

【作者】 陈亮

【导师】 唐青阳;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 我国自加入WTO以来,各类国际贸易合同大量增加,违约的问题也相应突出,如何完善违约责任制度成为当前国际贸易法律领域中一个重要的具有理论性和实践性的研究课题。减价制度作为违约责任制度的一种,其肇始于民法传统,是作为对损害赔偿制度的一种补充,在当今主要大陆法系国家的法律制度中都有所体现,我国现行《合同法》第111条也规定了减价制度。《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》作为当前不可或缺的处理国际货物贸易纠纷的法律依据,是两大法系妥协的产物,其继受并发展了来源于民法传统中的减价制度。本文以《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》为中心,并参照我国的相关法律和其他国家的法律和实践,对减价制度的历史渊源、性质、特征、适用条件、减价公式及减价法律后果等进行了初步探讨,以抛砖引玉,求教于大方。 本文主体分为四个部分: 第一部分:减价制度的历史渊源 从历史的角度分析了减价制度的起源以及《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》制定过程中两大法系协商、妥协并最终采用民法传统中的减价制度的过程。减价制度起源于民法传统,它是用来弥补损害赔偿救济的僵化与不足。大陆法系主要的民法典关于损害赔偿责任构成采取二元论,对买方显然造成不公,这恰是罗马法中规定买方可以根据卖方履行瑕疵相应地行使减价权的主要依据。两大法系相妥协,诞生了《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》,其第50条规定了减价制度,并说明了减价适用的条件和减价公式。 第二部分:减价制度的性质和特征 作为违约责任制度一种的减价制度具有补偿性,理论上也有观点认为减价制度同时具有补偿性和惩罚性。本文认为,减价的基本性质在于补偿性,在于通过减价使受害人遭受的损失得到恢复。强调补偿性有利于鼓励交易,而强调惩罚性可能会使未来由一方当事人承担的减价额,超过当事人在订立合同时可以预见的各种风险,从而不利于当事人从事交易活动。 通过比较减价制度与损害赔偿、实际履行、支付违约金、修理、更换、重作、退货等违约救济制度的不同来说明减价制度独立存在的法律价值及其不同与其他违约救济制度的特征。 第三部分:减价的适用 《公约》中适用减价的核心要件是卖方交货不符合同,同时买方收到不符货物之后,适时地履行了第38条、第39条规定的检验货物,发出货物品质不符的异议通知的程序。 货物不符《公约》第41条、42条规定的情况是否可采用减价救济,学者们对此有不同的看法。本文认为,卖方交货存在第三人杠吓d,应采取“法定主义”,不应属于第35条规定的品质不符的范围,对此买方可行使损害赔偿、解除合同等救济方式,但买方不可以行使减价权。同时,本文认为交货数量不符构成交货不符应是《公约》第50条应有之议,买方可以针对交货数量不符行使减价权。买方行使减价权的第二个条件是买方收下了货物。第三个条件是没有发生卖方按照《公约》第37条或第48条的规定对任何不履行义务做出救济,或者买方拒绝接受卖方按照这两条规定履行义务,发生了这种情况买方也无权减价。 《公约》第79条第1款规定了不可抗力可免责。但是《公约》制定的历史说明,卖方根据第79条享有的免责范围不包括交货不符。因为如果把卖方交货不符也作为第79条可免责范围,必然要追究卖方交货不符是否归因于他本身的过错,这与《公约》的一元论的违约责任制度相驳。同时,《公约》第79条第5款的规定,也明确了卖方既使因不可抗力可以被免除损害贝含偿的责任,但如果货物因不可抗力造成交货不符,买方仍可要求减价。 关于减价方法,《公约》第50条第1句指出:“……减价按实际交付的货物在交货时的价值与符合合同的货物在当时的价值两者之间的比例计算。’,公式如下: 买方对于不符货物应付价金岁(不符货物交货时的价值/相符货物交货时应有的价值)x原合同价格 减价数额=原合同价金一买方对于不符货物应付的价金。 《公约》规定的减价方法中没有说明两个“交货时的价值,,究竟是以卖方所在地的价格为标准计算还是以买方所在地的价格为标准计算。本文结冶湘关司法实践、《公约》其他条款的相关规定,认为应以交货时交货地的价格为标准计算。建议减价公式如止匕表述:“……减价按实际交付的货物在交货时交货地的价值与符合合同的货物在交货时交货地的价值两者之间的比例计算.” 第四部分:减价的法律后果 根据《公约》第50条规定的减价公式和第74条规定的损害赔偿原则,买方在不同情况下采取减价救济与采取损害赔偿救济对当事人有不同的效果和利益影响。一般规律是:当交货时货物的价格水平没有变动,与合同订立时相同,而卖方交付的不符货物没有引起买方的间接损失,采取减价与采取损害赔偿对买方的辛}偿效果相同;当卖方交货时各级别的货物价格水平相对于订约时价格水平普遍阳氏,买方接受不符货物后,采取第50条减价措施比损害赔偿救济对买方更有利;当卖方交货时,如果各级另U的货物价格水平相对于订约时的价格水平普遍升高,‘买方接受不符货物后,采取损害赔偿救济比减价救济对买方更

