

【作者】 郭琳佳

【导师】 邓瑞平;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 国际法学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今经济全球化的大潮中,全球经济政策似乎围绕着实现货物、服务、资本和科技的跨境自由化流动而展开。相比之下,尽管劳动力的流动,尤其是服务提供者的流动作为服务贸易的重要组成部分已日益凸现,但其却受到许多国家行政、法律、公共机构等各方面的强烈阻挠。一些发达国家甚至采取诸如签证限制、居留要求、资格许可、健康情况等限制性措施使得劳动力流动更加困难。 目前,服务供给者的流动问题已纳入GATS中,但由于发达国家的反对,各减员方有关GATS自然人流动的具体承诺与GATS其他三种服务模式的承诺相比,水平极其低下,相关谈判也未取得任何实质性进展。在允许货物、资本和服务自由跨界流动的同时却要限制劳动力的流动,无疑将导致世界经济的扭曲及不对称;同时,包括我国在内的发展中国家在服务贸易中仅在劳动力方面存在比较优势,对劳动力流动的限制将使GATS履行过程中的不对称状况进一步恶化,使得发达国家和发展中国家的差距进一步加大。为了使GATS未来的谈判取得成功,在整个过程中,发达国家和发展中国家的利益都应得到体现,因此,自然人流动问题将是GATS新一轮谈判的关键所在,加强对GATS自然人流动问题的研究,探究在GATS框架下建立一个透明公正的自然人流动的法律机制已势在必行。 本文共分五部分,约六万字。 第一部分首先对乌拉圭回合有关自然人流动的定义及其附件的谈判史予以回顾。在此基础上,笔者简要介绍了GATS有关自然人流动的法律规定,同时从服务提供者的定义、特征、范围和类型等方面解析了GATS框架下“自然人”的概念。但是,笔者指出,由于GATS的框架性、首创性及生疏性等特点使其对自然人流动的规定不够完善甚至空泛,由此笔者又详尽分析了GATS有关自然人流动法律规定的若干缺陷。最后,笔者简要介绍了GATS第3条“透明度”、第6条“国内法规”、第7条“承认”及第5条附则“劳动力市场一体化协议”等GATS框架下与自然人流动相关的其他规定。 第二部分内容主要来源于对已做出自然人流动承诺的100个WTO成员方的横向承诺的归纳总结。笔者首先分析了乌拉圭回合后WTO成员方的自然人流动承诺的总体水平及特点,包括:所受限制远多于其它三种模式、青睐熟练/高级技术劳动力、无法准确反映服务提供者的实际准入水平、缺乏普遍认同的定义及停留期限的不确定等,由此可以看出自然人流动承诺的现有水平非常低下。然后,笔者将上述具体承诺包含的对自然人流动的主要限制措施分为出入境壁垒和停留的歧视性措施两大类分别展开详细论述,前者包括经济需求测试、资格承认和许可要求、与颁发签证和工作许可证相关的事项、预先就业要求及对月盼提供者的数量限制或配额等,后者包括适用国内最低工资立法、对享受社会保障福利或辛}贴的限制、对取得住宅权的限制、对地理性或部门性流动的限制、中止适用GATS承诺、技术转让要求及其它限制措施等。本部分结尾简要介绍了正在进行的新一轮自然人流动谈判的相关成果。 第三部分深入探析了自然人流动自由化进程缓慢的若干法律成因。笔者认为,尽管自然人流动具有众多“推动”因素一一如不断增长的贸易和投资、全球商务网络的形成、发达国家对熟练劳动力的缺乏以及发展中国家熟练劳动力专业技能的提高等,但事实上,盯O各成员方在承担允许自然人暂时入境和停留的国际法律义务方面还有大量相关问题需要解决,正是它们导致了现有自然人流动承诺的相对有限性。笔者在本部分对此进行了详细论述,相关法律成因包括对国内劳动力市场的法律保护、对人才流失的法律管理、对滥用签证制度的预防、对自主管理权的法律保留、对自然人流动统计的不完善、缺乏相关利害方的参与等因素。 第四部分主要围绕各成员方在WTO谈判桌上提出的法律建议进行论述。笔者认为,相关建议旨在提供各种自然人流动壁垒的解决方法,包括有利于自然人流动的服务贸易措施,并构建一个更便于自然人流动的法律框架。在笔者看来,在GATS框架下完善俊呀l于自然人流动的法律机制可以采取的相关法律措施包括:提高现有承诺有效性、进一步扩大市场准入范围、取消或限制自然人流动壁垒的适用及实施相应的缓和措施等。具体而言,提高现有承诺的有效胜要求统一不同类型服务提供者的定义和规定服务提供者的停留期限等;进一步扩大市场准入范围的方法主要有三种:增加自然人流动承诺的数量、为特定种类的服务提供者提供更完善待遇和扩大GATS承诺包括的服务提供者种类;取消或限制自然人流动壁垒的适用措施包括限制经济需求测试的适用、设立以TS签切许可证、增加透明度及完善以Ts有关资格承认的规则和纪律等;缓和措施则包括协调GATS承诺的永久恒定性与劳动力市场的不断波动性之间关系和确保服务提供者不会成为非法移民这两大类措施。 第五部分立足于我国国情,首先简要分析了我国自然人流动的动因,并从我国服务贸易的进出口两方面分别.嘟芝了我国对自然人流动的GATS承诺及我国服务提供者进入外国市场的现状。最后,笔者提出了完善我国自然人流动的若干法律建议,包括:建立支持和鼓励自然人

