

An Aesthetic Analysis of Wen Yiduo’s Translation of English Poems

【作者】 刘红岭

【导师】 李建利;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 闻一多是中国现代文学史上新格律诗的倡导者,也是白话诗体翻译的先锋。他在诗歌翻译理论和实践上都卓有成就。作为评介性的论文,本文主要介绍闻一多诗歌翻译理论和其翻译实践中的美学趋向。其翻译理论包括:(1)在选择原著方面;(2)翻译的步骤;(3)译者对翻译工作的态度;(4)译者的权力:(5)翻译策略;(6)诗歌应由诗人翻译;(7)译诗的语言应凝练,文字应显豁。然后,通过对闻一多部分诗歌译文的分析,凸现出其译文的美学特征:形式美、音乐美、绘画美、诗的语言、注意炼字。同时,可以看出闻一多的诗歌创作理论——格律诗的“三美”理论(音乐美、绘画美、建筑美)影响了他诗歌翻译的风格。闻一多在诗歌翻译理论方面的建树及其诗歌翻译中显著的艺术特色,对后来的翻译工作者有积极的借鉴作用。 本文共分五章。第一章绪论部分简单介绍了论文研究的意义、目的及方法;第二章是闻一多生平简介,概述其作为诗人、学者的成长经历;第三章评介其在翻译理论和实践方面的成就;第四章是对其诗歌翻译的美学研究,在这一章里,首先分析介绍了闻一多的创作思想和美学思想来源,以期对其翻译作品有更全面深刻的理解,然后通过归纳及对同一诗歌不同译文的对比,呈现出其诗歌翻译的美学特征;第五章为结论,闻一多的翻译理论及其诗歌翻译实践已为当代翻译研究者所重视,并已进入他们的研究视野。

【Abstract】 Wen Yiduo was the advocate of Chinese New Metrical Poems and translating poetry with vernacular Chinese in the early 20th century. As an excellent translator, he has made achievements both in theory and practice.This thesis functions as an introduction and a description of Wen Yiduo’s translation theory and practice. His translation theory is summarized as follows in the thesis:(1) on selecting the original works; (2) on the steps of translating; (3) on a translator’s attitude towards translation; (4) on a translator’s power; (5) on the translation strategy; (6) a translator of a poem should be a poet; (7) on the language in poetry. As to his translation practice, the aesthetic features presented in his translation are emphasized in this thesis. The aesthetic features showed in his Chinese version of English poems can be described as: beauty in music, beauty in form, beauty in painting and the poetic language. It is also hoped that this study will enable us to have a crystal picture of the fact that a poet and concurrently a translator’s translation will be influenced by his writing style.This paper consists of five chapters, beginning with an introduction of the significance, the purpose and the approach of the study. Then, a brief account of Wen Yiduo’s life is presented in the second chapter. An introduction to Wen Yiduo’s translation achievement is the main content of the third chapter. The fourth chapter is the core of this thesis. Firstly the introduction of his ideas guiding artistic creation is made in this chapter; and secondly the aesthetic tendency showed in his translation is presented through the comparison of different translator’s different versions of onepoem. Finally, the fifth chapter gives the conclusion: being a pioneer to introduce the English poems into China, Wen Yiduo has made remarkable achievements both in translation theory and practice, and his translation theories and translations of English poetry deserve a place in the Chinese history of verse translation.

【关键词】 闻一多诗歌翻译美学
【Key words】 Wen Yiduopoetrytranslationaesthetics
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】419

