

Effects of Rootstocks on Growth and Development and Fruit Quality of Grafted Watermelon

【作者】 刘润秋

【导师】 姚芳杰; 黄丹枫;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 蔬菜学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验采用上海地区西瓜的主栽品种早佳(8424),采用单叶切接和插接两种方法,以早佳自根苗为对照,设置5个嫁接组合:将军(葫芦)、华砧二号(葫芦)、超丰F1(葫芦)、抗砧二号(南瓜)、西域砧(野生西瓜),研究了在温室无土栽培条件下,不同砧木对嫁接西瓜生长发育及果实品质形成的影响。结论如下: 1 砧木对嫁接西瓜生长发育的影响 1.1 不同砧木对早佳(8424)的嫁接亲和性不同。单叶切接、插接的嫁接方法对西瓜嫁接成活率无显著影响,而砧木的基因型对嫁接成活率影响显著。超丰F1、华砧二号与早佳西瓜嫁接亲和性好,嫁接成活率高。各种嫁接组合植株长势优于自根苗。 1.2 砧木对嫁接西瓜光合作用影响显著,不同砧木的嫁接西瓜叶片中的叶绿素含量无显著差异,嫁接西瓜叶片中的叶绿素含量高于自根苗;嫁接苗的光合速率高于自根苗。 1.3 砧木对嫁接西瓜养分吸收特性的影响:嫁接苗的根系总吸收面积、根系活跃吸收面积均高于自根苗,不同砧木的嫁接苗之也达到了显著差异;早佳/抗砧二号嫁接组合的根系体积、根系活力明显优于其它组合和自根苗。不同砧木的嫁接苗对养分的吸收不同,抗砧二号为砧木的嫁接组合吸收K离子最多,为1020.90ppm,早佳/西域砧组合吸收Na~+较多,为48.13ppm,早佳/将军和早佳/超丰F1吸收磷较多;嫁接苗的伤流量均显著高于自根苗。 1.4 嫁接能显著提高西瓜果实产量。西瓜的平均单果重无显著差异;早佳/抗砧二号西瓜小区产量及亩产量最高:为86.866kg,2897.0kg,差异显著。这与各嫁接组合的植株长势及根系吸收能力是一致的。 2 砧木对嫁接西瓜果实发育及品质形成的影响 2.1 不同砧木的嫁接西瓜果实发育过程中,糖含量变化规律基本一致。在西瓜果实发育早期,几乎没有蔗糖的积累,果糖和葡萄糖的含量相对较高,随着果实的发育,蔗糖和果糖含量增加显著,成为主要的可溶性糖。发育后期是蔗糖的主要积累期。早佳/抗砧二号西瓜的含糖量相对较低,为58.133mg/g。不同砧木嫁接组合中蔗糖含量差异较大,早佳/西域砧及早佳自根苗西瓜中蔗糖含量较高,早佳/将军及早佳/西域砧的西瓜中果糖含量较高,为32.62mg/g、21.64mg/g;早佳/将军西瓜中葡萄糖含量较高,为5.76mg/g。 2.2 不同砧木的嫁接西瓜果实发育过程中有机酸含量的变化规律不同。早佳/抗砧二号西瓜有机酸含量在果实发育后期增加显著,到果实成熟时达到最高;而其它砧木的嫁接西瓜则是在果实发育后期有机酸含量急剧下降,至采收时降至最低。不同砧木之间相比较,有机酸含量吉林农业大学硕士学位论文砧木对嫁接西瓜生长发育及果实品质的影响从高到低依次为:抗砧二号、西域砧、将军、华砧二号、超丰F1、早佳自根苗。2.3不同砧木嫁接西瓜果实发育过程中维生素C、胡萝卜素含量的变化基本一致,均在发育初期较高,果实膨大期含量急剧下降;不同砧木的嫁接西瓜变化幅度不同,早佳/将军西瓜变化幅度较大,随着果实发育,含量逐渐增加;果实发育后期各嫁接组合的维生素C、胡萝卜素含量变化不显著。以杭砧二号为砧木的嫁接西瓜果实中维生素C含量最高,为0.656似g·1 00FW一,。2 .4各嫁接组合果实发育中游离氨基酸含量的变化趋势一致,随着果实发育进程的逐渐增加,各砧木对嫁接西瓜中游离氨基酸含量的增加幅度不同,早佳/超丰F1及早佳/将军西瓜中游离氨基酸含量较高,分别为5 .385mg/g,4.853mg/g;而早佳/杭砧二号组合果实中游离氨基酸的含量较低,为3.52mg/g。2 .5不同砧木嫁接西瓜果实中可溶性蛋白含量的增加幅度不同,早佳/超丰F1及早佳/将军西瓜中可溶性蛋白含量较高,早佳/抗砧二号西瓜中可溶性蛋白的含量较低。SDS一聚丙烯酞胺凝胶电泳也显示,早佳/杭砧二号西瓜中可溶性蛋白种类少,含量较低,比自根苗西瓜少四条谱带,分子量分别为24.6 kD,28.51 kD,35.93 kD,39.s4k。。2.6砧木对嫁接西瓜果实中的硝酸盐含量并无显著影响,在果实发育初期稍酸盐含量较高,随着果实逐渐发育,硝酸盐含量逐渐降低,达到国家绿色食品标准。2.7砧木对西瓜果实感官品质的影响:早佳/西域砧西瓜与自根苗西瓜感官品质相似,早佳/将军及早佳/超丰F1西瓜感官品质优于自根苗西瓜;而以杭砧二号为砧木的嫁接西瓜果实中却略带异味。 综合分析表明,砧木强大的吸收能力,促进了嫁接西瓜的生长发育,提高了产量。不同砧木对西瓜果实品质形成有较大影响。以杭砧二号(南瓜)为砧木的嫁接西瓜,糖度降低,有机酸含量增加,风味受到影响;将军(葫芦)及超丰F1(葫芦)为砧木对早佳西瓜品质影响不大,是早佳西瓜的理想砧木。