【Abstract】 In the tide of recent economic globalization, the global economic policies seem to create enabling environments for the free flow of goods, services, capital and technology. But, in contrast, movement of labour, even as a service provider, is rather prevented by administrative, legal and institutional barriers by nation states--although it has emerged as an essential component of trade inservices. Some developed countries are adopting policies such as increasing visa restrictions, residency requirements, occupational licensing, health conditions and other restrictive measures making movement of labour difficult. Now , the issue of movement of service provider has been incorporated in GATS. But because of the objection of the developed countries, WTO Members’ commitments for mode 4 are very restricted compare to their commitments for the other 3 modes and the negotiations on mode 4 failed to produce any substantive progress in liberalization of movement of natural persons. The free flow of goods, capital and services across borders on one hand, and restricted labour mobility on the other, are certainly creating asymmetries and distortions in the global economy. Meanwhile, because the developing countries including China only have a comparative advantage of labour in trade in services, the current restrictive and limited implementation of mode 4 as opposed to the other three modes will further aggravate the asymmetries in the GATS implementation process, thus widening the gaps between the developed and the developing countries. For the coming GATS negotiations to be successful, interests of both the developed and the developing countries should be realized in the process. In general, the issue of movement of natural persons will be of core interest to any future GATS negotiation in a new round.This paper is divided into five parts.Part I, therefore, after reviewing the history of Uruguay Round negotiations onMONP, elaborates on legal boundary of MONP under GATSand its defections .Meanwhile, it briefly introduces the regulations on MONP of RTAs and other regulations related to MONP under the GATS framework.Part II mainly generalizes the horizontal commitments of 100 WTO Members that made commitments for MONP. It analyses the overall characters of commitments for MONP firstly, then elaborates on the major restrictions and constraints on MONP included in above-mentioned commitments. Finally, it introduces the outcomes of ongoing negotiations on MONP in a new round.Part III focuses on a number of relevant issues on international legal obligations of WTO Members that commit temporary entry and.stay of natural persons. Those issues include the legal protection of domestic labour markets, the regulation of "the brain drain",the precaution of maltreating visa systems, the legal reservation of WTO Members’ flexibility to regulate MONP according to their needs and so forth.Part IV chiefly discusses how to improve the legal mechanism for better MONP. The relevant legal strategies are improving the effectivity of existing commitments, further expanding the scope of market access, eliminating or restricting the application of the barriers to MONP and implementing relevant moderating measures, etc.Part V begins with analyzing the dynamic factors of MONP in our country in brief, then largely discusses the exiting picture of Chinese export trade on MONP and of Chinese GATS commitments for MONP. In the last, it puts forward several legal recommendations on how to improve Chinese trade on MONP.

  • 【分类号】D996.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】322

