

【作者】 苏喜平

【导师】 廖中洪;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 民事诉讼法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在民事诉讼中,证据的重要性是不言而喻的,民事证据保全制度的重要性就直接来源于证据的重要性。证据的客观性决定了证据作为一种客观存在不可能永远存在,会随着时间的发展而消逝。在快速发展的时空中,当事人要将已消逝的证据“重现”在诉讼程序中,就有必要借助于民事证据保全制度。但民事证据保全制度的重要意义却不止步于此。一方面,社会的快节奏使物质的流通速度加快,事物存续的时间越来越短,证据客观真实性的保持亦成为必须,以备诉讼之需。而电子证据在诉讼中越来越频繁地出现,使诉讼当事人对民事证据保全制度的依赖性增强。这是因为,电子证据作为高科技的衍生物,其方便和快捷的优势是以存续时间过短和容易被篡改为代价的,然而纠纷是难免的,为了胜诉维护自己的合法权益,诉讼当事人必须对相关的电子证据进行保全以保存其客观真实性。另一方面,在审判方式改革进行得如火如荼的今天,民事证据保全制度更不容忽视。我国审判方式改革的总趋势是增强当事人在诉讼中的主动性而弱化法院或法官的职权性,体现在证据上,是以强化当事人的举证责任而弱化法院主动调查取证的职能为显著特征的。与此同时,审判结构亦愈来愈呈现出对抗制的特征。但对抗制下程序归责机制发挥作用的前提是当事人“势均力敌”并被给予了充分的机会“攻击”和“防御”,这样才能最大程度地发现案件真实和通过程序公正实现诉讼公正。当事人的这种对抗集中体现在证据上,这就要求立法必须关注当事人为胜诉而将所有证据提供给中立裁判者的心理,设置民事证据保全制度以满足当事人的这种需求。否则,民事证据保全制度在民事诉讼中的位置极易成为当事人寻求自身外败诉原因的突破口,从而使程序归责机制难以发挥作用,影响司法的公信力。 然而,当笔者带着这种对民事证据保全制度重要性的初步认识进行资料收集时,才发现我国民事诉讼法学界对这一问题的关注是比较少的。除了民事诉讼法学和证据法学教材外,为数不多的相关文章也多数将目光停留在诉前证据保全制度上;民事证据保全制度的构造和国外民事证据保全制度现状的研究则基本为空白。基于民事证据保全制度的研究现状,结合我国民事证据保全制度的具体规定,本文以全面完善我国的民事证据保全制度为目的,在寻找民事证据保全制度构造的理论依据上,对民事证据保全制度的设置目的进行了简单分析,同时,分析其他国家民事证据保全制度的构成,寻找我国民事证据保全制度重构的实践依据,在此基础上,通过分析我国民事证据保全制度的现状和缺陷,从立法角度提出了完善和重构的建议。 本论文正文约三万五千字,除了前述民事证据保全制度的意义和结语外,本文主要由四部分内割勾成: 第一部分从分析民事证据保全制度的目的出发,寻找民事证据保全制度构造的理论依据。首先,从民事证据保全发生的通常情形出发分析民事证据保全制度的目的,从而得出民事证捆呆全制度的直接目的在于保全证据的客观真实性,并指明该目的对民事证据保全具体制度设计的指导意义。其次,在与当事人收集证据和法院依职权调查证据对比之后,认为证据保全同样是一种证据收集的方法,因此,民事证据保全程序上的目的可谓是完善证据收集的程序保障。民事证据保全制度与上述二者之间的区别集中体现在民事证据保全制度将证据客观真实性的质证提到了庭审前的证据保全阶段。该特殊性必须在制度的构造上予以体现。 第二部分主要介绍其他国家关于民事证据保全制度的规定,为民事证据保全制度的构造寻求实践依据。在收集资料过程中,笔者发现英美法系国家大多没有民事证据保全制度,而对民事证据保全制度规定较为完备的以大陆法系的德国和日本为代表。因此,本部分首先对英美法系国家不存在民事证据保全制度的原因进行了尝试性分析,认为由于证据开示制度的发达和完善,英美法系国家虽无民事证据保全制度之‘名”但有其“实”。其后分别只懦国和日本民事证据保全制度的主要特征力p以概括,以从总体上认识德国和日本的民事证据保全制度构造。 第三部分则针对我国目前的立法规定,在与德国和日本的同步比较下指出我国民事证据保全制度存在的缺陷和不足。 第四部分在前文尤其是第三部分的基础上,对我国民事证据保全制度的具体构成从立法角度提出了自己的建议。 正如笔者一再重申的,关于民事证据保全制度这一命题的资料确实不多。笔者理论能力的不足,使文中的一些分析显得有些大胆和不够严谨;而驾驭文字能力的不足,又使本文的一些文字显得较为浅显和枯燥。因此,不足之妇佳免存在,仅希望这块有瑕疵的“砖”能够引出完美的“玉”来。伊

【Abstract】 The importance of preservation of civil evidence is self-evident in the civil litigation. The evidence’s objectivity which is the basic nature of evidence, makes the evidence be elapsed and not be eternal. So if the litigant wants to reappear the elapsed evidence in the proceedings, he must draw support from the preservation of evidence. On one hand, the rapid rhythm of our society made the material circulating more quickly, and the time of material will be existed shorter and shorter, so it’s necessary to preserve the objectivity of evidence, and it will meets the needs of litigation. But the dispute is inevitable, so the litigant must preserve the objectivity of the related evidence so as to win the lawsuit and defend his legal rights. In another hand, the trail reform becomes more and more fiercely and vigorously in today’s life, so the civil evidence preservation should not to be ignored. In the same time, the features of adversary have been inclining in the structure of our trial. The adversary system of the litigants which is embodied concentrated on the evidence makes the legislature must pay more attention on the mentality of the litigants who will provide all of the evidences to the neutral arbitrator so as to win the lawsuit.The main body of this article has nearly thirty-five thousand words, except for the forwards and concluding remarks, this article is made up of following five parts:The first part analyzes the preservation of the civil evidence in different prospects and tries to find the nature of the preservation of civil evidence.The second part mainly introduces some provisions about the preservation of civil evidence in other countries. In this part the author tries to analyze why there are few provisions aboutthe preservation of civil evidence in the common law countries, and holds that because of the full development and complement of the evidences’ discovery system, Common law countries have substantial preservation of civil evidence but none of the reputation. Following that, the author introduces the specific content of the preservation of civil evidence in Germany and Japan respectively.The third part focuses on the provisions in our country at present and points out the flaws and defects existing in the preservation of civil evidence in our country, after comparing with Germany and Japan.The forth part proposes a suggestion on the specific construction of the preservation of civil evidence in our country in the perspective of legislation.The materials about the preservation of civil evidence are insufficient indeed, just as the author reaffirmed time and time. Just because of my insufficient theory capacity, some analysis in this article may be audacious or lack of rigorous to some extend. Similarly, my insufficient capacity of mastering words may make some parts of the article plain and dull. So the defects will exist inevitably and I hope that this article having some flaws will lead to the emergence of some excellent articles.

  • 【分类号】D915.2
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】558

