

【作者】 赵亚玲

【导师】 惠友为;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 生物工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对苹果渣固体发酵生产黄腐酸工艺及产物分离提取条件进行了优化研究。采用正交实验,连续二步固体发酵工艺的实验方法,实验表明发酵的最佳物料比为果渣:豆饼:麸皮=50:4:3,含水量为20%;发酵最佳工艺先接绿色木霉和康氏木霉各2.5%,28℃,pH=6.2发酵12天,灭菌,再接种假丝酵母、酿造酵母、枯草杆菌和棒杆菌各2.5%,32℃,继续发酵12天,可使黄腐酸产率为41.2%。 在对发酵苹果渣中黄腐酸分离提取进行的研究中,先采用碱溶酸析法通过正交实验得出了从发酵产物中提取黄腐酸的最佳条件:WNaOH=3.0%,60℃,萃取1.5h,然后以盐酸调pH=2.0,酸析得到黄腐酸,纯度可达45.8%。另外,利用KMnO4氧化降解法从碱提取液中进一步回收黄腐酸,其条件为:0.25mol/1 KMnO4用量为KMnO4溶液:腐植酸钠溶液=1:6.25(体积比),pH=12,85℃,氧化0.5h,可回收到产量1.12g/1的黄腐酸。所以,苹果渣固体发酵制取黄腐酸是一条可行的,经济的,快速的途径。

【Abstract】 The technology of solid state fermentation and extraction of Fulvic acid with apple pomace has been studied. The optimized material ratio of apple pomace to bean cake to bran was 50:4:3 containing water up to 20% by the orthogonal experiments and two-step solid state fermentation was used for Fulvic acid production. First, Trichoderma viride and Trichoderma Koningii were inoculated respectively in the ratio of 2.5% in the meantime. The solid substrates were fermented in pH=6.2 at 28 ℃ for 12d and then exterminated. Secondly, Candida spp, Saccharo spp, Bacillus subtilis and Corynebacterium spp were inoculated respectively in the ratio of 2.5% at the same time. The solid substrates were incubated at 32℃ for 12d. The yield of fulvic acid reached to 41.2% under the optimized conditions.The orthogonal experiment showed that the optimum conditions of extraction from fermenting products were that density of sodium hydroxide concentration is 3.0%, extracted at 60℃ for 1.5h, then adjusted acidity with hydrochloric acid to pH=2.0, the purity of Fulvic acid was 45.8%. Fulvic acid was further extracted from alkaline extract with potassium permanganate solution in order to oxidate degradation under optimized conditions of the ratio of 0.25mol/l potassium permanganate solution to sodium humate solution by 1:6.25 (voluminal ratio), pH=12, at 85℃,oxidative degradation for 0.5h, the yield of Fulvie acid was 1.12g/l.Solid state fermentation of Fulvic acid with apple pomace as the main raw material was fast, doable and economical method.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TQ92
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】583

