

Monoclonal Antibody Preparation of Sulfadiazine

【作者】 韩小虎

【导师】 王全凯;

【作者基本信息】 吉林农业大学 , 预防兽医学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 磺胺类药物是控制和治疗传染性疾病的重要药物。磺胺嘧啶是其中具有代表性的药物之一,在治疗传染病尤其是流行性脑膜炎中发挥了重要作用。磺胺药抗菌谱广,疗效显著,制造成本低,不消耗粮食,因此,磺胺药得到了广泛的使用。 但磺胺药的大量不合理使用,使其成为残留问题最严重的兽药。人类食用被污染的动物食品后,可导致机体内正常菌群产生耐药性;引起人的中毒或者过敏反应;影响体内核酸的合成,以及引起癌变如甲状腺癌等。 美国、欧盟、日本等国家包括我国都对磺胺药的使用做了严格的规定。在进出口检疫过程中,磺胺药的残留一直是重点。建立快捷、有效的检测方法,对于完善检测体系,保证进出口贸易的正常有序进行有重要的意义;对于限制磺胺药的不合理使用,保证饮食安全、提高人民生活水平也起到重要的作用。 目前磺胺药残留的检测方法主要是高效液相色谱法,较为简便,结果准确,再现性好。但处理样品方法涉及繁琐、操作步骤冗长,需耗费大量溶剂,费用高,限制了该方法的广泛使用。免疫分析是以抗原、抗体的特异性结合反应为基础的分析技术,具有常规理化分析技术无可比拟的选择性和很高的灵敏度,非常适用于复杂基质中痕量组分的分析。而且免疫分析方法还具有简便、快速的特点。 单克隆抗体是利用细胞融合技术,使骨髓瘤细胞和免疫动物淋巴细胞融合而成的杂交瘤细胞单克隆所产生的一种特异性高度专一和化学性高度纯一的抗体。与多克隆抗体相比,它是只针对一个抗原决定基产生的抗体,其结构相同,成分均一,特异性强,生物活性高,与其它抗原没有或极少交叉反应等明显的优点。 本实验拟作出磺胺嘧啶的单克隆抗体,为建立磺胺嘧啶的免疫学检测方法提供关键的材料。 磺胺嘧啶的分子量为250,为半抗原。磺胺嘧啶分子结构中具有芳香氨基,可进行重氮化反应与载体蛋白连接。本实验选用牛血清白蛋白(BSA)作为连接的载体。同时进行磺胺嘧啶与卵清蛋白(OVA)的偶联,产物用于对照和检测。 用重氮化法将磺胺嘧啶偶联到载体牛血清白蛋白和卵清蛋白上,成为完全抗原BSA-SD和OVA-SD。纯化后进行检测,确认磺胺嘧啶已经连接到蛋白质上。以BSA-SD免疫Ba1b/c小鼠,用间接ELISA方法检测抗体效价。当效价达到1:10000以上时,可进行细胞融合。 融合用的骨髓瘤细胞,必须为非分泌免疫球蛋白缺陷型的细胞,且最后与制备脾细胞的小鼠为同一品系。本实验选用SP2/0-Ag14(简称SP2)型号的骨髓瘤细胞,并使其处于生长旺盛的状态。吉林农业大学硕士学位论文磺胺嚓睫单克隆抗体的制备 细胞融合前必须进行饲养细胞的制备。选用与骨髓瘤细胞同系的小鼠腹腔巨噬细胞和淋巴细胞。饲养细胞一方面可提供杂交瘤细胞生长所需的群体环境,另一方面可吞噬死亡的细胞和细胞碎片,还可以分泌各种生长因子,促进杂交瘤细胞的增殖。制备通常在融合前一天进行。 可供选择的细胞融合的方法有物理法如电融合、激光融合、化学法和生物融合法。本实验采用化学法,融合剂为分子量为1 000的聚乙二醇(PEC一1000)。 融合的过程是在5 Oml灭菌离心管中进行。按一定的比例将脾细胞和骨髓瘤细胞置于离心管内,使之充分接触,按严格的剂量逐滴加入融合剂使细胞发生融合。然后加入合适的培养基,滴加到铺满饲养细胞的培养板内培养。第二天检查是否污染。 一般在第6天左右,可见小克隆。 当细胞长满培养板时,取细胞上清液,用间接EL ISA进行阳性孔的筛选。对筛选为阳性的细胞,进行扩大培养。 阳性细胞长满培养板时,采用有限稀释法进行亚克隆。经过两到三次亚克隆后,将得到的阳性细胞注入小鼠腹腔,半个月后收取腹水,测定效价。 经过多次融合、筛选,得到一株阳性较强的杂交瘤细胞,命名为C一5D3,间接ELISA效价为2/10一4,基本达到实验的预期目标,为进一步的实验提供了关键的物质材料。

