【作者】 汪纪明;
【导师】 任广田;
【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2004, 硕士
【摘要】 茅盾是中国现当代文学史上颇有建树的一代宗师。他涉足及广,现当代文学史、报刊史、翻译史、思想史、革命史都曾留下他的足迹。而作为一位杰出的男性作家,茅盾创造出了在现代文学长廊中熠熠生辉的时代女性形象系列。 茅盾早年就曾致力于对妇女解放问题的研究,而且他还积极投身于妇女运动的实践中,是妇运的领导者之一,由此使得他早期的妇女观具有实践性、理论性、政策性兼而有之的特色。纵观茅盾早期的妇女观,他就时代女性的思想实质、伦理道德、实现途径这三个方面对妇女解放问题作了广泛深入的探讨,尽管其中也存有种种不和谐之处。 除了在理论上关注女性问题,茅盾还在小说中创造了时代女性形象系列。而我选取《蚀》、《虹》、《野蔷薇》作为研究对象,试图分析茅盾对时代女性的塑造,以及他在他的女主角身上所闪现出来的那种复杂矛盾的心绪:尽管在作品中他大多采用的是女性视角,但是男权意识却不时现身,成为他难以跨越的障碍。
【Abstract】 Mao Dun, a forerunner of Chinese modern and contemporary literature, also made his contributions in the history of translation, thought, revolution, newspaper and magazine. As an outstanding male writer, he created a series of distinctive woman characters of that age.Being one of researchers and the leaders of woman emancipation movement in his early years, Mao Dun gained his viewpoints on woman from the practice, theory and policy. And he made a close and extensive examination on the issue of women’s liberation in the aspects of: thought, ethics and way-out, some flaws were there though.Besides the theoretical consideration, a serious of woman characters in that age were created, with characters from Erosion, Rainbow, Wild 梤ose for the case study, this thesis tries to explore Mao’s women characters and his complicated sentiments reflected in those characters. Although he wrote from women’s perspective, his patriarchal consciousness kept surfacing, which actually is an insurmountable blockage for him.
【Key words】 Mao Dao; Views on women; Mao Dun’s novels; Women of the age contradiction; patriarchal consciousness;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
- 【分类号】I207.42
- 【下载频次】188