityyield
  • 【分类号】S641
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】466