【Abstract】 Sulfonamides(SM) are foremost medicines to control and cure infectious diseases. Sulfadiazine (SD) is representative among sulfonamides. It plays an important role in curing infects, especially influenzal meningitis. SD has a broad antibacterial spectrum and obvious curative effect. The cost being low, SM can be produced without grain.However, accumulative residue of SM in food produce can cause severe problems because of its illegal use, and gives highly rise to concern regarding consumer safety. Normal bacterium will get drug-resistance if people eat contaminated food. Also, it causes intoxication, hypersensitivity. Synthesis of nuclear acid will be disturbed, and people are prone to cancers, especially thyroid carcinoma.Many countries, such as America, European United, Japan and China included, have formulated strict regulations for the use of SM. The residue of SM is a focal point in exports and imports quarantine. An effective and quick detect technology is required to fulfill the quarantine system; to ensure regular exports and imports trades. Also, it will restrict the illegal use of SM, insure food safety, and improve people healthy.High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) is major method to detect the residue of SM now. HPLC is a simple, convenient and precise technology. However, the pretreatment of samples is complicated and expatiatory. Its cost is quite high. All those have restrict its extensive use. Immune analysis is a new technology based on antigen-antibody special combination, which is highly sensitive, selective, quick and convenient. The immune analysis replies to microanalysis from complicated samples.Monoclonal antibodies are produced by cell fusion technology. In contrast to polyclonal antibodies, monoclonal antibodies have following virtues: identical structures, uniform component, high specificity, animate biotic-activity and fewer cross reacts.Monoclonal antibodies of SD are prospective in this study, with the purpose of providing capital materials for the immune analysis system.Heterogeneity, large molecule colloid, and degradation are necessary conditions of complete antigens. Molecular weight being 250, SD is a half antigen. There is an aromatic amido in molecular of SD, so diazotization is available. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) has complicated constructer, multiple available site, satisfactory antigenicity, strong resistance, well dissolvability, and easy to get. All these reveal BSA an optimal carrier. Ovalbumin is chosed in the same time for controlled trial and detection.Conjugating SD to BSA by diazotization transformed SD, an half antigen, into complete antigen. The production is BSA-SD. Diazotization means that aromatic molecule reacts with nitrite salt at 0~5C, then conjugate to hydroxyl of protein by azo-bond.Adequately dialysis is required to purify the product. Then, UV-spectrum technology is used for confirm that SD has been conjugated to BSA. The foregoing react has altered the constructer of BSA, which has changed its ultraviolet absorption and shape. Its color has changed from achromatous into typical yellow.To gain purified special mice anti-SD, six Balb/C mice were immunized against BSA-SD. Antibody titers were determined using indirect ELISA with OVA-SD in coating the micro-wells.The specific anti-SD sera were detected in all mice and were sufficient for succedent experiment.SP2/0-Ag14 myelomas cell were chosen for cell fusion. Keep it in the bloom of proliferation before cell fusion.Feeder cells should be prepared before cell fusion. Kill one or more Balb/C mouse and draw its celiac macrophage and lymphocyte, then pave them in the cell culture wells. These should be operated one day before cell fusion.Electro-fusion, laser-fusion, chem.-fusion and bio-fusion are optional. Chem.-fusion is chosen. Highly purified Polyethylene 1000(PEG-1000) was used for cell fusion.Cell fusion was proceeded in a 50-ml centrifuge tube. Mingle spleen cells and myeloma cells (5:1) into the centrifuge tube, and then instill PEG-1000 scrupulously at a certain

  • 【分类号】S859.2
  • 【被引频次】8
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