【Abstract】 Since our nation joined the WTO, the number of various international trade contracts has largely increased with the breach of contract more serious. How to perfect the rule of the duty on breach of contract has become an important theorical and practical research subject in the present area of international trade law.As one of the rules of duties on breach of contract, the rule of reducing price is originated from the tradition of civil law, as a supplement to the rule of compensation and damage. It is reflected in many law system of major civil law system countries, and is also stipulated in Article 3 in our present "contract law". The Convention on Contract for International Sale of Goods", an indispensable legal basis of dealing with disputes about international trades on goods, is the product of the compromise between two genealogies of law. It accepts and develops the law on rules of reducing price from the tradition of civil law. This article focuses on " The Convention on Contract for International Sale of Goods" and in the light of some related law of our country as well as some law and practice in other countries, makes some primary researches into the history, nature, characters, appliable conditions, formula about reducing price and the legal concequences of reducing price , so as to offer a commonplace remarks and sincerely hope readers can give some suggestion.The body of the article includes four parts:Part One: The History of Reducing PriceIn this part, I analyse the origination of the rule of reducing price from the view of history and also talk about the process that during the period of making CISG how two genealogies of law negotiate & compromise and finally adopt the rule in Civil Law tradtion. The rule of reducing price comes from the traditon of Civil Law and is used to make up for the disadvantage of Compensation on Damage rule. The civil codes in Civil Law System adopt dualism on the formation of Compensation on Damage , which is apparently unfair against the buyers and is exactly the major evidence of the rule in Norman Law that the buyer can enjoy the right to reduce price according to theerrors of seller on realizing his obligation. This two genealogies of law compromise and so get the CISG. In Article 50 of it, the rule of reducing price is stated and it also rules the applicable condition and formula about reducing price.Part Two: The Nature and Characters of the RuleBeing one of the rules of duties on the breach of contract, the rule of reducing price enjoys the nature of compensation, that is to compensate the damage caused by the debtor’s breach of contract by way of reducing the price. In theory, there’s also ideas that think reducing price have both the nature of compensation and punishment. In this article, I take the view that its basic nature of reducing price lies in its compensation and in reducing the victim’s loss by reducing price.Part Three: The ApplicanceIn the convention, the central condition that can be applied to the reduce of price is seller’s delivery of goods doesn’t conform to the contract while at the same time after the buyer received such goods, he fulfills the procedure that check the goods and send the disagreeable inform to the seller that his goods are below the mark in accordance with Article 38 and Article 39.The second condition for the buyer to realize the right of reducing the price is that the buyer accepts the goods. The third condition is the seller doesn’t compensate for any unrealized obligation to Article 37 or Article 48 of the Convention or if the buyer refuses the seller’s realization of obligation, he has no right to reducing price.As for the method of reducing price in the convention, its formula is as follows:The amount of money reduced =prevant charge of the contract -buyer’s money payable for the unqualified goods.This article think "the value when deliver the goods" should be calculated according to the price of the time and place of delivery goods.Part Four: The Concequence of Reducing PriceIn the part of c

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