

The Synthesis and Application of Polyaspartic Acid as a Newly Biologic High Molecular Polymer

【作者】 周俊

【导师】 马政生;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 应用化学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 聚天冬氨酸是一种可生物降解、无毒、不破坏生态环境、被人们誉为“绿色”产品的新型生物高分子材料,其用途十分广泛,涉及到工业水处理、农业、医药、日用化学品和石油钻井等行业。由于其优良的性能,逐渐受到世界上各大化学公司的关注,对聚天冬氨酸的合成及应用做了大量的研究。而国内则起步较晚,只是在近几年才有一些研究机构开始进行此方面的研究。本工作是西安市科技攻关计划的预研课题,研究了以L—天冬氨酸为主要原料合成聚天冬氨酸的缩合工艺,探讨了各种影响因素;表征了产物的结构;完成了初步的应用试验。 主要研究工作如下: 1.综述了生物高分子材料聚天冬氨酸的合成方法及在工业、农业及医药等方面的应用。 2.以L-天冬氨酸为主要原料,优化了传统工艺,合成了浅色高质量的聚天冬氨酸,避免了产物脱色过程。 3.研究了合成过程中各种因素对反应的影响。结论为:反应温度应在180~220℃,提高反应温度有利于加速反应进程,但也使反应产物颜色加深:反应时间一般取1~2h,催化剂量应取1.67~10%,催化剂量太少时反应速度较慢,大于10%时反应物结块;水解5克中间体聚琥珀酰亚胺需要2mol/L的NaOH溶液30ml,水解温度50~60℃,时间1h;将水解液用0.008molHCl中和,缓慢滴入高速搅拌的甲醇中,甲醇用量为水解液质量的3~6倍。在此工艺下得到聚天冬氨酸钠粉术,外观为白色的轻质粉术,堆积密度0.35g/ml,不用进行脱色和粉碎。 4.用红外光谱和核磁共振谱图对聚天冬氨酸进行了表征。 5.对合成的聚天冬氨酸钠对CaCO3的阻垢性能进行了研究。结果表明:在Ca2+离子浓度120mg/L(以碳酸钙计300mg/L),HCO3-离子浓度为366mg/L(以碳酸钙计600mgL),PH值=9.0的条件下,阻垢剂浓度达到12.5mg/L时阻垢率可达99%。 6.对PASP的工业化生产进行了初步设计。

【Abstract】 Polyaspartic acid or its salts is a kind of newly biodegradable, innocuous and environmental friendly bio-organic polymer, recognized as green material, and wide applied in such areas as agriculture, medicine, commodity, water treatment and petroleum etc. The synthesis and application of polyaspartic acid has been researched in many company abroad in the past years. The task is a part of Xi’an city scientific research plan, in which the effect of thermal condensation technique on propertyes of polyaspartic acid with L-aspartic acid were discussed, product construct was characterized, and application in water treatment was completed.Our main task is as follows:1) the synthesis and application of polyaspartic acid and its salts were discussed.2) The light-colored powder of Polyaspartic acid was synthesized by thermal condensation polymerization of L-aspartic acid, the discolored technics and the process of comminution had been avoided.3) The influence of different factor to product was studied and the optimum reaction conditions were found as follows: Reaction temperature ranges from 75-85℃,the higher temperature accelerates the reaction course but could get more fuscous product. Reaction time duration was about 1-2 hs. Consumption amount of catalyzer is 1.67-10 % of the amount of L-aspartic acid. It needs 30ml 2mol / L NaOH solution to hydrolyze 5g polysuccinimide. The temperature of hydrolyzable reaction ranges from 50-60℃ and the reaction time is 1.0 h. The Consumption amount of HC1 to neutralize the remanent NaOH is about 0.008mol. the white low-density powder of the the sodium salt of polyaspartic acid was got by dropping the hydrolyzable solution to wiscked high speedly carbinol which Consumption amount is about 3-6 times to the amount of solution, the powder’s density is about 0.35g/ml.4) Polyaspartic acid was characterized by NMR and IR.5) The scale inhibition behavior of polyaspartic acid was studied and result shows: The calcium carbonate inhibition rate is up to 99% at the dosages of 12.5mg/ Land when pH value is 9.0, Ca2+ concentration is 120mg/L and HCO3- concentration is 366mg/L.6) The primary design was put forward for industrialized production of PASP.ZHOU Jun (Applied Chemistry) Directed by professor MA Zheng-sheng

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TQ317
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】853