【Abstract】 The effects of different rootstocks on growth, development and fruit quality formation of grafted watermelon in soilless medium culture have been studied in this paper. The mainly planted watermelon variety Zaojia (CK) in Shanghai and two grafting methods have been used in the experiments. Five grafting treatments were selected as Zaojia/Jiangjun, Zaojia/Huazhen-2, Zaojia/ChaofengF1, Zaojia/Kangzhen-2 and Zaojia/Xiyu compared with the Zaojia(CK). The results were as follows:1. Effect of rootstocks on growth and development of grafted watermelon1.1 Different grafting treatments had different grafting compatibility. The survival rate of grafting watermelon had no significant difference in two grafting methods, but was significantly influenced by genotypes of rootstocks. Zaojia/ChaofengFl and Zaojia/Huazhen-2 had better grafting compatibility, and their survival rates were also higher than that of others. All grafting treatments grew better than Zaojia.1.2 Different rootstock species had significant effects on photosynthesis of grafted watermelon plants. Chlorophyll contents of the grafted watermelon leaves among different rootstocks had no significant difference. Chlorophyll contents and photosynthesis of grafted watermelon are higher than Zaojia.1.3 Effect of rootstocks on nutrient absorbability of grafted watermelon had been tested in this program. The total root absorbing area and active absorbing area of grafted watermelon roots were higher than that of Zaojia, and it was also significant difference among different treatments. The root volume and root vigure of Zaojia/Kangzhen-2 were obviously superior than that of other treatments and Zaojia. Grafted with different rootstocks, the seedlings absorption were also different. Zaojia/Kangzhen-2 had more absorption of K+, 1020.90ppm ;Zaojia/Xiyu had more absorption of Na+,48.13ppm; while Zaojia/Jiangjun and Zaojia/ChaofengF1 had more absorption of phosphorus. The bleeding sap quantities of grafted treatments were obviously higher than that of Zaojia.1.4 Watermelon yields were obviously enhanced by grafting. Zaojia/Kangzhen-2 produced the highest yield. Watermelon yields of all grafting treatments were higher than Zaojia except for Zaojia/Huazhen-2. And this consisted with the growth and root absorbency of grafting treatments.2. Effect of rootstocks on fruit development and quality formation of grafted watermelon2.1 Sugar contents of different treatments had the same changes during fruit development. Sucrose and fructose were the main soluble sugar of watermelon fruit. In the forepart of fruit development, there was almost no accumulation of sucrose, but fructose and glucose contents were higher. Along with the developing of fruit, the main soluble sugar such as sucrose and fructose contents increased significantly. Sucrose mainly accumulated in the anaphase of fruit development and had higher contents in the fruits of Zaojiao/ Kangzhen-2 ,58.133mg/g. Total sugar contents of Zaojiao/ Xiyu and Zaojia were lower than others. Higher fructose contents was in Zaojia/Xiyu and Zaojia/Jiangjun, 32.62 mg/g 21.64 mg/g; while higher glucose contents was in Zaojia/Jiangjun, 5.76 mg/g.2.2 Changes of organic acid in different combinations are different during fruit development. Organic acid content in Zaojia/Kangzhen-2 increased obviously during fruit developing anaphase, and reached the highest when fruits matured, but others decreased rapidly. The highest content of organic acid was measured in Zaojia/Kangzhen-2, and it took turns of Zaojia/Xiyu, Zaojia/Jiangjun, Zaojia/Huazhen-2, Zaojia/ChaofengF1 and Zaojia.2.3 Changes of vitamin C and carotenoid of different treatments were consistent during fruit development, and the contents of them are higher in developing forepart and decreased rapidly during fruits swell. Changes of different rootstocks were different. Zaojia/Jiangjun changed greatly, and during the developing of fruit, the content increased gradually. Vitamin C and carotenoid contents had no significant difference in anaphase.

【关键词】 砧木嫁接西瓜生长发育品质
【Key words】 rootstockgraftwatermelongrowth and developmentquality
  • 【分类号】S651
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】651

