

【作者】 吴新

【导师】 师萍;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 工商管理, 2003, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国石油行业与其他行业一样取得了举世公认的成就。该行业中的一些优秀企业由小到大、由弱到强,其管理模式也由粗放管理逐步向科学化管理转变。企业不仅开始注重其运行效率,而且关注其经营环境的变化,同时也注重社会效益的实现。企业的发展战略是企业在日益复杂、多变的环境之中谋求长期、稳定发展的关键。中国石油长庆油田公司是我国一个主要的原油和天然气生产基地之一。长庆油田公司下属的第四采油厂是一个仅成立三年的企业,几年来该企业获得了很大的发展,为公司各项目标的实现做出了突出的贡献。该企业所制定的发展规划和相关的管理措施保障了企业取得了高速的发展,其具体做法对同类企业有一定的参考价值。然而,我国入世后,采油四厂面临着竞争日益激烈的市场环境,如果企业不从战略角度制定出符合企业实际的发展战略,企业很难获得长期发展,甚至会面临生存危机。 本文通过对第四采油厂的战略管理的分析,运用所学的经济学和管理学基本知识,并结合一些具体的方法,如SWOT分析法、波特的影响企业竞争力五要素分析法、动态比较法、规划求解法、产品生命周期理论、线形回归分析法等方法以及多种图表对该企业进行较为全面、合理的分析。力争做到将宏观环境与采油四厂具体经营环境、基本理论知识与采油四厂实际、企业短期发展与长期发展、采油四厂发展战略与支持该战略实施的具体管理策略等方面相结合,从战略管理的角度和企业具体情况出发,并汲取企业已有的行之有效的管理方法,探索、制定一套比较符合该企业实际且易于操作的战略管理模式,使该企业在激烈动荡、复杂多变环境中争取生存与发展,以科学、灵活的发展战略来使自己不断适应这种环境,并利用各种有利因素谋求企业获得更大的发展。

【Abstract】 Chinese oil industry, same with other industries, has been achieved well-known achievement since reform and opening. During the time, some excellent enterprises of the industry have developed from small to large, and weak to strong. Their administrative model having also been moved from simple to scientific. They have focused on marketing rather than production itself. At the same time, they have paid more attention not only to efficiency and marketing surroundings, but also to the whole society. In order to gain stable development in the long run, developing strategy of enterprises has become key factor under unstable and complex marketing environment. Changqing Oil Field Company is one of major bases of crude oil and natural gas. No.4 extract crude oil factory, belongs to Changqing Oil Field Company, was found 3 years ago. Being set up, it has achieved developing very rapidly, and done more for the targets of the Changqing Oil Field Company. Its developing plan and administrative measures have provided huge power to drive the factory run fast and quickly. The strategy and administration could probably show a good example for related enterprises. However, after China joining WTO, the competition of marketing has become more drastic than ever before. If the enterprise has not made developing strategy from itself situation, it would not gain development in the long run, and even be sifted out.Through analyzing the strategy and administration of No.4 extract crude oil factory, combining some theories and ways of administrative, such as SWOT, Poter’s Five Factors of influencing competition, Dynamic Analyzing, Linear Programming, Product Life Cycles, Simple Linear Regression Model and dozens of figures, tables etc, we try to combine Macro-Marketing environment and actual environment of No.4 extract crude oil factory, basic theories and the special situationof No.4 extract crude oil factory, short term and long term development of the enterprise, the developing strategy and specific administration strategies of No.4 extract crude oil factory, seek and obtain a better developing strategy model of according with No.4 extract crude oil factory. The model of strategy has also absorbed the utilizable administrative measures, which No.4 extract crude oil factory used to. Using all kinds of factors, the model could make the enterprise get development quickly and largely following the scientific and flexible developing and administrative strategy under the changeable and complex surroundings.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 04期
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】231

