

Study on Metacognitive Strategies and Vocabulary Learning of Chinese English Majors

【作者】 王芳

【导师】 王惠玲;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 英语语言文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 关于学习的研究一直是国内外教育界探讨的重要领域之一。当代教育学和教育心理学领域的专家们一致认为:教育的根本目的在于使学生成为独立、自主、有效的学习者。教会学生如何学习,培养学生有效的学习策略,不仅有利于提高学习效果,减轻学习负担,而且能够提高教学质量。基于这一点,学习策略研究应运而生。 然而,我国英语学习策略的教学和研究工作仍然存在一些不足之处。一方面,中国的学生已经习惯于依赖课本和教师的指导进行学习,他们很难自觉得意识到自身在学习过程中的重要作用;另一方面,教师也没有充分认识到学生在教学过程中所扮演的重要角色。虽然学习策略的研究已经取得了一定的成绩,但是关于学习策略训练、尤其是词汇学习策略训练与学习效果之间的关系的研究在国内仍然是个空白。因此,提高学生在学习中的自主意识,并提供适当的学习策略、特别是词汇学习策略的训练是十分必要的。 本论文通过问卷调查了解了我国英语专业学生在学习英语词汇过程中所使用的学习策略。在此基础上进而对他们进行元认知策略的培训,并进行了词汇水平的测试。作者试图回答以下问题: (1)在词汇学习过程中,我国英语专业学生的学习策略使用情况如何? (2)对于我国英语专业学生来说,元认知策略训练对于词汇水平的提高是否有效? 本研究通过控制组和实验组进行对比研究。实验对象是由两个自然班随机组合而成,共60名英语专业的学生。研究分为两个阶段:第一阶段,两个组同时回答问卷,并收集整理;第二阶段,研究者对两组学生的词汇水平进行测试比较。之后,实验组的学生由教师指导进行为期四周的元认知策略训练。在策略训练结束之后,两组学生的词汇水平再一次被测试,从而判断策略训练的结果。 调查结果显示,我国英语专业的学生在学习英语词汇时使用了许多种学习策略。同时,对比实验测试结果表明,元认知策略训练对词汇学习很有帮助。实验组学生的词汇测试成绩提高明显高于控制组的学生。这表明学习策略训练是一种有效的提高词汇水平的方法。作者认为,高校英语教学中应大力推广学习策略训练,这不仅会给英语教学带来变革,而且学生和教师都将从中受益。当然,数较少,规模、范围较小;本研究的局限所在。最后.自身的局限一本研究仍有一些不足之处,如:授试人未就词汇学习策略训练方法进行深入探究。这些都是作者还就今后相关研究的研究方向及方法提出了几点建议。

【Abstract】 Learning has always been one of the hot issues under discussion in the pedagogical as well as the psychological fields. Recently, more and more scholars realize that the basic purpose of education is to teach the students to be independent, self-reliant and efficient learners. Consequently, learning strategies come into being.However, English teaching practice in China is still far from satisfaction, and the researches done in this field still have their limitations. On the one hand, the students have long been accustomed to the traditional teaching style without being aware of the crucial role they play in their learning process. On the other hand, some teachers fail to recognize the dynamic part of their students in the teaching process. Although a lot have been achieved in the study of learning strategies, there are still few researches concerning the relationship between the learning strategies training and the learning outcome, especially between the learning strategies training for vocabulary learning and the learning outcome, which should be one of the most important aspects in foreign language learning. Therefore, there is a great need to conduct a study to seek for an answer to this question.The present study is intended to make an investigation on the vocabulary learning strategies that the Chinese English majors use through a questionnaire, and also on the metacognitive strategies training process for vocabulary learning. It aims at answering the following questions:(1) What are the vocabulary learning strategies used by the Chinese English majors during their English vocabulary learning?(2) Is the metacognitive strategy training for vocabulary learning effectivefor the Chinese English majors?The subjects of this study are 60 Chinese students majored in English from 2 classes divided at random. The whole research process includes two stages: in the first stage, the subjects are asked to answer the questionnaires; in the second stage, to be sure of the homogeneity in the two groups during the experiment, the vocabulary test scores in the previous final exam are used. After the four weeks’ metacognitive strategies training process, a multiple-choice part from a simulative test for English Majors Band4 Exam is used as the measurement of the training outcome.The results of the questionnaires show that the Chinese English majors do use various kinds of learning strategies in then: English vocabulary learning. Moreover, the metacognitive strategies training for vocabulary learning proves to be effective in the process of vocabulary learning. The progress of the students in the experimental group is much greater than those in the control group, which indicates that the metacognitive training for vocabulary learning of the Chinese English majors is necessary and effective. The research shows that this kind of training should be widely recognized, and it would be effective in the process of English teaching and learning if adopted.The limitations of this study are pointed out, while some suggestions are made for the future study in the last part of this thesis.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】H319.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】575

