

【作者】 杨永华

【导师】 李祖军;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 民事执行救济是民事执行制度中的重要组成部分。目前,我国对于民事执行的救济在理论上缺乏系统研究,立法上还很不完善,在司法实践当中执行混乱的现象普遍存在,执行当事人及利害关系人的合法权益常常受到侵害而缺乏有效的救济。鉴于此,本文就民事执行救济的一些基本问题进行了系统的分析和论述,并且就重构我国民事执行救济制度提出了一些设想。全文除引言和结束语共三个部分,约3万字。 一、民事执行救济的一般衡界 笔者在对学术界关于民事执行救济的概念进行比较分析之后,对民事执行救济的内涵进行了界定。在此基础之上对民事执行救济的特征及其自身所具有的功能进行了剖析。笔者认为,民事执行救济是在民事执行过程中,执行当事人或利害关系人认为自己的合法权益受到执行机关的民事执行行为的侵害时,依法请求有关机关对其权益加以保护和救济的方法或制度。进而指出,民事执行救济的特征主要为:以合法权益受到侵害为前提,依申请而发起,救济主体具有多样性,其目的是对违法或不当行为造成的消极后果进行矫正与补救。民事执行救济的功能主要表现在保护功能、监控功能、平衡功能以及维护社会秩序四个方面。 二、民事执行救济的方式 笔者借鉴德国、日本和我国台湾地区的立法实践,将民事执行救济的方式划分为程序上的执行救济与实体上的执行救济两大类。并且分别从申请救济的理由、主体及各自的程序进行了论述。在此部分,笔者在对传统学说进行比较与评析的基础上还对各种执行救济的法律性质进行了具体的分析论证。关于程序上的执行救济,笔者指出,执行异议是对程序性事项的救济,是指执行当事人或利害关系人因执行机关在执行程序上的违法或不当行为侵害自己的合法权益时,要求执行机构采取排除或补救措施的一种救济方法。指出异议权是一种程序上的权利;关于实体上的执行救济,即异议之诉。包括债务人异议之诉和第三人异议之诉。关于这两种异议之诉的法律性质,笔者在分别对传统的学说(给付诉讼说、确认诉讼说、形成诉讼说、命令诉讼说、救济诉讼说、新形成诉讼说)进行分析评价的基础上,阐述了自己的异议之诉性质观。指出债务人异议之诉的性质是形成之诉,其诉讼标的是执行债务人变更原执行名义执行力的请求。第三人异异议之诉的性质是给付之诉,其诉讼标的是第三人不许强制执行的请求。 三、我国民事执行救济的现状与完善 在该部分,笔者对我国民事执行救济的现状进行了剖析,并指出了其中的缺陷与不足之处。最后,笔者就建立和完善我国民事执行救济制度提出了一些立法上的建议。笔者指出,目前我国民事执行救济缺乏程序上的救济,对于执行机关在程序上违法或不当的执行行为侵害执行当事人或利害关系人的合法权益时,没有在制度上给予具体的救济措施。而且,对于实体权利的保护也存在不尽人意之处。首先,没有规定对被执行人(债务人)实体权利予以救济的措施。其次,即使现在地案外人异议制度也存在严重缺陷,没能真正起到保护案外人合法权益的作用。鉴于此,为了建立和完善我国民事执行救济制度,笔者在设计原则和制度上提出了自己的见解:即在设计原则上应当遵循程序公正原则、公平保护原则、审执分离原则、全面设计原则;在救济制度上应当建立程序上的救济,并且完善实体上的救济,建立债务人异议之诉和第三人异议之诉。

【Abstract】 The civil execution relief is a very important part in civil execution system. Nowadays, the theory of the civil execution relief is not perfect in our country, the rights of the client and the third part are usually violated in the execution practice . The author makes a systematic analysis and commentary which is on the basic problems in civil execution relief and puts forward rebuild about civil execution relief in China .The dissertation consists of the three parts and about thirty thousand words.PrefaceThe preface mainly introduces the importance and necessity of researching civil execution relief and constructing civil execution relief system.1,The general definition of the civil execution relief. After comparing the definition about civil execution relief, the author explains the content of civil execution relief and analyses its characteristics and functions. The author thinks the civil execution relief is a method or system that the client or the third part ask the executive to protect them from infringement caused by the executive, and point out that the civil execution relief contains three characteristic: premise based on rights being infringed, starting by a petition, and purpose for rectification and remedy; the functions of civil execution relief mainly include such four aspects as protection, supervision, equilibrium and maintaining social order.2,The methods for civil execution relief. By studying the legislation about civil execution relief from foreign .The author puts it into procedural and substantive civil execution relief, and discusses the cause, client and procedure. Meanwhile, the author discusses and analyzes its nature in law respectively .The author shows that the purpose of execution objection is to protect the client or the third part from procedural violation that makes an infringement on their rights, and claims that object of civil action of debtor objection proceedings is tomake a requirement that the debtor should eliminate the former execution, and the object of civil action of the third part objection proceedings is a claim that the third part prohibit the execution coming from the executive .3, Elaboration and construction of Chinese civil execution relief.In this part, the author describes and analyzes our country’s present civil execution relief system and point out its shortages, in the end, the author gives some propositions about our country’s civil execution relief system from legislation.ConclusionThe author explains the aim of writing this paper and expects for the new civil execution relief system, and puts forward a requirement that we should thoroughly, on the basis of the practice of civil execution, make an investigation into other countries around the world when drawing up the statute of compelling execution in the long run.

  • 【分类号】D925.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】179

