

Reservoir Description of Xishanyao Reservoir of Qiuling Oil Field

【作者】 梁晓伟

【导师】 孙卫;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 岩石学、矿物学、矿床学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以丘陵油田西山窑组油藏为例,运用现代油藏精细描述的最新理论作为指导,应用石油地质学、高分辨率层序地层学、沉积学、构造地质学、储层地质学等多学科的理论与研究技术方法,进行了西山窑油藏的油藏精细描述研究。研究中综合运用最新的三维地震、测井、录井、钻井、测试及分析化验等资料,结合丘陵油田西山窑油藏断裂发育、构造破碎、砂体发育不稳定的特点,采用高分辨率层序地层学、储层地质学、流动单元研究等油藏精细描述的多种新方法,并与油田生产动态资料相结合,从构造、沉积、储层、流动单元等多个层次和方面,开展了西山窑油藏精细描述,建立了油藏的精细地质模型,并进行了有利相带的评价和预测,对于吐哈盆地丘陵油田西山窑油藏的开发有重要的理论价值和实践意义。 本文研究所取得的主要成果与创新有: 1、将高分辨率层序地层学的原理和方法首次运用于研究区,对研究区西山窑组地层进行了重新划分与对比,克服了以往地层对比方法的不足,准确地建立了研究区油藏地层格架。 2、利用涵盖研究区的最新三维地震资料、钻井资料,重新认识和确定了研究区构造和断层的发育展布特征,分析了构造和断层的存在对油水分布和注水开发的影响;并通过静态与动态相验证,在研究区新划分出陵306井断层、陵613井断层两条过井小型逆断层。 3、在前人对研究区大相研究的基础上,首次进行了油藏范围内的沉积微相研究,分析了各种砂岩成因类型和岩石组合特征,分别识别出扇三角洲前缘水下分流河道微相、扇三角洲前缘水下分流河道内外侧微相、扇三角洲前缘席状砂微相、扇三角洲前缘水下分流河道间砂滩坝等微相,使沉积微相的研究与油田开发的实际相结合。 4、进行了西山窑组储层地质学的研究,分析了研究区储层的岩石学特征、成岩作用特征;首次详细地研究了西山窑组储层砂体的空间展布特征、物性及含油性分布特征;从层内、层间及微观的角度,分析了西山窑组储层的非均质性; 5、运用聚类分析的数学方法,对研究区储层进行了综合分类评价,对储层有了全面的认识。 6、首次进行了西山窑油藏储层流动单元的研究。应用聚类分析和判别分析方法进行多参数流动单元分析,将研究区储层划分出三种类型的流动单元,分析了不同流动单元的纵向、平面展布特征,分析了不同流动单元的渗流特征。 7、对西山窑油藏储层有利相带进行了评价,并对不同成因砂体的水驱特征进行了分析,对西山窑油藏有利区域进行了预测。

【Abstract】 By using the lately data of tricone seisms ,well logging , drig .testing ,and core analyze , integrate with the characterization of study area ,such as complex structure , excessive faults, instability distributing of sandstone ,etc.this article discussed the reservoir characterization of Xishanyao formation of Qiuling oil field ,based on the theoretics of petroleum geology ,sedimentology, tectonics ,reservoir geology ,etc . By using the lately methods of reservoir description ,such as higt-resolution sequence stratigraphy, reservoir geology ,flow unit ,the author band together the reservoir static state with production performance , established the refined reservoir geological model of Xishanyao reservoir of Qiuling oil field in this study.The author valued and forecasted the advantaged area of study region .There are many important value both theoretics and practical application in this study.1 .By using the higt -resolution sequence stratigraphy theory for the first time to correlated and divisioned reservoir of Xishanyao formation in study region , the default of the method which be used in formerly had been overcomed . An accuracy stratum model of study region have been established through the new method using.2. Renewedly convinced and ensured the characters of structure and faults of study region . Analysised the influence of the distribute of oil and water in condition that the structure and fault be existence. Been verified with production performance ,the author newly identified well 306 fault and well 613 fault.3.Studied the characters of the sedimentary microfacise in Xishanyao reservoir, there are 5 sedimentary microfacies be recognized ,include underwater distributive river curse of fan delta front, submerged natural levee, sand sheet of fan delta front,etc. Analysised the characters of different geneses type and rock association of each sandstone .4.Studied the characters of reservoir geology,include the character of lithology, deagenesis.Analysised the character of the distributing of sandstone, physical properties and oil saturation.Analysised the character of inner-heterogeneity and inter- heterogeneity of the reservoir in study area.5.By using the cluster analysis mathematical method , the reservoirs of Xishanyao formation can be classified three diffirent types .6. For the first time,this article investigation the character of flow units of study region by cluster analysis and discriminant analysis mathematical methods . The reservoir of Xishanyao formation can be classified to three diffirent flow units as A,B and C type ,and analysised the distributing and permeability character of different type in lengthways and horizontal.7. Valued and forecasted the advantaged area of study region in this article.Liang Xiao Wei (lithology.mineralogy and gitology) Directed by Sun Wei (professor).

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】P618.13
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】363

