

【作者】 尹涛

【导师】 宋纪蓉;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 应用化学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文从固体农业废弃物综合利用角度出发,以皮渣还田为思路,将苹果渣转化为环境友好的有机肥料和微生物有机肥料,其目的在于解决当前长期困扰苹果汁生产厂无法处理苹果渣的难题。在传统堆沤肥的基础上,采用固态好氧发酵,引入高效微生物菌群,能大大缩短发酵时间,并且通过对发酵条件的控制,使有机肥料肥分达到最高水平。特别是有效肥分的判断上,摆脱了传统方法仅靠颜色、味道和粘性等直观指标来判断的方式。 实验中以长效肥分为指标,以白腐真菌为主,筛选出白腐真菌和绿色木霉为最佳复合菌种。通过单因素试验,研究了在固态好氧发酵过程中,引入高效微生物菌群后,不同因素条件下(时间,水分,pH值和尿素含量)速效肥分如速效磷、速效氮的变化规律,通过正交试验分析了各因素对速效肥分含量影响的大小。实验中选择了针对苹果渣有机肥料中腐殖酸含量的测定方法,并研究了腐殖酸在发酵过程中的变化规律,通过正交试验,分析了各因素对腐殖酸含量影响的大小,确定了最佳的发酵工艺条件。对部分工艺条件做了数学模型。并对苹果渣有机肥料进行了毒性试验和盆栽试验,更加直观的验证该有机肥料的肥效。 在苹果渣有机肥料的研究基础上,进行了以苹果渣有机肥料为载体,具有解磷功能的巨大芽孢杆菌为功能菌种,生产微生物肥料的研究。初步探索了微生物肥料的储存时间,造粒过程中的最佳温度。 结果表明:在固态好氧发酵过程中,通过引入高效微生物菌群,控制发酵条件,可大大缩短发酵时间,提高肥分。影响速效磷含量的各因素主次关系是:尿素含量>时间>PH值>水分。稀碱法是适合苹果渣有机肥料腐殖酸含量测定的最佳方法。当发酵时间为9天,水料比为3.5∶1(g/g),PH值为6.5,尿素含量为1.5%时,样品中的腐殖酸含量可达34.9%。通过种子发芽率和盆栽试验,证明苹果渣有机肥料无毒,且能明显促进植物的生长,改善土壤结构。50℃-60℃是解磷微生物肥料的较佳造粒温度,在所抽样的时间段内结果表明,有效菌数均能达到微生物肥料标准。

【Abstract】 This dissertation was studied how apple pomace was turned into organic fertilizer and animalcule fertilizer, which was basesd on the technology of agriculture solid castoff. The aim of the research settled the problem that the plant of producing cider cloud not deal with apple pomace. It can make the content of the available components in organic fertilizer reach the topest level. The judge of the available component differs from the traditional way that was depended on intuitionistic indexes such as the color, the flavour and the glutinosity.The best combination of white rot fungus and trichoderma viride was screened out from combinations of white rot fungus and the others. It was studied the change rules of the available components such as available P, available N in the different factors (time, liquid-to-solid ratio, pH and carbamide ) during the solid fermentation. Orthogonal test analyzed the effects of factors on the content of available components, the change rules of the humic acid during the solid fermentation was also studied. Orthogonal test decided the optimal fermentation conditions. The toxicity test and potted plant test were carried out to testify organic fertilizer produced from the apple pomace can advence plant’s growing.Meanwhile, pomace organic fertilizer was used carrier to adsorb Bacillus azotofixans to be ani--malcule fertilizer which has the function of decomposing P. This dissertation seeked after the keeping time of animalcule fertilizer and optimal temperature during process.Results show: it can greatly shorten fermentation time and enhance the content of the available components in organic fertilizer by inoculating high effective microbial community and controlling ferment conditions during solid state fermentation. The order of factors on the available P is: content of carbamide> time > pH > liquid-to-solid ratio. The alkali distilling is fit to mensurate the content of humic acid in this kind of organic fertilizer. The content of humic acid in the sample could reach 34.9% when 9 days, pH 6.5, 1.5% carbamide with liquid-to-solid ratio 3.5:1. This organic fertilizer is proved innocuous and could advence plant’s growing or improve soil structure. 50-60C is fit for the process of animalcule fertilizer. The fungus number of this animalcule fertilizer could accord with standard of animalcule fertilizer in all samples

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】TQ44
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】715

