【作者】 陈妍;
【导师】 韩理洲;
【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古代文学, 2004, 硕士
【摘要】 在中国文学发展史上,韦应物是被公认的一位高雅闲淡、冲虚自然的诗人,其诗歌特色亦如其人。在吸收前贤研究成果基础上,笔者仔细研读韦应物的诗作,认为,摒弃年少时代的放浪形骸,韦应物以其少年心情,着意建功立业的辉煌色彩,向往昂扬开朗的人生境界。面对安史之乱的劫掠和时局黯淡的萧索现实,韦应物徘徊于理想和现实之间,秉承济世救民思想,以恢复盛唐气象为己任,虽时有振作之举,却屡遭打击,青少年的意气昂扬转而变为“超然”、“遁世”的逃避,“慕陶”、“学谢”成为诗文的基调。但透过这层表象,韦应物深埋心底的盛唐情结、渐趋理性的盛唐心理和潜意识的进取精神依然余存,时而通过其内敛、婉曲的盛世轻吟表现出来。因此,我对韦应物及其作品的定位是:经过从逃避到超越的人生涅磐,其人、其诗都成为盛唐气象不绝如缕的余响。
【Abstract】 In the history of the Chinese literature, Wei Ying Wu is unanimously regarded as one of the elegant and natural poets. The feature of his poems is just the same as his personality. Based on the findings of other scholars ,I read his poems carefully. I believe that discarding the dissoluteness of a young man, Wei Ying Wu payed more attention to the sense of achievement and looked forward to high-spirited and optimistic state of life. Facing the An Shi havoc and the dull reality. Wei Ying Wu wandered between ideal and reality. He inherited the idea of relieving the world and helping the people and took responsibility for retrieving the prime of the Tang dynasty. Wei Ying Wu wanted to cheer up but failed, and the personal feelings of a young man transferred into escaping the world. So admiring Tao and learning from Xie became the keynotes of his poems. But behind the superficial phenomenon, the deep complex of the great Tang Dynasty, the increasingly rational mentality of the Tang Dynasty, and the potentially enterprising spirit still existed. And sometimes it was expressed by the light crooning of the Tang Dynasty. So my opinion is that Wei Ying Wu himself and his poems constitute the lingering sound of the Great Tang Dynasty.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
- 【分类号】I207.22
- 【被引频次】5
- 【下载频次】287