

【作者】 郑雷

【导师】 雷震;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 刑事诉讼法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 监听,作为一种应对犯罪形势新变化而为侦查机关在毒品犯罪、有组织犯罪等新型犯罪中广为采用的侦查措施,已为美、英、德、意、日等西方先现代化国家在立法中所确立并规定了严格的实施程序。但在我国现行法律并未明确将其定为一种法定侦查措施,只是在相关法律中可以隐隐约约的见其端倪。作为一种极易侵犯公民基本权利的侦查措施却未有法律对其作出明确而详尽的规定,此现象与我国建设法治国家的目标相悖。但是,迄今为止,国内大多数学者对该具体措施的研究尚缺乏热情,没有充分认识到“从技术到制度”这一思想的重要性,对监听的研究从深度和广度而言都远远不够,这导致了在实践中实施监听的法定化并未引起侦查机关的足够重视。因此,笔者选择了监听措施的构建作为研究方向。 本硕士论文约三万三千字,由前言和四章构成。具体来说,每一部分的主要内容如下: 前沿部分主要是明确了监听的定义,还对监听的种类进行了划分,具体分为监听有线通讯、监听无线通讯与监听言论和谈话三类。另外,将监听与搜查、扣押进行了比较,且将监听与窃听也进行了比较。 第一章对监听的法理基础进行了分析。文章首先从隐私权和人的尊严两方面论述了监听所侵犯的法益,并对隐私权和人的尊严进行了阐释。其次从隐私权的保护和人的尊严的维护两方面论述在实施监听中人权保障的重要性,但接着又进一步论述在遵循法律保留原则、必要性原则和比例原则的情况下可对公民的基本权利作一限制。 第二章首先对对西方主要发达国家有关监听立法的情况进行了粗线条式的描述。其次将书证、物证、录音资料这三种证据种类进行了区分,进而认为监听所获资料应归属于录音资料的范畴。最后对西方发达国家实施监听措施的法定程序从侦查机关所应遵守的程序原则和当事人权利的保障两方面作了归纳总结。具体而言侦查机关所应遵守的法定程序又包括了适用案件范围特定原则、最后手段原则、最低限度原则、保密原则和司法审查原则等五个方面,其中最低限度原则又分为人的最低限度原则、内容的最低限度原则和期限的最低限度原则等三个方面;当事人权利的保障又包括了当事人的知悉权、审查权、提出异议权以及使用权、当事人对非法监听所得证据材料享有排除请求权和对非法监听行为的民事求偿权等三个方面。 第三章对与监听相关的几个具体问题作了探讨。首先从通讯一方当事人之同意作为合法监听的依据、同意的评判标准以及通讯一方当事人同意监听存在的问题等方面探讨了通讯一方当事人同意监听的情况;其次探讨了监听与自白任意性之间的关系,这当中主要从自白任意性的基本含义、监听中警察之行为是否系自白任意性法则禁止之方法、警察在监听中是否应承担告知义务等三个方面对此问题作了分析;最后又分析了监听是否与拒绝证言权相悖,这当中在阐释了拒绝证言权的基本含义后以国外立法为参照肯定了拒绝证言权人在监听中所享有的特权。 第四章对我国监听立法的情况作了剖析并初步勾勒出我国监听立法的基本蓝图。在本部分中笔者首先指出了我国监听立法方面几乎是一片空白的情况与法律保留原则和有效的程序制约机制是明显相悖的,接着以西方主要发达国家成功的立法经验为参考并结合我国的实际情况指明了我国监听立法今后的发展方向。

【Abstract】 Interception, as an investigation manner, is widely used in drug crime, organization crime etc. It has been built up in the developed countries such as America, Britain, Germany, Italy, Japan. There are strict procedures in their laws. But in our country interception is not an clear investigation manner, its clues only can be seen in some related laws. This phenomenon is not consistent with target of country ruled by law. But up to now,majority of our domestic schorlars lack enthusiasm to the research to this concrete manner, they have not realized the importance of the thought "from technique to system", so the depth and width of the research to interception is not enough.As a result, investigation organizations don’t pay enough attention to the setting up of interception in practice. Therefore the author chose the setting up of interception in our country as the researching direction. This master’s dissertation is about 33, 000 words, it has four chapters besides a foreword. The main content of each chapter as follows:The foreword of the dissertation is a concise explanation of the interception. The interception has three categories, induing interception of wire communication, interception of wireless communication and interception of oral communication.Moreover, the author compare the interception with the electronic eavesdropping and compare the interception with search, seizure. It is analysed in the first chapter of the theory of interception. At the earliest stage, the author discourses the rights violated from the right of privacy and human dignity. At the second stage, the author discusses the importance of protecting human rights in the interception from the protection of the right of privacy and human dignity. And then discusses the acknowledgment of the limitation to human’s basic rights under the situation offollowing the principle of law reservation, the principle of necessity and the principle of proportionality.In the second chapter the author first vulgarly describe the legislations of the western developed countries. Then the author compares documentary evidence, real evidence and recording materials, then thinks acquisition in the interception belongs to recording materials. At last the author summarizes the legal procedure of the interception in the western developed countries from the procedure that the investigation organization should be observed and the protection of the parties rights. The procedure that the investigation organization should be observed includes the principle of the scope of particular crimes, the principle of the last manner, the principle of lowest limitation, the principle of keeping secret and the principle of examination by judge etc. The principle of lowest limitation is divided into the principle of person of lowest limitation, the principle of contents of lowest limitation and the principle of term of lowest limitation. The protection of the parties rights includes three aspects. The first the party has right to know the interception, to review the acquisition in the interception and to put forward the objection. The second the party has right to beg to exclude the evidence materials that acquiring by illegal interception. The third the party can initiate an civil suit to the illegal interception.The third chapter made a study of a few problems related with the interception. First the author study the situations that the interception is allowed by a party of the communication from the reasons why the approval of a party of the communication can be used as the basis of the legal interception,the adjudicative standard of agreement and the problems of the interception that allowed by a party of the communication.Second the author study the relationship between the interception and the voluntary confession .Among this part the author analyses this relationshipfrom three aspects.It include the basic mesning of the voluntary confession , the police’ s behavior in interception is whether the measures prohibited by the voluntary confession and police whether’

  • 【分类号】D915.3
  • 【下载频次】200

