

【作者】 姜宇

【导师】 刘应争;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 繁漪和曹七巧是中国现代文学画廊中两个异常引人注目的女性形象。本文在“人性被扭曲后的疯狂”这一点上找到这两个形象本质的共通之处,并用这种全新的切入点对两个人物进行了较全面的分析和研究。 文章主要从四个方面进行了论述。第一章结合典型形象的美学特征,剖析了繁漪和曹七巧作为文学典型所具备的独特艺术魅力。具体分析了这两个形象自身所具有的新颖性和蕴籍性;勾画了这两个人物如何在人性的困境中一步步走向迷失的流动性格;指出了这两个形象在时代承载和审美感受两个方面的主要差异。第二章通过对西方疯狂女性原型以及中国现代文学中疯狂女性形象较全面地对比和分析,揭示出繁漪和曹七巧这两个疯狂女性形象与西方原型之间某种超越时空的契合;廓清了她们与中国现代文学其他类型疯狂女性形象的区别;并进一步论证了这两个形象疯狂的本质——人性扭曲的疯狂。第三章依照西方传统文学理论对悲剧审美形态的划分序列(即:按悲剧人物类型划分为英雄悲剧、普通人悲剧、否定性人物悲剧;按悲剧成因划分为命运悲剧、性格悲剧、社会悲剧、心理悲剧),审视和分析了繁漪和曹七巧这两个形象中所包含的那种相互交错和渗透的悲剧审美形态。第四章从作家个人因素入手,论述了作家与人物塑造的关系,揭示出曹禺和张爱玲苦闷、压抑的童年生活,宽容、悲悯的人性关怀以及截然不同的审美理想对各自塑造人物所起到的重要作用。

【Abstract】 Fan Yi and Cao Qiqiao are two very conspicuous female figures in modern Chinese literature gallery. This thesis, through "the craziness of people after their humanity distortion", is to find out the common humanity features of the two figures and to make a thorough analysis and study of the two figures from the new cut.The thesis develops in four aspects. The first chapter, in combination with aesthetic features of model personalities, analyses Fan Yi and Cao Qiqioas’ unique artistic charm as models in literature. The second chapter, through a comparison and analysis of crazy female personalities in both western literature and modern Chinese literature, further verifies thenature of the two figures’ craziness-------craziness of humanity distortion.The third chapter, following the partition order of tragedy aesthetic form in western traditional literary theory, exams and analyses the interlocking penetrating tragedy aesthetic form. The fourth chapter, based on the author’s personal factors, reveals the gloomy and depressed childhood life of Cao Yu and Zhang Ailing, the generous and sympathetic humanity concern and the important role their strikingly different aesthetic ideologies play in portraying characters.

【关键词】 繁漪曹七巧疯狂人性悲剧
【Key words】 Fan YCao Qiqiaocrazinesshumanitytragedy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I207.3;I207.42
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1389

